Shawn’s Cool Experiments

So the Pendant and the Golden Fire tool are the best of the best - if one were to pick and choose?

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Yes, if by Pendant you mean the Infinite Light Pendant in silver. When Brian recommends tools to people new to tensor rings, these are the two tools he recommends, with the Infinite Light Pendant in silver being the best, all around option.

Basically, the initial recommendations I made where his recommendations, which I agree with. The ones I recommended after the edit are my suggestions based on my understanding and experience with all of them.

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If you want to learn more about any of the tools, Brian has product webinars for most of the tools on his YouTube channel.


i agree with this! but it gets confusing to me because besides that, i feel like i have to work on my conscious and subconscious mind? any advice?

I’m interested to hear your results on this, please let me know how it works out for you. When I tried something similar, it was a tough experience, so much so that I haven’t gone back to ascension since.

It was like the Ascension tag wants to shine a light on what’s hidden and keeping your vibrations low, so you can deal with and release them, thus allowing your vibrations to rise. By itself, it is effective at doing this, using the little bit of light the mind can provide.

But, when combined with the power of the heart and these tensor rings, it was like the Ascension tag now had access to several GIANT floodlights, and I was left aware of so many faults and shortcomings, with such clarity that they couldn’t be denied or ignored. It felt awful, actually. Then, my guides and higher self were like, we told you that you wouldn’t like that…LOL


None comes to mind, except that there’s a lot to learn when you grow up and transition from being a kid to being a grown up. We’re all doing that spiritually now…lots to learn.

I’ve very much been enjoying working with Sapien’s fields to get a better idea of how much the mind is capable of. Combine that knowledge with heart-based practices, like I described in this thread:

One of my current goals is to try to better understand how to combine them in the way ArchAngel Michael describes in the channelings found here (warning - advanced stuff here, language is unique and will take time to translate/understand, but very worth it if you wanna know how far we can go):

What do you all recommend for Physical Healing from Sage’s shop? My neighbor is an elderly lady - with many physical issues - overweight, grieving (lonely), degrading eyesight, a host of digestive issues, always sad. I’ve tried making her listen to Dream’s audios but she rarely does, but if something to wear or hold, probably more in her comfort zone! Especially with the Covid lockdown situation, it is sad to see her getting worse by the day.


All TwistedSage tools are programmed to uncover hidden hurts & negativity. For those that understand this process and want help with it, they are a Godsend. For those that either don’t understand it, or who don’t want to confront the hurts and darkness buried within, they can be VERY annoying.

So, it depends on this woman. If she wants help to finally be free and happy again, buying her something to wear would be a very kind gesture. But, if she wants to stay in denial until she dies, then giving her a tool that continually shines more and more light on what she’s trying to deny will give her agony, not take it away.

Gotta match the tool with the person.


@shawn492, I just realized that the whole time I was saying Key Pendant, I meant the Quantum Healer. Key Pendant is Harmony and Golden Fire together, but no regeneration. Put a regen ring around the key pendant, and that’s makes the Wings of Tok. :smiley:

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Can you wear wings of tok as a pendant and recieve amazing benefits? I heard when sitting on a table it connects down into the earth and up so I was wondering if wearing it as a pendant would not work as well since it would be lopsided

Yeah, you could wear it as a pendant as well and get full benefit, though I imagine the Quantum Healer would do all that the Wings of Tok could do and more.

The Key Pendant is an older tool that’s been around a while. Once the regen rings and the Wings of Tok were released, Brian recommends Wings over Key for almost all applications. But, this was before The Quantum Healer wand was created, which I believe is a new favorite over both. You’d have to watch the last few questions webinars to see if he comments on this.

Key Pendant still does really interesting things with energy flows when you spin it, never heard that in regards to the Wings of Tok.

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@Maoshan_Wanderer, if she is open to these kinds of things, I bet something better than just buying her something to wear, would be to visit her once a week so that both of you together could go through the 4 practices I posted in the other thread.

This would both give her a way to connect to these healing energies as well as provide a way to help with her loneliness. It all depends really on what you have more of to give, time or money.

Probably then this “class” of tool is not for her. There are a class of people who want to self-evaluate, look deep within and reflect; then there are others who are not ready for such work - and we still need help for such folks as well - they need to be patched up, “fixed” temporarily the best they can - and I think Sapien’s tools work for all such kind of needs as well. Like the Tathagata says, if everyone gave up on those that gave up on themselves, humanity would stagnate :) It is easy to help the happy, positive ones, but they are not the ones that most need it, do they?

Darkness, Light - these themselves are limited concepts based on subjective understanding, probably of practical significance as they apply to conditioned physical reality in which we exist, but IMO, from an elevated view of say foks like Dream/Dale, they place very less burden on the user while they shoulder much of it on themselves when designing tools, like a handful other great teachers of the past. That does not mean that the user of these tools need not put in their own work, but that burden is hugely reduced by folks like Dream and Dale.

Her Heart center is very closed, due to her past life experiences and her guides try to reach her, but she shuts them out. I will meditate on this further and seek some guidance from Sekhmet on how to further help her. Call me hyper hopeful, but I am a firm believer that compassion heals both the giver. Thanks to all for sharing.


I do want to clarify that agony only comes to those who actively and stubbornly choose to fight the process. For those that suffer because they think there’s no way out, they can respond well once help is provided, especially the kind of help that works on near auto-pilot.

For an inexpensive option, try something like the Infinite Heart or Illuminated Heart (or both combined), hung from a necklace she already owns/wears.

I did something similar for my own mother, as I knew she wouldn’t do meditation practices (cause she told me so, LOL), but she would wear the necklace her son gave her. :smiley:

If she is against it and doesn’t want to wear them, you can pass them on as you feel guided to.


Guys check this idea out. I’m putting my regeneration generator on top of Ascension grid pyramid also putting the balance and harmony and the golden fire generators right beside the Ascension grid as well. Then placing a bifilar coil inside the balance and harmony generator, and a coil inside the golden fire generator. Then a few quantum healer pendants touching the items to remove chaotic energy, cause bifilar coils amplify, not harmonize.then orgonite quantum grid points on top of the bifilar coils inside the generators.good combo? Then wearing my key pendant with sapien med morphic fields so light constantly goes on everything I touch :) all from


Here is a new way I will be clearing and energizing my environment and tags. I will be buying the home set harmonic creation field trio from twistedsage then placing a disposable cup with water inside the 3 rings. Then after it charges I’ll dump the liquid in a spray bottle and spray my entire apartment and outside my apartment. Since my tags are way too powerful I am preferring to keep them in the shed and have charged water in a disposable cup then dump it on all my tags in the shed. Then throw the cup in the trash. I prefer to not put twistedsage tools in the shed with them because of how powerful they are. I will update with the results from this.


What’s up guys, new to the community…

It just so happen I have Twisted Sage tools as well. The Silver Torus pendant and the pyramid.

@MasterOfYellow thank you for your explanation on the combination of mind and heart. I was wondering how to combine these two ideologies.

I have the Best Path pendant only (for now) according to what you going on, I should also double up by wearing my silver torus which Brian (Twistedsage) describes as his most powerful tool other than the pyramid.

Would the light we bring in from these tools balance boosted advance fields you think?


I know this is an old thread but I have a suggestion. Why don’t u get her a carved stone flower or something like that. (Etsy has some nice ones for like $5.00) and make it an Environmental Transformer for her. From what u wrote I bet she has a lot of negative emotions that have built up in the rooms she lives in and they just sort of reinforce the negative emotions she has, like an echo chamber. ( Besides I bet its been ages since someone got her a present.)


Thank you, unfortunately, she now passed on, hopefully to a better place! Her passing on, thankfully, was peaceful and she died of a cardiac arrest in sleep. That day, of all days, my GF went to check in on her and when she got no response, we notified her family.


Thank you for caring about your ailing elderly neighbor.