I’ve had this for 2 years and this is what I have to say. I feel like this is one of those fields that can benefit anyone in any situation. It really is one of those starter pokemon fields
Effective all around shielding
I engaged in lots of sports (basketball + boxing) and have not been injured in the 2 years I’ve had this. Not even a sprain or a tweak, which is really really rare for basketball players who usually suffer minor strains all the time. Furthermore, It seems to provide pretty good shielding from other things such as negative influences, etc
Peace of mind
Not sure whether this is a direct or indirect benefit, but knowing that I will be safe whenever I go out or go on vacation seriously helps calm my mind. It is sort of like a pillow you know?
Balanced shielding (not overprotective)
Something that is really impressive is that this is not overprotective. By that I mean that it still lets positive energies in and also allows me to get into situations that could potentially be harmful but are important for my growth.
Martial Arts Experience
I saw some discussion about combining this with martial arts. At the beginning of my 2 years I consistently engaged in boxing and from my experience, this does not seem to scare my sparring partners. However, keep in mind that there is a possibility that it did intimidate my partner, but because it’s boxing, they have no choice but to fight back so I can’t see whether they are intimidated or not lol
Thank you for reading!
Thanks to Dream and Sammy!