I think I’m late but are these audios are meant to be short and give you all the benefits?
No they are just promoting the NFTs
Should works for everyone not just who purchased it right?
That one yes. Because its an audio not a short promoting the nft.
The nft is just the pic of the audio that works further than the audio only for the owners
Ah, that one is album single
my bad
Try it… See if you can feel the energy.
There’s always energy to be felt from anything Captain makes, but its just his energy imprinted in everything. :)
Near… the Astral Viber single does work for everybody…
Just wanna make sure. In case thats what u meant.
I thought you meant like the 9 of pentacles short and the star one would work for everybody just like the one you posted ok?
Astral Viber mini audio = works for everybody
Star & 9 of Pent shorts = have no energy like the NFT cards, those are just promoting the NFTs.
Yes that’s what I meant. Astral Viber is album single not NFT
Thank you for the clarification