Shortest mental /emotional stack suggestions

as the title suggests. My main issues that i am dealing with -

  1. I do self hypnosis/alpha meditation to manifest and the state i use affirmations, but around 80% of the time i am not able to get into the state cuz of this annoying reoccurring/obsessive thought " what if it doesn’t happen " , " it wont happen ". i’m sick of it. i got rid of it for sometime when i was at my grandmother’s house which is in mountains and i go into the forest to meditate, but it came back when i returned to the city. and these thoughts prevent me from going into alpha.
  2. i have trouble controlling or managing my emotions. i guess that comes with point 1. im incredibly emotional, and i am working on it.

I can usually meditate pretty good if im not affirming and just observing my breath. i have no problems then. i do think that due to experiencing many traumas, one after another, in the past 2 years, i am 90% in a sympathetic state. i have used PONR for quite while and those traumatic events dont effect me anymore, but somehow im in sympathetic mode most of the time. due to which i am having trouble manifesting.
please suggest free fields only
thank you so much!

That was ambitious to read :) thank you for this

If that’s not how you meditate, we do have a field for alpha and a few other ones. And while the brainwave fields are not free, alpha field seems to be :)

The city life part is so relatable, but a few sessions of Remove unconscious clutter can go a long way. I like to add Deep Brain Magnetic Stimulation- for me this one is essential

For the rest I think as more people chime in they will be able to better assist - so many fields for the emotional aspect but it all depends on what works for you. Someone can prefer Mana Circuits over Radical Emotional Change and another will vibe to Your Self Love :)

i have the alpha and another brainwave field but for me they don’t work, they are more distracting for me for some reason, i prefer a single continuous tone. i have tried remove unconscious clutter, it surely does something but i find that higher self connection is more effective for some reason, and i feel grounded and calm after listening to higher self just once, and i start talking to myself ( maybe higher self) and this voice tells me what to do and its always the same thing tbh, " just relax, you dont need subliminals and fields now, just relax, meditate and sleep " and i am trying to do that but for manifesting, those negative thoughts are still a pain.

radical emotional change is an amazing audio and i use it in my overall health stack once a week, but its not a long term, sustainable option you know.
thank you for your input Desire !!

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interestingly, i just stumbled upon this

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hum of the universe
shen / ojas
to a degree mstate gold and plasma light (but might trigger some stuff, see and test it)
grace of angels
vaikuntha loka
the higher being experience
general love fields (but i prefer essence of mantras)
ego dissolution


And good idea about playing higer self connection.

thank you so much for the recommendations !!!

yes, i find it grounding and relaxing, and always giving me the message i need to hear. oh wow, i wasn’t aware of the inner critic field. thank you so much!

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the tree experience is also good to calm down

haven’t tried it till now cuz of its length. usually higher self grounds me but I will surely try the tree experience this weekend, thank you !!

then bone shaker / schumann resonance

yes, i do use Schumann resonance before going to sleep. mainly for the emf removal

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Emotional release + shamanic Medicine Blend + navapashanam elixir

Thank you so much !! I was not aware of the last one, will check it out.