Shower water field

Is there any field that I can I use during shower that can charge the water while I’m taking a shower and be beneficial to me?

Thank you


I can recommend the Plasma Drink Charger. For more information check out this thread:

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I want something which is free :sweat_smile:

Infared and plasma light drink charger

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The drink charger is free, flower is not

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This one?

No. This one from patreon

New release: Infrared and Plasma Light Drink Charger


Something that removes fluoride and other harmful chemicals maybe…?

Id say this does it. Because of the infrared

From the Youtube infrared audio’s description:

I think it only helps once those chemicals are inside of the body , it helps detox . But I dont think it destroys or removes the fluoride when comes out of the shower …

I guess it does if you use bath tub