Sorry took me an additional day. Forgot to use the Node version yesterday.
I was already listening to Plasma Flower Node Version every time I took a shower. Here is my “Regular Shower Experience” captured on video:
I’m always taking cold showers and it was quite shocking to me how big the difference was to the Node Version.
was much more reluctant to start the shower
– usually it takes me 2-3 seconds to get going
– but this time it took me 20-30 seconds to start
water felt much cooler then usual
– coolness felt more “in your face”
And usually I love the feeling when I get out and warm up again. But this too felt much less comfortable than the days before with the Node version.
taking only 2-3 seconds to start the water
coolness of the water felt milder
warming up felt more pleasant, than the day before
Now this was a magical experience!
took me 3-5 seconds to start the shower
water feels more comfortable than both of the Flower versions
But the magic starts, when you stop the water! You can feel the water drops warming up on your body. The negentropic part of the plasma started working and it felt like I entered a trance. It was working on my skin (detox?).
There was something happening on my belly button. Not sure if it was physical, because parts of it felt like working on my energy body. (well interconnected)
Some parts of my skin turned red from the warmth.
start the shower without any hesitation
water feels more comfortable, than the regular Plasma Flower
From now on I will only use the Infrared Plasma Drink Charger, whenever I’m taking a shower. And I’ll try to let the water dry on my skin, instead of using a towel.
But what if you play Plasma Flower and the Drink Charger at the same time …
I take DAILY showers, even 2 sometimes (!!), but I am not very good at noticing the difference in this particular area.
once thing I do though is run a bath with the both the drink charger and the plasma flower playing and it’s awesome. I stop the drink charger after about one play after getting the bath full.
Strangely enough, timewise i feel i’ve had “enough” earlier than with a normal (no field) bath, but it feels more relaxing and refreshing at the same time.
I actually had a similar experience with the Infrared and Plasma Light Drink Charger. I played it today while I took a shower and I noticed my face was more red than usual. I also felt energized. It might have been my imagination but the water felt less “hard” and more comfortable I guess. I’m going to test it next time with a bath see what happens.
I tried it today while showering. A few hours later i realized the red spot on my face that was sore dried up and it’s back to smooth. It was there for a day and i thought it was going to develop into an angrier zit lol.