Sleep issues

Hello, I made a simillar post a month or two ago, but I decided to ask for your help once again because I cant seem to find the issue. Tle last couple of weeks I have been having sleep issues and nothing seems to help me. I go to sleep at normal times between 23:00 - 24:00 but I rarely get good sleep. Most nights I wake up several times around 2 am 4 am 6 am and I find it hard to fall back asleep. What is strange is that whenever I wake up during the night most of the times I feel this heaviness in my mind. It is like when I wake up I have a thousand thoughts in my head. Even when I manage to clear them away, I just can’t go back to sleep. Currently I am using the following fields
Thor, Lion, Smilodon (I keep them printed on posters above my bed maybe this could be an issue)

Workout: 2xTest, 1xDHT, 1xHGH, 1xReduce estrogen and 2xAndrostenol

Evening: 3xThe archetype of parental love, 3xEmotional release, 3xBecome whole, 2xSelf love, 3xTrauma Release

When I sleep:
3x Auric and Energy body repair
4x Fast working deep sleep ver 2.0
3x Subconscious limits dissolver


Have you tried kidney and adrenal healing perhaps to help with high cortisol? Maybe even utter relaxation and body massage at bedtime?

And don’t forget grounding… not sure how often your grounding yourself. Just a few suggestions I’ve been in that scenario and cortisol was the culprit for me maybe even The stress field on YouTube?

I’m sure others will be along to help as well With suggestions. :relaxed:


It might be related to hormone imbalance.
Or you might have drunk too much water at a extent that you’ve lost so much Vitamins/ minerals elements. One of the symptoms of drinking too much water is anxiety and after a while insomnia plus hearing buzz in the ears.


constant shifting of biological rhythms, fatty and dense food before going to bed, poorly ventilated rooms, watching TV, using tablets, smartphones and other devices with blue spectrum radiation, constant stress, internal unresolved conflicts

In the pathogenesis of the development of circadian sleep disorders an important role is played by the epiphysis hormone melatonin, which is responsible for setting the sleep and wakefulness cycle. Normally, it is produced only in the evening and night hours. The time of the beginning of its secretion (20-22.00) determines the onset of biological evening in the body and promotes falling asleep after about two hours. Under the influence of light, the start time of melatonin production may shift to later or earlier hours. This will result in difficulty falling asleep at the desired time or waking up early in the morning.

Use Fast working deep sleep ver 2.0 only before bedtime, not during sleep.

Also keep in mind that often the cause of poor sleep is a troubling problem. Stress in everyday life

I really like the techniques that help to improve sleep, described in the psychiatry textbook edited by N.N. Ivants. Don’t let the word psychiatry scare you, in my opinion, these methods are applicable even to a healthy person, if his sleep is disturbed, for example, due to a change of time zones.

Here are techniques for improving sleep in its unchanged form:

  • Comfort in the bedroom: silence, fresh cool air, a flat hard bed;

  • you should not nap during the day;

  • do not go to bed before you need to sleep;

  • do not eat too much before going to bed, but do not go to bed with an empty stomach either;

  • vigorous exercise during the day and a peaceful walk before going to bed;

  • getting up if you can’t sleep and occupying yourself with pleasant but not addictive activities (listening to quiet music, reading quietly);

  • soothing warmth: a warm bath, a warm drink;

  • going to bed at the same time, but not too early;

  • always get up at the same time (whether you have slept or not!)

Calming herbs (motherwort, valerian, and others);

  • Magnesium B6 and any vitamin-mineral complexes containing magnesium (as we know, magnesium deficiency in the body leads to nervousness and poor sleep)

I personally would recommend aromatherapy (essential oils, citrus fruits)

I would also remove all nighttime playlist, and test sleep without it.


Try using delta brainwave and theta brainwave audio from dream. And loop delta while trying to sleep. See if it helps


First of all give yourself a night without any fields, just quiet and peaceful, no fields! Then make sure your bedroom is like a cave at night, cool, completely dark, no noise, no electronics. Make sure that your mattress and pillow are actually comfortable to you. Also try sleeping on the floor, just pull your mattress on the floor. Switch off your phone an hour prior to sleep so that you can’t go on YouTube etc. Once in bed, go through your day with gratitude for your experiences, do some pranayama or wim hof breathing. Also try sleeping earlier, or later, people seem very unique in this. All in all, experiment on all aspects you can think of


Restful sleep might be the single most important thing to have, it’s very likely underrated, so it pays off to research and experiment to find out your unique way. Also coffee can mess up your internal schedule quite a bit.


Hm yes I will actually try the fields you suggested, I have never tried to reduce my stress


I have been taking 30mg of Zinc, 4000 IU Vit D and 400 mg of Magnesium a day for a couple of months. Maybe this could create an imbalance actually. I drink around 4 liters of water a day, I have no idea if that is too much.


I have been having quite some stress lately actually
As for the things in the book I have been doing most of them.

Definetly will try that!


Negentropic full body yawning and purring

perhaps ;)


I had a lot of issues with sleep up until 6 month ago, due to un-managed anxiety and traumas from childhood.

Working on my traumas helped me tremendously, but also the Deep sleeper if you give it time. As well as doing your own experiments, with what works and doesn’t in your nightly habits.

I’m always starting my night stack by:

With those three in a row, it relaxes you deep and you enter the sleep state in the best manner.
Plus it reprograms your approach to sleep in a way, now I personally look forward to it, whereas in the past I was dreading it.

Ugnis advice above are great :ok_hand:

This is very important you stay away from screen 1-2h before bed, if possible you can also wear glasses filtering blue light 2-4h before.

Good luck man :slight_smile:


Sounds like imbalance towards the upper chakras.
I recommend the star exercise,
Exercises focused on lower chakras (there is an article on the blog about it)
Chakra tag / basal / sacral chakra audios
Energy blockage removal

And putting on ice meditation etc. for some time to see if you notice improvement.

Also, use grounding / Schumann Resonance at least 3-5x, preferably before going to sleep. You can leave it on loop longer as you’re preparing to sleep.


Hehe, here is the warrior.

Acu-automaton takes care of grounding if you’ve got it :slight_smile:


Warrior? :D

I said it based on personal experience, I think I wrote it here and there that I had trouble sleeping for years due to energetic imbalance / being ungrounded.
I even took a couple of years break from spiritual stuff as a consequence of that.
Probably in this community, especially with the new fields coming out, it’s a bit more common than people think :grimacing:
But then again, it could just be that I am biased to see this based on my experience.


Since the plasma light got released, our ability to ground ourselves has never been the same I believe haha

Despite servitors and automated grounding :grin:

Fully aligned with you.


Currently I am using a stack which is supposed to address my traumas do you think this could be a reason for bad sleep?

I didn’t get what you mean :smiley:
You mean to say that plasma light does ground you?

Oh I just saw that.
Yeah you better take those off.

Also portals, if you have some.

It really depends on your use.
I myself had anxiety issues when I was just playing too much fields per day. But here it may most likely be related to three mandalas above your head honestly :grin:

The Plasma light fields are very powerful, and well the first weeks it got released there was a lot of comments about some of us being so ungrounded :grinning:

With Cap’s new fields this is important to ground yourself now and then during the day


Thanks I will just place small pictures of the mandalas in my wallet