Social Anxiety

I have noted that a great number of our listeners deal with social anxiety of some sort. I know it’s a terrible thing to have to have to go through considering interacting with others is a natural part of life. Social anxiety gets in the way of many things you’d want… like friendships, jobs, romance and so much more.

I am making this thread so we can talk about it. I can’t say I experience social anxiety to the extent others have. But when I was younger, there were certain social situations where I got extremely anxious. I do remember the feeling of freezing up around certain people and getting physically uncomfortable…. Not knowing what to say and worrying about what I should say. And doubting myself incessantly in my head. All that stuff. I only experienced that for several situations in life but I deeply empathize with anyone that has to deal with that ALL the time. And I know it gets much deeper than just what I described.

So I had an idea… Not sure if it would work out or amount to anything but it’s something I’d like to share with you guys just in case some people would like to try it. As you know, I’m of the belief that you have to be proactive to change your life. Just listening to fields isn’t going to make you into the person you want to be. Especially when it comes to being social as it’s something you have to practice and get comfortable doing.

Just gaining confidence from listening to fields or even hypnosis tracks isn’t going to mean anything if you don’t try to talk to people. In fact, even if your energy is more confident, the moment you step up to people, a part of you is still going to be resistant… like the feeling you get before jumping into cold water.

So I had the idea that we could do a few video group chats where people get to open up and talk. Get out of their comfort zone and interact. It’s hard talking in a group but everybody can get their chance to speak and whatnot. I can facilitate and maybe a few other people who are comfortable can as well. I think doing this with people who you know aren’t going to judge you can help socially anxious people open up and explore that social side of them that is usually frozen in these kinds of situations. Real practice is essential.

I would say also Omegle video chat is an excellent way to practice. You just cold meet random people every few minutes and get to practice expressing yourself openly. Some of those conversations may go haywire rather quickly and sometimes you will get judged or… see a penis flash. But, you’ll talk to some cool people and just start getting a lot more comfortable in expressing yourself. It’s really good practice.

I know it’s not the same as talking in person but covid has really messed with a lot of people’s personal growth for that reason. It’s hard to get out there and meet people.

Part of the reason I thought of this is because I know some of you hear listen to some of our fields to gain confidence, better yourself in ways that you can feel more comfortable being yourself… and in the presence of others. I want you to take that positive energy that is changing you from withina ndt ake the next necessary steps to solidify these changes.

So I don’t know. It’s just a thought. I’d love for you all to chime in with your thoughts and ideas.


Also… part of the reason I thought of this was because I tried a combination of fields the other day with wonderful results. Had some people over and played Oxytocin, Unconditional love and charisma and glamour… The effect was incredible. The group was very loving, happy and social as heck. It certainly affected me as well and boosted my charisma to another level. It wasn’t just charisma though… there was just a natural flow to conversating that took over the whole room. Great night. I would suggest listening to those three before talking to others…

Don’t over listen to ocytocin though. That’s a brain chemical and you don’t want to overstimulate that.


What a wonderful idea… Thank you Sammy.

My spoken English is not always easy to understand by others :)) but I could give some support though, if necessary. I have animated therapy groups for a while, often by using art mediums (music, painting, etc.) and those intermediaries have given promising results regarding social anxiety.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not proposing to contribute as a therapist here. But maybe people can bring this kind of stuff to the group chats.

Making or even commenting music together, etc. often allows people to feel less “threatened” and facilitates the group communication, as you can imagine. Like some sort of bridge, you know.

Anyway, fantastic initiative!


I love your idea of practicing being social. I didn’t know I need to practice that before seeing your post :laughing:

My social anxiety has been bothering me, especially on school and work performance. I also don’t really have a big circle of friend. As for romance, I don’t really have a problem with being confident. I feel that I can open up easily with people that I like.

I have a concern though with showing my face to an online site. I never heard of Omegle, will try to chat first on this platform.


Great idea Sammy.

I dont get social anxiety because i am not shy for the most part but my social interactions are minimum more because im a highly sensitive empath literally a sponge so i avoid ppl as much as i can so i dont absorb all of their )$&@ lol however with shielding audios, crystals etc ive dealt greatly with it, still, I am more of an introvert and thats why i get all katy chatty around here because its online and interacting with ppl that is growing on the same direction and vibration, I dont like small silly talks and unfortunately is mostly what you encounter out there, you wouldnt believe is me if youd see me in a public place around ppl lolol i dont talk, until i feel i can be in tune with other ppls vibe and super comfortable, which makes it hard if its just a casual one day or night event :sweat_smile: so yeah id be up to join sometimes, some days ill be super chatty other days just quiet observing but its just how i am. :heart:

Literally Me: :rofl:


Yeah I’m not about to be a therapist either lol. But I think just having a outlet to socialize and open up to others is a form of therapy in itself. Especially if you’re doing something fun together. I like playing games that bring out the inner child in people. I’m of the belief the more people get in touch with that silly side (inner child), it gets a bit to begin letting go and feeling free. It’s a very light side to us anyways.

@mademoiselle Yeah, I know a big concern most people have is showing their face online. I can understand there to be many different reasons behind that. Omegle is nice though considering it’s a 1 on 1 and more anonymous. That being said, just be careful. There are some characters there that might be mean or show you inappropriate things.

But that’s not the majority. I wouldn’t recommend that if it were.


Exactly. Fellow INFP here :smile:

In my case I’m usually regarded as aloof. I guess we always have labels for everything.

I am usually guarded with my thoughts but I found myself participating in threads lately, I guess it’s my way to take a breather. I read a thread but don’t leave a comment cause some of the threads here are so advanced, I didn’t feel I have anything substantial to contribute.

Thanks for doing this @SammyG, this is very decent of you.

Like @Bronyraur, I’m not too comfortable with my spoken english, but I’ll be happy to check from time to time and contribute if I feel it’s something that could help.


:slightly_smiling_face: :fist_left:t2:

Aloof… thats because you are a Scorpio :rofl:


Ah got me there :laughing:


That’s a great idea! My spoken English is not very good too but I think I can contribute to the initiative. :)


Imagine all of us whose english is not the first language In a video chat :joy:

One of my best friends is from Indonesia and she is married to an Australian guy, he always walks by us when we are chatting away and he is like how the hell do you guys understand each other? Haha

And thats because We the non english speaking use words making the same accent mistake :smirk::sunglasses:

So, we will be ok i think :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s okay to have an accent, chill, you guys are foreigners, natives expect it


I dont get it?

You use a whole other language too i dont always catch :sweat_smile:


Aouch… ok, so I have a problem. I wish I was more self-aware before pushing the accept yourself theme


Noooo its fantastic and always cracks me up but sometimes im slow lol


I got a stack for this:

  • Amygdala Healing x2
  • Oxytocin and Neuropeptide
  • Subconscious Limits Removal
  • Inner Beauty reflected Outward
  • Charisma and Glamour (if you have it)

There are a few others but they’re more personalized to myself (such as Venus and The Star, which I put after everything else on the list)


Also yeah, video chat is an awesome idea

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Thanks Sammy. I would love to start with chatting first because I haven’t had much interactions since March last year, so I think chatting would be a great start for me to be social again.

My goal is to be comfortable speaking in a bigger group (like 5 to 10 people). I am comfortable talking to 1 to 2 people at a time, but when there are so many people, I tend to be very quiet. I have so many things in my head that I want to say, but I just cannot get them out. I am thinking that showing part of my face is still okay, so maybe I would wear sunglasses or eye mask in the video chat.


The practice groups would have to be small. If any more than 5, the louder people will end up dominating the conversation, and the rest will happily let them do so.

It’s one thing helping people practice speaking. More people need to learn how to listen.


I say whatever is in my mind to other people, need to control that, usually ends up bad