_Social Room - Hello? How are you? Hope youre good ❤

:open_mouth: :exploding_head: :flushed:


@MonkeyOwl For first part: to explain the economic policy choices by each state, I’ll be linking policy outcomes to politics.
The policy options I’ll include are: production profile, intermediate associations, state structures, economic ideology, and the international system

PS: what did you end up doing post undergrad? What’s your field if you don’t mind me asking. I had to do this for fulfilling my polisci requisites for undergrad (so I had to take a few grad courses), as I was going for Law School.


Ah okay!
So it’s not like your thesis but a paper you have to write for one of your courses, right?

You said something about economics 101 and Philip so I thought it was economics.
I did economics undergrad and then finance MSc (but it was a 2-year one and more about financial modeling and some corporate finance, I studied very little accounting etc). I work now in a field that’s related to my MSC courses (because I work with traders in a trading company) but technically not in finance.

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Great choice. If I could redo, I’d rather study law than economics or 50-50

Excited to read it :+1:


There is a discipline for that :D creatively called law and economics.
It’s the analysis of regulation with the methodology of economics. But probably law alone would be more interesting lol

If I could redo I would do mathematics undergrad, and end up in a similar place.
Maybe med school but as a teenager I don’t think I could have reached that conclusion


Well the course is based all around economics! But it’s not macro or micro I guess but you have to have completed few economic courses Ie microeconomics 102 prior to take this course: all the econ majors are in there lol
Yes when I said thesis I meant thesis for my paper lolol

And wow that’s cool! I always wanted to do something like that but I am so bad at math - like I couldn’t get an econ major bc I never took calculus - I went straight for finite math the second I found out I could avoid calculus lol . Good luck and I hope your kicking it!!

@Dr_Manhattan you think so? I was thinking of not doing it anymore because I wanted to do international law/ human rights- but I’m such an energy sponge so I think I would be very sad with what I had to fight for- like I couldn’t see myself doing it as a 9-5 job, it be a 24/7 thing lol. Maybe I’d need to play justice for all and navigator of awe like 24/7 to keep me sane lol. Ideally I wanted to open up an orphanage but…like that’s more of like a later goal in life, not when I’m just starting out lol. I love kids and animals but I can always volunteer in the beginning.
Plus I was hoping Law would help me succeed with financial independence from my family :) (as u know I need to bolt as soon as I can lol) (and bc ive never been on my “own”, I think I need that safety net- I’d of done math and science but I’m so not like right brained lol.

Maybe I’ll be an insta model and just make ppl click LiNk iN BiO :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (jk lol).

What do you do?


Nah I meant like international investment law, international trade law, international administrative law and my favorite international tax law with global tax governance.

But Human rights :neutral_face:


It’s very interesting to play the oligarchs. Regulatory capture and stuff like that. Pretty cool. Business and politics, locking down the world.

Sure, you would go even harder on the science lol


So wait you work for human rights?? That’s so cool


I do not.

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So what do you do
I mean if u wanna answer that is lol

Also hi @AkiraTheWild i c u :p

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I reserve my rights under the 5th amendment :laughing:

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Not sure the 5th amendment holds jurisdiction in your neck of the woods…


Well, if you want to be technical, I am a sovereign citizen and I only answer to an admiralty or maritime law court


Ahh… that’s even worse… you have no 5th amendments rights…unless you want to walk the plank.

So… everyone knows I’m a fabulously wealthy international people kidnapper…
What’s your occupation? :slight_smile:


Parlay ?






The pirate term for negotiating with the captain of the victorious crew