_Social Room - Hello? How are you? Hope youre good ❤

I appreciate it!

What’s this?

Edit: no, I don’t use anything. I used SARM for a few and quickly came off it. I honestly didn’t know much about them; once the legendary audios came out I didn’t find a need for them. I don’t have protein shakes or anything fancy, no pre workout, post workout etc I just drink water and juice (rare) and that’s about it.

I’ve shared the audios I use in the forum before if you want to see what’s my playlist.


testosterone replacement therapy


Looking good

Hey, where did you get that body from?
Where did you get that body from?
Where did you get that body from?

I got it from my daddy


Hey brother!!! these tips are truly a gem! I always want to learn from people more capable and smarter than me! thank you very much brother!!! I thought to underline just a little but each word you chose was the one indicated within my needs !!! I will follow them to the letter, soon I will get the legendary audios for the body that I have always dreamed of and I know I will! Thank you as always for your kind comment my brother! I already want to have the body of the Great Ascended Biceps and the body of Zen !!! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::smiley::smiley::smiley:


Hifi @SilverZuzu honestly I have already had some experience in my house with calisthenics issues, and on some occasions I have been in cross-country athletics, for having a good physical resistance, however that was many years ago lol. Any recommendation from you will always be received with open arms! By the way, those questions you asked me are extraordinary! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


:joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl: You are si funny my man!!!


This is written down, ready to learn from the best! @GoddessesAndGod !!! :mechanical_arm: :mechanical_arm: :mechanical_arm: :smiley:


Yoooo sir biceps, i want sth signed by you before that happens, then i can say “Mr Olympia? I know that guy”

Hello Arnold

Is that a titanium biceps?


Damn right you will! Hell yeah man I’m so happy to hear it!

How long are you willing to work out? I can give you a routine recommendation if you’d like, maybe you’d like it


Brother, I plan to train from Monday to Friday, or do you recommend Monday to Saturday?

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Either are fine, the thing with working out 6 days a week is that it takes some getting used to, what i would do is something like Monday - Wednesday and Thursday rest, Friday - Monday and Tuesday rest and so on

Having 3 days on and 1 day off allows for good recovery and getting used to working out, once you’re used to lifting you can progress to working out 6 days a week

Studies show hitting each muscle group twice a week is the fastest way to put on muscle, but i feel like starting out you need rest and recovery till your body is acclimated to lifting before doing 6 days a week

It’s hard to hit things twice a week doing a 5 day schedule because you would have to do a split like this:

Chest and back
Leg day
Chest and back
Leg day

The thing with chest and back is that back is such a major group of muscles, there’s just so much muscles and not enough time to work them all out on top of hitting chest… Can it be done? Sure. But i just personally think it’s not the most effective way of going about it

You need to hit chest from 3 different angles incline, flat and decline (by the way, i personally don’t do decline bench presses because it’s a limited range of motion unless you do it with dumb bells, i personally prefer dips at the end of the chest work out) and within these 3 angles you need at least 2 work outs so like at least 6 work outs in total, and with each work out i personally do at least 5 working sets (not counting any set where I’m warming up or i haven’t reached my max working weight)

So this is why I’d do 6 days on 1 day off and repeat or 3 days on 1 day off and repeat

With a 6 day routine you can do this

Chest triceps shoulder core
Back and biceps
Legs calves and core
Chest triceps shoulder core
Back and biceps
Legs calves and core

This way you hit each muscle group twice a week

For how many hours will you be training per day bro?


Hermano! muchas gracias por tu gentia respuesta! Sabes algo? creo que no hay un hilo para gimnasio y recomendaciones de este tipo, sería genial si tú abrieras uno! porque eres el más indicado para ello. Tus recomendaciones son sensacionales y me hacen pensar que es lo que debo hacer con más presición.

TBH quiero darle con todo hermano 6 veces por semana, aún no tengo los audios legendarios pero si puedo después del trabajo resistir 6 veces por semana, eso hará que mi vida valla al siguiente nivel, tengo actualmente el campo de voluntad divina, eso empuja mucho hacia adelante en el sentido que te empuja con una voluntad de hacer lo que te hará bien! sin embargo cuando use los campos de MBL + definición de abdomen + salto en el tiempo, considero que ocn eso mis ganancias se notarán a millas de distancias y podré estar en mister olimpia en el 2024 lol solo una broma. Pero considero que si tendré ganancias importantes y notorias.
Hermano el gimnasio me permite entrenar 1.5 horas al día por temas de pandemia, suficiente? o cuanto tiempo necesito?


Hermano! Te respondo manana! Estuve muy ocupado man


Thanks brother for taking some time, only when you can man, no problem, I tell you that yesterday I worked my upper back with pulley exercises and rowing, all on machines! It was super powerful, I was very strong with super human mutant x1 + DHT x2 + Muscles Hungry for Fat X 8 JEJE I had very good resistance and drive to achieve it! :mechanical_arm: :mechanical_arm: :mechanical_arm: :rage:


:mechanical_arm: :rage: :handshake: :rage: :ok_hand:


What is it about?


Hehe, the nerd is coming :smirk:

@anon85988958 you should make monkey check, she doesn’t talk has much but she has solid experience and good academic skills.


Ugh comparative responses to international economic crises post WW2 & how capitalism will not be enough/ is not a strong enough pillar to support the world economy, long term.


This paper was due two years ago LOL. I only have until the end of November of this year :upside_down_face:

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(But in my defense I wouldn’t have been able to start it until this past month lol)

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Interesting, do you propose an alternative?

It’s very difficult imo with the economic modeling framework. Optimization of utilities that consider altruism, you have to be able to propose a realistic function, but once you want to make it more sophisticated it will have too many variables.
Or socialism aka top down planning but I feel like there is nothing new to come up with that wasn’t said in the last century :D

But one of my papers was also about something similar, though more about the relationship between social inequality (and strength of institutions) and economic performance. It’s was only undergrad though (in my country you have to write 35 pages for that too lol)

How did you narrow it down?

Good luck! And you can do it, that’s plenty of time ;)