To the Owner of MBoP selling it at 4k2$ on Venly

Hahaha maybe. Better just buy it in silence @Gnosticmedic27, next time if you have a chance :joy: :joy: :joy:


It hasnt been added to the total yet.

It takes a day sometimes but if it was the owner that just pulled it out, that audio aint going back cheap!

That Magician at 350 and the star at 650 shouldnt be there either.

Same if someone gets the bid with the exalted at 1500! If someone offers something now it cant be pulled out by the owner. Rather than no one then deciding not to.

Those 3 should be gone asap!


Haha wasn’t me. I don’t have that kinda money lol someday!

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That’s chump money, i’ve seen some of the nfts go for a million


Did you see them go or being on sale for 1 mil ?
I must have checked yesterday the total of transactions was 35k all NFT sales combined.

You know, if I incorporate a company with zero business going on and list it for sale for 1 billion dollar, it is de facto valued at 1 billion dollar and I am a billionaire… on paper.

Not judging it’s inherent value, just pointing out something… “demand”.

Things can sell for more or less than their cost of production or initial listing price. Look at real estate, expensive products, important purchases. When it doesn’t sell it stays on sale, goes off the market or often the price drops.

Even if we all agree that the NFT is worth a billion dollar, doesn’t mean anyone of us have it or are willing to spend it, hence demand again

What I would do is show up and make a thread offering 10-20k and see who would sell that NFT. I’m sure for 50-100k (or way less) 90% of the people owning that NFT would PM you in less than 24h :joy:

A fraction of that million could be used to track down an owner willing to sell for 1/20th of the price


Yo Philip
I see you out here with these solid econ 101 posts lol

if you ever wanna read my 20 paged econ grad paper
before I press “submit”

Let a girl know :tired_face::weary::euro::100::100::nerd_face:


That’s exactly what I thought when I wrote it, « economics 101 » you sit in high school for half of the first course and you’ll learn about demand

You can drop me a PM, I’ll try to be useful :slight_smile:


Seems like the prices have already dropped, some have many copies selling for 10 times cheaper than the previous minimum price."Whatever happened to the “10,000$ is crazy low” comments ?

People have switched to trading instead of selling (which is even cheaper) . I wonder what’s the next stage.

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It will change to being able to sell for higher prices the more people become aware of its magic and the bigger the community grows, until then its mostly trading tho

Thas just my feeling on it

Might take some years tho, dependimg on course of things too

u think it will be in patreon… lol no :joy:

The rally argument ?

I just deleted a whole page.

I was gonna talk about conspicuous consumption (which it ain’t) , mass adoption (the rate of increase in subscribers), the average income of people in the US and Europe, the fact that they are all different product with different value, they can get their custom project, the fact that people will be done with theirs at one point or the trading nft trend and more…
No one is gonna read

So, we’ll see

Edit: I’m still gonna wait before I shop, Scavenger style :muscle:


Yeah I get that

I mean, the bigger the community or awarness of these NFTs and the wish to own one, the higher hhe chance of people who are rich to buy these things for a higher price

We are lucky theres no millionaire who monopolizes the NFT Market of Sapien Med lol

I bet you didn’t do the math

I’m just messing with you

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Never even considered to do the math :muscle:

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Nah, fof real I go more by intuition, so, I dont know statistics, I see the Venly Numbers of Sale of these NFTs tho and the potential they bring with them

I see intuition. I want to ask you a question.

Did you ever trade before ?
Crypto, stock, bonds, baseball cards, used cars ?

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Nah lol

I dunno the market and the psychology behind it

I would like to read the whole page you deleted

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I was in the mood to talk about it when I wrote it, especially since I see some people using money they don’t have.

But then I figured it would be btch move and anger the sellers.

I’ll try to write it again tomorow

PS: I like the trading and collecting part, it’s fun. And every NFT is a marvel of it’s own either way.


Isn’t it obvious that it’s just supply and demand? Forget about the “magic” thing. Magic items and services has prices, too.