_Social Room - Hello? How are you? Hope youre good ❤

Yes man, as compact as possible :sunglasses:


Kinda haha

cuz traveling home can mean you’re in the passenger seat too (we’d say on the way home usually in this instance)

driving home means you’re in the driver’s seat driving home lol



Don’t place this belief on me! Haha

I manifest good luck not “situations” lol

Edit: and then you delete it haha i was cracking up while driving seeing that lol

I’m home now though :innocent:

I only text when the coast is clear lol


:exploding_head: :exploding_head:


Yep, that’s what this is for. We needed it lol


Hey man.



Cut them cords bro! I be constantly trying to dissolve my ego, but that’s one part of my ego that I am thankful for. I can cut cords easily, even if it’s someone I used to love alot and been super close with. I don’t dwell on things. I make peace with it and it’s gone. And usually by the 2nd day, 3rd day tops, I don’t even think about them anymore. (No hate, no love. Just pure nonchalance) If it’s poison bro, you need to nip that shit at the bud. But if you know it’s truly meant to be, and it’s something you can work through, then you work through it. Know the difference bro.


Aye man. It’s ment to be, we’re just on a break right now. One in a lifetime kind of situations, can’t really explain it.

I don’t know if you believe in ‘twin flames’ or soulmates or naseebs or all that yadda yadda but it’s mathemathical even, undescribable. Sometimes it’s like I’m looking through her eyes and what not.

And then came the problem of religion and not following it properly and family, lol. Man man man. Think super-strict Muslim parents with issues. She’s holding out for me and I’m the knight in shining armor, pretty much, but unable to act right now and here.

Well, all the time to do things behind the curtains and make it even better for her :sunglasses:


Ah, I see what you mean now. I was just saying all that because of that song! Lol. Your situation is nothing like that song. Lol.

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I know man. I know.

Sounds like you’ve had your fair share of shit in this field.

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Haha, actually bro, I only been in love with one girl my whole life. Ever since I was in middle school, I don’t be falling in love easily, almost like never. But I do like to have fun though. I just like the company of females, but it’s really really hard for me to fall. There were some instances when I thought it was ‘love’ , but it was puppy love.

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I love animals though! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: They are literally my world man!


Oof yeah man I hear ya, kind of.

I got into one relationship before, thought she was the one, bla bla, fast forward a bit and I ended up doing a ton of psychedelics because something was off. Me and her both took a hit of acid in the middle of nowhere somewhere and ego death started happening… Willed her (agreed, free will) to sit in front of me and I wanted to take her into the source and into ego death with me because I still somewhere was convincing myself she was ‘the one’, but she wasn’t. Her soul said no, basically. Aborted the whole thing mid-acid peak. Somehow mentally willed the whole trip to stop to a sober state even though it was right at peak, and came down. Been on the quest to find the real one ever since. Found her, and now this.

The mind, man. It was worth it though. Between that and the ridicilous psilocybin trips I took, eating whole mescaline cactii, and other shenanigans, it’s always worth it for true love in the end.

Love women too, can’t be bothered to install Tinder though. Rather stay sexually ‘clean’ for her. Even if it takes forever.


Lol! That’s some deep and crazy stuff bro! I have never tried LSD, but I heard it like opens up the mind. Like Steve Jobbs and them had used it or something. You also ate a whole cactii? Lol. I don’t know nothing about mescaline, but ain’t that alot? Lol. Where are you at bro? I have never seen nothing like that in Texas. I did shrooms one time though. I think that’s awesome though bro. Don’t let her go man. I didn’t know what I had until it was gone. It is what it is though. You live and learn, ya know?

This right here is deep bro, and I admire that alot man. I admire alot of you guys on this forum. You guys are awesome man.


Bro, is it true that if you take enough acid, it’s an Ego death for life!? Or is it temporary? Like for you I mean. I heard it’s true from some though.

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his right here is deep bro, and I admire that alot man. I admire alot of you guys on this forum. You guys are awesome man.

Thanks bro.

Yeah, it was way too much… I absolutely hate acid with a passion, and the first thing I said when I looked into the bathroom mirror of my 4 story appartment when the mescaline (bolivian or peruvian, don’t remember) started taking a hold of me was ‘Fuck… this feels just like… natural acid’. I told my gf at the time then too. I was still with her, still going into those trips to see what was up lol, still trying. She said ‘oh sounds nice’ I’m like you know i fucking hate acid.

That trip lasted from 7 PM to 7 AM the next morning and the ‘psychosis’ that followed lasted 3 years. I learned a lot though. A lot in those three years. Fundamental understanding of reality itself it seems like… and I’m still getting used to encapsulating that knowledge day by day. It’s like Odin hanging himself from Yggdrasil and peering into the abyss below to grasp the knowledge of the runes unknown. That’s what I experienced and still am integrating.

I can’t let her go. It’s spiritually impossible. I can dissolve my ego and feel at one with the collective world-soul/consciousness and it’ll just be the same thing. Naturally gravitating towards her and the events that need to happen. It’s wild, haha. My consciousness just dissolves and I don’t even feel like I’m a person anymore. Like my kundalini merges with the entire universe, and I’m just a focal point.

Netherlands, by the way. Other side of the world, man… and 5:23 AM :sunglasses:

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Yeah. But you need the ego in order to experience time. It’s completely different once you’re there though, you can play around with it.

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Haha, damn bro! You know what’s crazy man? You really remind me of one of my other bros from this forum.(I know you can guess who, lol) Like you guys are the same in many many ways. Shit’s crazy. Like in a good way though. Damn bro, "Psychosis’’ for three years, and you’re bearly bouncing back? You don’t need no more of that. Lol. Does that stuff clog the Pineal?

Man bro, get to sleep man! :smile:


Does that stuff clog the Pineal?

No idea man, but I got what I wanted, so I’m all good, everything can still be healed.

Man bro, get to sleep man!

Store ain’t open yet man! :rofl:

Also lemme guess… Samurai? :rofl: