Songs you feel may be "fielded"

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any of sia’s songs

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I completely agree with this (I know this is an old post, but it’s interesting to read.)

About 9 years ago when I was gaining insight from psilocybin, I was listening to The Stone Roses. I found it interesting as I could hear voices and sounds in the tracks I had never heard before. Like someone speaking.
I have never forgotten that and I don’t believe it was the effect of the psychedelic, but I believe these tools help us to see what’s underneath everything.

I’ve also noticed that some songs will give me a terrible day ahead etc… I feel I really need to be careful to what I listen to and even sing to.
Music is my favourite thing in the world, I would hate to ever give it up (I won’t), but I’ll need to be careful to what I listen to.


I mean, even if we go back to earlier decades or even since the beginning of the industry, I think that music and magick are linked (at least a few artists spoke about having dealings/pacts with the devil, but was it all metaphorically? I doubt that all spoke metaphorically), even if symbolically, using just imagery, not necessarily having any fields, perhaps some are using just suggestion(s), idk.
The images seem rather interesting in Madonna’s Frozen, but I also like it and I love the song, so whether is imbued with something or not, as long as I like it, i’ll still listen to it.
Man, I really LOVE 90’s music (80’s, well, I love any decade up to 2000s, then I feel it became too, idk, bad, not all songs though)!


I hadn’t specifically looked into music. For most of my life, I felt that a lot of music had bad vibes and I decided that I hated music and just didn’t listen to anything :rofl:.

Later, I had learned about a number of occult things that were interlaced with popular music. You can frequently see different types of occult symbolism that show up. I think I recall hearing (some time in the past 15 or so years…) that this was an extension of the CIA’s Monarch program
(I don’t know if this is a good link, it’s just something I could find quickly:

But I also recall that there were different occult rituals that had been done with timing the release of different music tracks and charging them in different ways.

There’s also a neutral phenomenon that the all music/sound projects a holographic outline of the people who are involved in making the music/sound. So, even without specific occult techniques, you’ll get some level of imprinting about the emotional state of the singer/band and any of the drugs that they might be using.

I’ve recently started listening to more types of music, but I’m finding that I do tend to discern who/what I like based on the energy of it. It turns out weird things in physiognomy (now considered a defunct science) do hold up provide pretty clear insight into the energetic/moral character of people.


Are you saying that you can tell if an artist’s music will have a good vibe or not by looking at the structure of their face?

Not specifically…

A while ago I was actually looking at some of the old literature for western equivalents to the energy arts of the east. This brought me to things like Mesmerism/animal magnetism and later “Mentalism”. A lot of the mentalist writers, around the 1900’s, wrote books about how to read people. Some were like textbooks about psysiognomy.

They didn’t only talk about the face, they also spoke about things like skin tone and how different habits etched different physical attributes —I personally didn’t dive into all their descriptions. But (since I’ve been involved with energy for a while), I knew the ideas were good sine I was seeing the same sorts of things anyways.

Things like the unique bright skin complexion (Ojas is a term I’ve heard in connection with it). Or the center of resonance that you can feel—some sing from the head, some from the heart, some it’s a dead routine and it’s more like they sing from the lungs… the not so good ones sing from places lower than that.

Just reading the total picture with what’s going on in the energy. I like a number of the early idol singers from Japan and China. The industry was always headed by creeps, but the stars were frequently exceptional in their energetic qualities.


Is there a field that you’d feel might be a correlation to this?

I feel like I was guided to this song today.

Tool songs have been hallmarks of my awakening/journey, I was triggered into one by one of their songs and artwork. They seem ritualistic, like liturgies, shamanic, guiding, triggering. They certainly seem built that way, the philosophy behind them likewise. Coming from beyond, them acting as conduits. I wonder if the songs are fielded, or have some sort of spells, or nonetheless imbued with a powerful energy. Logos.

Oh and that they call their music a tool for the listeners.

Would someone check? :D I don’t feel a field per se, but something is happening every time they come up. I dreamt of someone looking like Maynard before the latest ‘guidings’.

Wings Pt. II, Fear Inoculum, Lateralus, Pneuma, etc.


Not energy sensitive so I can’t comment on the songs being fielded but… as a life-long metalhead and festival worker I can say that at least Maynard knows “what’s up”. Lots of occult-ish stuff going around Tool. Good, bad or neutral? Who knows but they are definitely… hmmm, savvy.


not fielded in the sense of morphogenetic fields but through magical rituals maybe.

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Yass, thank you!

(Pneuma) I stopped smoking the next day


Centhron has dark energy
Kiki rockwell is a witch

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I effing love Tool. Been riding out to 10,000 Days album all day.

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I’m not sure if I became more sensitive, but I haven’t noticed this recently with other music.
As far as I’m aware, I don’t have a bone in whatever fight this is or an emotional connection, and, to make sure it wasn’t the sounds in themselves that were generating this reaction, I skipped a bit here and there at a low volume. I instantly felt hit with a wave of energy. I could compare it with fire, but not an exhaustive one, more like the effect of heat from a bonfire, somewhat calm at the same time. Didn’t get angry or roused up in some sense, my pulse didn’t go up, just… like the energy you’d want before a workout. Like a calm/controlled fire, a steady ‘Rise’ energy, didn’t perceive anything ‘dark’. Interestingly for me, even though I didn’t even watch it in full, after playing it, Shapiro’s image flashed through my mind – this usually happens whenever I give attention to something, like an energetic imprint of whatever I tap into.
I’m curious whether that was ‘in the song’ or if it was ‘me’.

Kiss The Ring: Hans Zimmer

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A couple of Phil Collins songs feel like this to me. In the Air Tonight. and I Don’t Care Anymore.

Maybe just emotions. Or egregore type phenomena like ryantraveling was saying. Maybe I’m just picking up on how much emotion Collins put into these songs. Like he meant them.

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Pachelbel’s Canon. More Divinely inspired than imbued/fielded. Listening attentively or meditating on it makes me weep, joyfully.