Yes, the first 6 fields listed above (Cosmo-volt, Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal, Body Nerve Healing, Nerve Growth Factor, Advanced Healing, Anti Aging) will all address healing throughout the body, regardless of the depth of the surgical incision and depth of tissues in need of healing.
They’re an excellent starting point for all round healing, and affect the body and/or nervous system throughout.
(including ligaments, muscles and other tissues affected by surgeries)
Trauma Release and Healing and Emotional Release will also help release stagnant energies and traumas stored throughout the body regardless of the location, including those from surgeries or cuts.
They can certainly help significantly with restoring the body in these ways over time.
Headphones are not necessary, and speakers actually tend to emit and spread the energy better.
From part of another post:
No worries, glad to be of help.