Spell & Curse Remover: Sharing my expirience :O

hey all
i found out that a person from my past had a spell on me , its effecet my whole life in the last 3 years… ,
physical and mental health.

i had dreams about same person that show up almost everyday for the last 3 years
phyisical and mental health problems that show up
,if i try to heal my pyhisical issues , the reality brings me axidents that will hurt these areas again and again …

also a tons of anxity and and uncontrol bad thoughs
i was thinking like 'my dark side doing it" and blame myself…
in general nothing works on my life no matter how hard push my self higher and take actions
its like a cave that limit my luck and growing on everything

i was looking for a spell remover field for months
and try many protection fields
they can let me a small time of releif but nothing more than that

so yasterday i bough the spell remover of sapien
and this is the most intense experince that i had in my whole life

i play the field yasterday evening
siting on the chair and in 1 minute just get a shock in my whole body
i felt like something go around inside my heart
that thing moving like crazy inside my body!!

i was disconnected .
cant move, looking on the screen for 60 min… (looping it 3 times)
all my body was burning and i felt like a war going through me :O
my heart so painful even until now.
i felt like these evil things start to leave my body

but i still felt something deeper that fighting for stay so i keep looping it
i wasnt really there that time , i had super realistice thoughts it almost like i left my body to another place

and after a 45 mintues of listening i felt like my heart litterly opening and that evil getiing out of me…
after that i felt like Stitches in the same spot and it was so PAINFUL

after 3 loops i get out of it,
i feel so weak, my body have shock
and a strong euphoric feeling
also super grounded
My sense of smell returned to work :OO
i feel so scared after that expirince but i know it was for good!!

today i played “heart Chakra healing” and also The Mana Circuits on dream seeds
trying to recover myself
it didnt really worked
i wonder why i feel so weak until now?
what part of me should be healed after that experince

wich fields should help with it
i will love to hear your opinion guys…


Try restoring your energies and strength with these fields:

Plasma Light & Infrasound Bioactive Beach from Sapien Medicine channel

The Bushman Medicine from Dream Seeds

The Force of Life from Duo album on Sapien Medicine channel

Auric & Energy Body Repair (paid field)

Soul Restoration (Core) (Paid field)

I had a very similar experience when I first used Curse/Spell Removal. I’m glad you got that junk out of you.


it feels good to know that im not alone on that shit :)

i will check all your reccomands

can i share this field with my father?
and if i let him using that
it means also the field will leave my body to his body and i will stay in danger again?


The Curse/Spell Removal field? I think Captain is okay with us sharing paid fields with immediately family only. He knows I share them with my dad.
And no, it won’t stop working for you. You’re good to share with him.


its great to know that :slight_smile:

he have a spell on him for sure , But also he had a heart attack two years ago
so im not sure if he can handle this procses

it can be too much for some people right?
there is a possbilty that a spells can go so deep Until it becomes
better choice to live with them? :O

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I think everyone has “curses and spells” on them as they can come from angry and hateful thoughts of another person and many other manners.

Yeah idk man…it’s a tough call. It can be rough on some people. I can’t tell you what to do one way or another.


Maybe the Point of No Return (paid) field (Gumroad) will be easier on him and serve somewhat of the same purpose.

Another lighter option is Bhooted Boots (also on Gumroad).

Almost forgot Etheric Cord Cutter from Dream Seeds as well to atleast cut negative energy cords.


Welcome to the forum!

It’s wise of you to ask this question. The good news is that you can play a small amount of the field for him, to gauge his abilities to handle it, and he can get some benefit. This would be similar to how we might cut a pill of medicine to reduce the dosage. As we say in my country, “half a loaf is better than none.”


i wanna be sure,
the spell remover maybe could cancel my mandala’s effect or even reverse it?
i was keep all of them far from the house while playing the field.

(using matireya’s mandalas)

The Bushman Medicine , did the job well!

its really powerfull field bro…


Good! I love it. It has such a wide range of uses and benefits!

Truth be told, since none of us can know for sure the inner workings of your maitreya mandala and this field, we can’t answer this for you.

So after a little while of silence it came back
i have a spirit problem again…

the changes while i play the field is huge…
this evil absolutly have A strong presence

while i play the spell remover everything just back to normal again for a short time (hours or minutes) then
all the negative just come back :frowning:

this is defently remove but this shit adressed to me and i despert …
I try so many protections already
im stuck! @anon6431808

Hey man can you tell me any way I can contact you? I’ve been also dealing with a horrible spell and I wanna talk to you about a few things

You’ll want to expand your asking. That account hasn’t been active in 2 years. That user may not see your request.