Spike protein/long covid detox

Is there a list of tracks to use to detox of whatever the virus or/and jab would leave in the body?

Far Infrared
Plasma Flaunt

These 3 I found mentioned several times on the forum.
Anything else?

Thank youđź’—

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*Restoration from the Long Haul

and read that thread, I give stack advise


Glutathione, mitochondria fields, most of the premium tier on Patreon, blood Purifier, hydrogen accumulation, lymphatic effusion, various longevity fields, any repair field, etc. You can think of Covid as an accelerant of the preexisting global health crisis of inflammation and the chronic diseases that go with it. Even if you don’t have symptoms of long-term inflammation or Covid, it might be wise to assume you took some damage (if that’s a self-limiting belief to some, so be it—inflammation, like gravity, is hard limit in 99.999% of life) and take the necessary steps to repair it.


Thank you! I do use them all except the plasma flaunt yet…I have lingering balance issues and I thought they went away but now they are back. It’s like feet/neck disconnect. :frowning:

I am going to detox now…then use the healing ones and brain ones daily. And mitochondria…
On the outside I look like a normal person but it’s been hard. People cannot relate and doctors don’t know much about what causes it.


I forgot some fields. I think–and it’s based based just on my experience and reports I get from others–that A Taste of Vaikuntha Loka seems to have incidental health benefits. Along the same lines but in a way more specified Alchemical Holy Light is powerful healing experience, but I can’t find the link for that. I also found that Aura and Energy Body Repair is very powerful.


Thank you!:heartpulse:

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I will concur that this helps calm down a lot of things for me.

Plasma flaunt has been good to me, but it hasn’t healed my balance issues. I haven’t found a field yet that really does. I’ve been dealing with a balance/inner ear disorder for 10 years now, nothing that can be done about it so far. The only thing that helps is making sure my nervous system doesn’t get overwhelmed and avoiding certain activies that my body can’t handle.

I understand completely what you mean by looking normal (or even beyond healthy/athletic) to others but feeling like you’re just dragging this corpse around in the daylight. Doctors have been useless. People don’t get it. It’s a lonely struggle, I feel your pain.

I was apprehensive about using Dream’s fields at first because it goes against everything I’ve learned about being cautious around the energetic/spiritual realm, but desperate times call for desperate measures and so far the gamble has been worth it. Dreamweaver, along with Dr. Virtual, have helped me through some dark days and nights. I hope it continues to be worth it and I don’t regret it down the road, but so far so good. This can be such a dark world, you just never know. I will say Dreamweaver’s stuff seems to be the most agenda-less, neutral “magic” I’ve come across. I’m not an expert, but man there’s a lot of bullshit out there that even with the best intentions is full of shit. I’m glad we don’t sacrifice chickens to moloch or LOVE AND LIGHT!1!1!1!1!1!1! :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: :orange_heart: :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :blue_heart: people to death here. I appreciate the faith there seems to be, that doing good work, releasing it out and leaving it at that will produce the best and greatest results. No one is trying to sell me on anything, the fields just work (extremely well).

To answer your question, a healthy body as a whole is extremely resilient and can overcome a lot, if not all things. Terrain theory makes a lot of sense. There’s nothing that can be injected or inhaled or somehow ingested that will hurt you if the body is working so well that it’s like throwing a rock at a tank, it just bounces off and the tank keeps rolling along without stopping. It would be nice if most of us weren’t poisoned and mutiliated from birth so that we’re not literally starting in debt from the moment we make it out of the womb, but that’s another discussion. Detox as needed, but make the whole being as strong as possible and nothing can harm you. Not to say that I’d line up for a jab just to try my luck, but focusing on the simple things consistently helps the most.

I hope you got something out of this rambling. I don’t wish chronic illness on anyone. Damn those who hurt others through their attempt to control and profit, or those who are just “doing their job.” I’m glad I am not one of them, and may I never become one.


This article lists some supplements that you might want to consider.

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Hey,how are you now?:heartpulse:

Thank you for your kindnessđź’›

Natto,Bromelain and Curcumin…I actually did the D-Dimer test that checks for clotting and I am within range so I don’t know if I need these but I am taking quercetin and vit D.
All my tests are within range but I’m going for additional ones this Monday. Wish me luck!

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Some stomach issues. Sleeping ok lately. I still deal with balance issues here and there. Were you asking about something specific or just in general?

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In general! May I ask if you’ve discovered the cause of all of this and/or seen doctors/received treatment? What’s helped you the most? :yellow_heart:

Good Luck!

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