Spirethion Max (Frontier Series)

Yep getting rid of the addiction isn’t all that bad it’s just after using the dopamine repair field I feel so groggy and zombified so maybe this field would help with that

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Now that I think of this. Actually, it may be one of the most important additions to Eternal stack, as after hundreds of years, you may tend to be more joyless, unless Eternal would evolve in many different aspects.



This is a great take. I regret I have only a single Like to give.


I do feel the relaxation and positivity, I feel good

I can’t wait to play video games after this


The word that comes to mind is ‘buoyant’.


Very light and mellow

I hesitated with the Oxytocin receptors, would have made relationships much better, more social and confident but probably would have made breakups and loss of friends a nightmare, torture


Perhaps it could one field on its own and for a very high price, so ppl can do their considerations very carefully.

Maybe combined with a secure attachment style or something.


Feeling very relaxed, focused and happy, 20 min. Gonna take a break for now.

Got back to it, all is good and well. I doubt spamming it would have negative consequences for most people.


I don’t think it would help.


Listened for 15 minutes and walked outside to do some errands. Decided to reactivate my long ago abandoned modding of walking that involves cutting through building lobbies and parking lots. I don’t do it to save time but just to make things interesting. A locked gate meant I had to take a new path. That’s when I stairway mostly hidden by ivy, I’m in Seventh Heaven. It’s a little thing, but it’s a hint at what awaits. I think Spirethion could turn buttering a piece of toast into an adventure.


I think the addiction comes from rapid decline of the pleasure produced by an activity, and people trying to get back that feeling. Mostly the people chasing that feeling are doing so because ordinary life does not produce enough satisfaction for them. Children can be happy with one toy; adults can easily become miserable even with a buffet of available desires, which are mostly means to a feeling. Drugs are one such means. If you’re already happy, then they are not as attractive, and, if you partake, it is easier to move away from them, if your natural resting happy state is more secure.




Your craving should reduce, but if anything those drugs will be more potent and intense


Conceptual Conglomerate will give you insights in “what to do”.

This field here will give you the “neurochemical drive and motivation to do it”.

So I would get CC first, so that you first actually know “what” to do.


There might be definitely some people who are at risk of abusing this field (Gooners and Goonettes).
Because these people are in a state where they have fetishized their addiction.
And because of this fetishization, they believe that their addiction is the best thing that ever happened to them.
It is a type of heavy self-sabotage that is consciously rationalized to themselves by sexualizing it and by the mis-use of sexual triggers in order to keep the self-sabotaging addiction in place and not to get rid of it. A vicious cycle – powered by the most addictive thing: sexual pleasure.


I am not a brain expert, but I think the addiction comes from DeltaFosB:
A molecule through which the brain remembers the source of the high dopamine.
It takes 3 days until the DeltaFosB is no longer in the body in that high amount after it has been created.
Until then, this DeltaFosB molecule will trigger the brain to seek out the dopamine from those sources from which it remembers them.
Which is the reason why people come back again and again to the same drug when chasing their dopamine high.


We can’t be liable for that haha

I guess they won’t mind getting more pleasure out of their addiction then



This looks like a completely overpowered field.

Captain and Dr_Manhattan literally hacking the Matrix here!

This is the one field to get in order to be “high on life” at all times.

But it also comes with responsibility.
Because life also comes with addictive substances.

So you guys better delete all computer games, all your remaining porn, get rid of your sex toys, delete the phone number of your sexy girlfriend, cancel your local prostitute and escort subscription, terminate Netflix, delete all social media apps, trash all your sugar-containing foods and booze, declutter your VR glasses, delete all your shopping bookmarks etc. …you get the idea!


Because if you don’t get rid of everything addicitive before looping this field, you are at high risk of doing something that will not serve you in the long-term.

Because like a new born child who sees everything in the world for the first time and finds enjoyment and excitement in everything, you will find anjoyment in everything.
Everything will appear “like new” and like novelty to you – all the time, lol.

I guess, this is new “permanent childlike wonder” field.

I don’t have this yet, but I am predicting it will feel like being high on coffeine while looping Dopamine Redux, i.e. a state of high concentration, motivation and excitement, with the plot twist that it will stay this way forever!

So from my understanding on how to work with this field:

  1. Get rid of everything addictive
  2. Make a list of projects to work on
  3. Loop this field and ONLY do projects from this list
  4. Then pray that the next sexy girl on the street who smiles at you does not occupy your thoughts permamently lol

@dr_manhattan: If this too much fear mongering, I can rewrite my post.


That’s a good way to put it


Well, it makes doing good and bad things more pleasurable, but I think it does help compensating and reducing cravings.

One of the main reasons people get dépendant is because they are desensitized and develop a dépendance. Everything else sucks now.

This does help weening off drugs and bad habits.

If I wanted to stop doing drugs, I would likely use this to reduce cravings and enjoy new habits to form.

I think the ability to enjoy more everything else in your life on a deeper levels more than make up for the increase in pleasure from addictions assuming that there is a will to stop.

Withdrawal is the main ennemie to some degree, this reduces that a lot and also your life gets a new meaning.

Facing withdrawals, plus feeling like everything else sucks and the only way to make it stop is drugs is a major factor in relapse.

During withdrawal, it’s not just the detoxing and sickness of it, movies suck, music suck, people suck, food sucks, you wonder how can people live without the drugs. Everything is boring. You don’t really have an option, forcing yourself to like something doesn’t work when your body screams for something else with a physical change caused by the drug. It changes who you are biologically.

It feels like you are making all these efforts for people or something external to some degree. Sure you are killing yourself but at least it’s a little bit fun, it can seem worth it.

You do something and your body adapt and become that thing to some degree.

You quit drugs, you have to form new habits. That’s hard when you don’t feel invested and or enjoying that habit and it has to fight a very real system of network in your brain that is designed for you to shoot the drugs and you know it feels good deep down. That’s the only thing in your life that feels good. Your body and mind are designed to chase pleasures, that’s what pleasure is, a primitive guidance mechanism.

Pleasure and pain, reward and punishment, that’s how with limited awareness and cognitive abilities primitive organisms progress on their journeys.


Bought it!
Im ready to become high on life xp.