Spirethion Max (Frontier Series)


  1. It’s only applied to your brain
  2. We don’t boost the production of serotonin or dopamine, it’s meant to increase your own natural sensitivity permanently
  1. cool, cool

If you are not convinced, feel free to ignore it and not buy, not use it.


I feel super balanced……didn’t cause any addiction issues. I feel more in control, not out of control. Never felt so balanced and even keeled in my life……sustained focus and able to accomplish my tasks. Easier to connect
With people and not get drained or overstimulated. More sustained energy level.
I have nothing but positive results.

Life saver……best investment in myself, ever


@rehan how do u feel after looping it for 5 days broski




Spirethion Max Update:

Total listening time so far: ~110 minutes

  • Had zero cravings for coffee or any other coffein source. Before the retreat, during the retreat and after the retreat. Very interesting and means that in the future I will be drinking less coffee and only for the taste. So caffeine-free coffee it is (as someone mentioned above).

  • Now for the most important part:

You all know how feelings manifest reality, right?
If you didn’t knew, check me posts about manifestation and baselines.

Anyways, with Spirethion Max’s serotonin receptors upgrade my overall happiness baseline has increased in a way that I feel much happier and complete than before.

This is important, because what counts for manifestation is the BASELINE FEELING that you carry around with you most of the time.

The better you feel all the time, the more positive stuff you are gonna automatically manifest. Emotions have a ripple effect.

HOW you feel matters for your personal reality bubble.
With Spirethion Max, you are gonna be feeling better ALL THE TIME (!).

For the manifestation experts:
The mechanism behind this is that while you are in 3d space-time / the physical world, your consciousness and energy is filtered through and runs through your physical body-and-brain-device. As the energy and consciousness is channelled through this device the energy adopts the patterns and vibration of your physical emotional state (as defined by those neurotransmitters as well, since they are translators) and is then radiated outwards via your aura. The aura influences stuff and people and leads to manifestations.



I just bought this field this morning.

Played , three times .

Feeling good , a little out of it (spacey)

Definitely drink water with this, and take your supplements.

I felt a little dizzy, afterwards, at the same time I feel everything is going to be okay. Calm and balanced .

No coffee, haven’t felt the need to drink any.

I think using the grounding field after , helps the slight weird effect afterwards.

Highly recommend, also this with conceptual conglomerate, and
Supreme Grounding . Is a masterpiece.


Please explore supplements like what

Thank you

Let me say it another way.

Nutrients for your body .

Make sure you are eating well, and taking vitamins if you have too .

I tend to get dehydrated easily, because of my medication that Im on. So I make sure I take an electrolyte supplement, also omegas. I eat alot of eggs . Also veggies and fruit makes a difference.

It makes a huge difference, when you are nourishing your body.


downside of this field is that its made porn, internet and junk food way more pleasurable :skull:
but its also made just everything pleasurable. just staring at the wall is pleasurable

cheat code for life :D

i feel more motivated to stop these habits though


It’s an antidote against Boredom

This plus Elysian and you are In Bot mode ahhaha


Its interesting because even tho i indulged in these brain frying activities i picked up boxing and working, socializing like my brain is not fried. Atleast not as usual. More stable


From what I understood you just enjoy a lot these activities but since everything is funny and pleasurable you are not pulled to watch porn all day cause reading a book/run/eat/study is like watching a porn I guess? I didn’t buy it yet so I don’t have an experience with this.


The receptors are permanently sensitized, you are addicted but not addicted at the same time.

That’s why you can stop these habits anytime, and move on feeling as if you didn’t just fried your receptors lol.


Well, Phillip said there’d another field for addictions, so after some time, he’ll be okay.

As long as the underlying factors and needs are addressed in some way.


I really hope this is fully addressed, healing receptors aren’t enough. There needs to be a fundamental change in the relationship to the thing you’re addicted to and undoing of brainwashing that keeps you psychologically trapped in the cycle as well


I agree, the field will do what it is designated to do but if you don’t shift the focus to use your energy to more productive means then addiction will not stop. I think willpower is sometimes overlooked, but that’s just my two cents.

This is exactly something to help, instead of revolving around same state, one goes forward, where engaging in harmful activities is no longer more attractive than anything else. What can be more interesting how it will affect unhealthy but highly motivated behavior like extreme involvement into sports, which can be very damaging to body, but also bring one to fame and success and extreme level of dedication is a must in elite sport.

Or any other way of life where one has to be not just addicted but live and breathe for the work to succeed.


Channel the pleasure of watching porn into another related and more healthy activity, like approaching and talking to Your Crush and other Girls, taking a Communication cum Speech Therapy class to Overcome your Approach Anxiety , Working Out in Gym to Develop your Confident and healthy Body image etc.


I think having a routine could help with this. If I know that at 9 am I have to be in the library for studying I will not burn the morning watching porn/Instagram or other junk things. So not only I will avoid that situation but I will feel pleasure during study. (Damn I think the last time I felt happiness for studying something I was 7 years old so curious to link positive feelings and study again).