Spirethion Max (Frontier Series)

Got this one two weeks ago, it’s everything I wished, the last factor to help my brain being functionnal again. I was so happy discovering this release.

I can listen to the teacher without feeling bored, even when they are not really invested in speaking. I can watch movies and animes again without interuption or doing something else, no need to watch videos on speed time 2, I can just sit and watch everything in one go being really concentrated on what happens and feeling really concerned about what happens and the characters.

I saw myself having fun again with video games, for years, video games were not funny to me anymore but now it’s enjoyable and I’m currently playing Cyberpunk 2077 and it’s the same excitement from the beginning, with nearly 100 hours or playtime (slow run, I’m listening to everything, doing every quests, I skip nothing).

My mental health seems more stable now, I’m happier and other brain results are really starting to show up now the receptors part is treated. I smile at people again naturally it surprised me even today while doing some shopping. I didn’t smile like this for like 10 years, it was NATURAL.

It helped me cut instantly the remaining addiction I had, hmm it was gacha games, it was too much time devouring, I was free to play but I deleted all of them without thinking twice. I also spend less time on social media.

For porn, I wasn’t watching it anyway but my relationship with women changed, I am disturbed seeing b*obs or asses by accident (on Twitter, it’s annoying) and when there is a post with a female body I react as if it was the first time I see one naked or just see people kiss. :joy:

This field gave me back my child’s gaze, openess to people and my kindness toward people.



I, too said goodbye to my 40 seasons long Football Manager career

The amount of time swallowed by that game was… big :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Oh lord, I don’t even want to think about how much time spent on those game lol, I still have no regret, it’s good memories with friends but it has to stop now. :joy:


The deal I’ve made. Is fifa yes but only with friends

Like at the friend house, a couple beer, and some fifa games

Online fifa :x:


TL;DR – This field helps overcome addictions in addition to making life just overall better. Too good. 10/10, would mutate my brain again. Would recommend to anybody and everybody.

Adding further support to the ‘Spirethion Max makes overcoming addiction easier’ fire…

I’ve been an emotional eater for most of my life. An ongoing joke in my family is that I don’t have ‘a sweet tooth’, I have ‘sweet teeth’ and it’s all of them.

My lifestyle and diet is pretty healthy otherwise, but when the sun goes down, I just get to thinking, “Don’t I deserve just a little treat for working so hard today?” and then ‘somehow’ I eat a whole cheesecake.

Of course, for years, I’ve tried a lot of different things to try and overcome this impulse. As just one example, I’ve clocked probably a hundred hours or more with Diet on the Brain and while it’s marginally improved my non-binge eating… I was already not having a problem with that. I was getting nowhere on my sundown dessert problem, but knew the problem was just somewhere else.

This field was a missing key.

Previously when I ate – and I expect it’s similar for many un-mutated individuals – the first couple of bites of food hit really hard but then I’d get down to the serious business of cleaning my plate and I’d hardly taste it after that. That means that even a crazy delicious dessert would need more and more of it to ‘scratch the itch’. And ultimately, I’d be looking for that giant ‘OKAY, I’M FULL NOW’ response that accompanies physical distension of the stomach to decide I was done. Ugh.

This is no longer the case. I taste every single bite. Each bite tastes just as good as the first one, so the ‘itch’ gets scratched earlier. That’s true for not just desserts, but meals in general. Everything tastes phenomenal and complex and interesting. It means I’m slowing down in eating, it means I’m noticing the ‘okay, I’m full’ signals earlier. Meals are more mindful in general. It means that I get the big rush of sugar induced dopamine and then I’m okay stopping.

So yes, I’m enjoying food – and desserts! – more, but I’m not feeling the need to urge to keep stuffing my face. It’s like it’s taken the ‘addiction’ out of it, since there’s just no reason to ‘keep going’.

I was initially a little worried that the increased pleasure would increase the risk of addiction or worsen my dessert problem, but the ‘proof is in the pudding’ as they say. Now I only want to eat about 3 bites of that pudding before I’m done! :laughing:

It hasn’t done all the work for me or anything. I’ve still got a lot of conditioning to overcome from a family that used to force me to ‘clean my plate’ and celebrated going up in belt sizes as a sign of growing maturity, but it’s for sure taken the ‘fangs’ out of the whole business by removing the mechanism of addiction itself.

There’s still more to do to unravel the rest of the addiction – the habits and the emotional impulse itself – but I feel more and more that the ‘addiction’ is more a matter of inertia than it is something that’s pulling or pushing me along in directions I don’t want to go. I feel like I’m ‘choosing’ now instead of being ‘compelled’.

All that to say, this field can be a big tool in your toolkit for improving your quality of life. Improving both the sensations of being alive while also muting the mechanisms that lead to addiction and other kinds of bad spirals – this is attacking the problems at both ends.

Just like @Moshiro says above, this in a sense helps to ‘equalize’ all kinds of stimulation, so everything is kind-of just more enjoyable – not just the stuff that releases a bunch of cheap and easy dopamine. With that equalization, stuff we ‘know’ to be less good for us becomes a lot less appealing all by itself.

Abstractly – If ‘Learning the Piano’ produces 6 Dopamine Response and ‘Eating a whole Cheesecake’ produces 6 Dopamine Response, the calculus has really changed, hasn’t it?

This field can absolutely be Life Changing with capital letters and it’s near the front of my ‘Recommendations for Anyone Who Buys Paid Fields’.


I will happily purchase this one, but i hope some day it can be released to the public for the good of humanity

Has anyone found relief from weed dependency?


When you have gotten to a certain amount of listening time and have built a good base for your dopamine receptors and already feel more functional, more pleasure/motivation and resistent to All the dopamine frying, try listening to the dopamine redux 3 - 5 Times and Tell me how intensely colorful the World is.

Or Report back any other observation

I literally feel like a child again and understand how as a kid running around and doing random stuff was so fun


Hi there @dr_jackal!

Nice KY blue


Endless Social Media Scrolling of Death: Defeated❌️

Time reduced from 7 hours on 2022, phone addicted, when the journey with fields began

To 2-3 hours during most of 2023 and challenging to go below that before Spirethion Max, (of course I did use them less than 1 hour per day, but required effort to break the loop)

To 5 minutes today: Effortless, there is no loop, it’s just to check out the messages and birthday’s of people I know.

I won, you can win, you will win :trophy::muscle::raised_hands:


Well, I am definitely putting this field into my radar!

For the ones that are trying to overcome addictions with this,
Purity Alchemy (8 Arms Yoga) should work much better for overcoming addictions.

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I am excited for this field. claude framed it in a way that highlights its incredibly profound effects

Examining the hypothetical scenario of permanently and fully sensitized dopamine, opioid, and serotonin systems opens up a fascinating exploration of human experience, consciousness, and the nature of fulfillment. This thought experiment pushes us to the edges of our understanding of neurobiology, philosophy, and the human condition.

Dopamine (fully sensitized):

Philosophically, a hypersensitive dopamine system might represent the apotheosis of human drive, curiosity, and engagement. It embodies the concept of “vital force” - a state of perpetual enthusiasm and zest for life. This could be likened to Nietzsche’s idea of “amor fati” - a love of one’s fate and embracing of all life’s experiences with equal fervor.

Practically, individuals might experience:

  • Unprecedented levels of motivation and focus
  • Heightened sense of meaning in all activities
  • Extreme sensitivity to novelty and learning opportunities
  • Potentially overwhelming joy from simple pleasures
  • Drastically enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities

Potential challenges:

  • Difficulty in prioritizing or focusing on long-term goals as everything seems equally compelling
  • Risk of overstimulation leading to anxiety or manic-like states
  • Possible addiction-like behaviors towards naturally rewarding activities

Opioid system (fully sensitized):

Philosophically, a fully sensitized opioid system might represent a state of profound well-being and connectedness. It embodies the concept of “ataraxia” in Epicurean philosophy - a lucid state of robust tranquility, free from distress and worry. It also touches on the idea of “oceanic feeling” described by Rolland and Freud - a sensation of limitlessness and connection to the universe.

Practically, this could manifest as:

  • Exceptional pain management capabilities
  • Profound sense of contentment and well-being
  • Heightened capacity for social bonding and empathy
  • Increased resilience to emotional and physical stress
  • Enhanced pleasure from physical sensations and experiences

Potential downsides:

  • Risk of emotional blunting or reduced motivation for change
  • Possible decreased sensitivity to actual threats or dangers
  • Challenges in recognizing or addressing genuine problems due to constant sense of well-being

Serotonin (fully sensitized):

Philosophically, a hypersensitive serotonin system might represent the pinnacle of emotional equilibrium and social harmony. It embodies the Stoic ideal of “apatheia” - a state of clear judgment and inner calm where one is free from emotional disturbance. It also touches on the Buddhist concept of “upekkhā” or equanimity.

Practically, this could lead to:

  • Exceptional emotional resilience and stress management
  • Greatly enhanced sleep quality and circadian rhythm regulation
  • Improved impulse control and decision-making abilities
  • Deepened capacity for empathy and social connection
  • Potentially reduced vulnerability to mood disorders

Possible challenges:

  • Risk of becoming too detached or passive in the face of injustice or needed change
  • Difficulty in experiencing the full range of human emotions
  • Potential for reduced drive or ambition due to constant contentment

Interplay of fully sensitized Dopamine, Opioid, and Serotonin systems:

The interaction between these three hypersensitized systems would create an extraordinarily complex and potentially transformative state of being:

  1. Redefined Human Experience: The combination of intense engagement (dopamine), profound well-being (opioids), and deep calm (serotonin) could create a state of being that transcends our current understanding of human consciousness. It might be a form of perpetual “flow state” combined with deep inner peace and social connectedness.

  2. Social Revolution: The blend of heightened social reward (dopamine), deep bonding (opioids), and enhanced empathy (serotonin) could radically transform social structures. We might see the emergence of highly cooperative, empathetic societies with unprecedented levels of trust and mutual understanding.

  3. Creativity and Problem-Solving: The drive for novelty (dopamine), combined with reduced fear of failure (opioids) and enhanced cognitive flexibility (serotonin), could lead to explosion in creativity and innovation.

  4. Redefined Productivity: The traditional concept of work might be transformed. With everything being inherently rewarding (dopamine), a constant sense of well-being (opioids), and emotional stability (serotonin), the line between work and play could become blurred.

  5. Pain and Pleasure: The interplay between these systems might redefine our relationship with physical and emotional pain. While pain might still be recognized, its interpretation and impact could be fundamentally altered.

  6. Learning and Adaptation: The combination of reward sensitivity (dopamine), reduced fear of failure (opioids), and cognitive stability (serotonin) could lead to unprecedented rates of learning and adaptation.

  7. Ethical Implications: This state raises profound ethical questions. Would individuals in this state be able to make decisions that require sacrifice or delayed gratification? How would they respond to the suffering of others if their own state is one of constant well-being?

Philosophical Implications:

This hypothetical state challenges our fundamental understanding of human nature and consciousness. It raises questions about the role of struggle, dissatisfaction, and pain in the human experience and in driving progress. Would a being in this state still be recognizably “human”? Would they still have the capacity for growth, for transcendence, for the full range of human experience?

It also challenges our concepts of free will and decision-making. If our choices are so heavily influenced by these neurotransmitter systems, what does maximal sensitization mean for our agency and responsibility?

Practical Considerations:

While this scenario is purely theoretical, it offers valuable insights:

  1. It underscores the delicate balance of our neurochemical systems and the potential consequences of their disruption.
  2. It provides a framework for understanding how even small changes in our neurochemistry can have far-reaching effects on individual and societal levels.
  3. It suggests potential directions for therapeutic interventions in mental health, albeit in a more moderate and controlled manner.
  4. It challenges us to reconsider our definitions of optimal human functioning and well-being.

In conclusion, while full, permanent sensitization of these systems is neither achievable nor necessarily desirable, this thought experiment offers profound insights into the nature of human experience, consciousness, and the complex interplay of our neurochemical systems. It invites us to reflect on what constitutes a meaningful, fulfilled life and how we might work towards better integration of drive, contentment, and connection in our everyday existence.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Is it good or bad that I don’t use any of those except the shopping bookmarks…? :smiley:
Yes, yes, I’m actually flexing my spiritual muscles that I have overcome almost all of those addictions… :muscle:
Of course, I had tremendous divine help. Many thanks to all who played a role. :heart:

I am :100:% behind this idea although my reasoning is a little different. Unless this genetic mutation can be carried to our next reincarnation somehow, this is a VERY dangerous field. Attachment to sense gratification enslaves the soul, so be careful when “utilizing” this field.

Now the warnings are made, is there a sale coming soon? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
With all that in mind; I think this is a pretty cool mutation as long as we lead our lives responsibly.

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for this reason i don’t think it’s so crucial to delete everything. i think everything will feel like porn or social in a good way. i don’t need to watch porn all day if all i do feels good, but as i wrote before i think a routine it’s crucial, cause there is the risk that someone (and i put myself in this list) could pass the day on socials or porn if he has nothing to do, but the good thing is that it doesn’t fries the brain, plus you can always find something to do. damn i wanna restart reading books like i used to do when i was a child and enjoying it a lot. i’m really curious how this field impact study or running. how big is the difference? how it will impact the last km to run? and the last pages to study? and how it will be wash the dishes? how will i know that i can stop listening to this? in october i should have enough money to buy this i’m counting the seconds :smile:


That would make sense. But is it always the same level of pleasure or does it still fluctuate depending on the activities?

Nice question. I think it will be different because different activities lead to different types of pleasure. You can’t put on the same level the pleasure of sex and the satisfaction of running all the km you had to run, but idk probably people who are already using this should answer.

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Spirethion Max Update:

Total listening time so far: ~200 minutes

  • Caffeine has now zero effect on my mood.
    When I drink something with caffeine, I feel zero difference.
    Hence it is no longer a needed substance in my life.
    Yet with caffeine after a while I still feel a slight drop down in energy, which is probably because caffeine is still a neurotoxin.
    So drinking coffee, as already mentioned in the past, now only makes sense for the taste lol.
    If you still drink caffeine stuff, be careful to not drink too much and count your caffeine intake, because you will not notice how much caffeine you already had just from your mood alone anymore.

  • Almost zero brain fog after sexual release.
    Orgasms trigger prolactin release.
    Prolaction causes brain fog.
    Prolactin is regulated via negative feedback from dopamine.
    Dopamine restrains prolactin production, so the more dopamine there is, the less prolactin is released.
    Dopamine constitutively inhibits prolactin secretion via the D2 dopamine receptor (which Spirethion Max mutates), so with the constantly higher dopamine levels, prolactin secretion is reduced.
    If you release sexually too many times, you will still loose Jing, Chi, Shen, Ojas and semen and get physically tired from it. But at least with Spirethion Max, after release you can now go straight back to being productive instantly afterwards lol, unless you proactively want to cuddle or sleep etc.

  • Easier to be focussed on stuff for longer time.
    This includes any type of stuff, irrespective of their natural dopamine release capability!
    So whether you focus on porn or the latest tax laws summary doesn’t matter lmao.
    Because with less desentiziable dopamine receptors, less dopamine amounts are needed to keep the focus.
    Which means the amount of dopamine that your body produces naturally lasts for longer instead of being used up instantly in high amounts by desentized receptors.

  • Today my brain came up with the idea that it would be fun to go the gym and workout again. Despite that fact that I was there yesterday already lol. So this field really works, because my previous desensitized brain would have never voluntarily came up with the idea of going for a workout AND finding excitement in doing so :slight_smile:

11/10 field!

One of the best mutations ever done with a field.

Literally makes you an X-Men!


that’s the scary part! :smiley:
I’d buy this field tomorrow if Dream created and included a separate “turn the receptors into natural receptors” field. Like a failsafe.

Dr_Manhattan said there will be no going back file.
So this field here is all about your personal responsibility and how you live with those permanent changes.
If you are not ready for the responsibility that comes with the power, then don’t use it.