Spirethion Max (Frontier Series)

This field has helped me break my time wasting addictions and i now find it much easier to just do regular stuff throughout the day without getting bored or thinking of getting a quick dopamine shot. Those things are not so interesting more. I am much more calm the whole day and my mood is more stable. Life is more enjoyable, like the food i ate yesterday tasted really good. People who are goal oriented and value time should get this.


I have had no urges through the whole day. I feel calm complete and fine from just living. I feel normal. Its been a long time really since i felt this normal. The times we live in is completely toxic and its hard for most people to stay away from all of it. This has made things much easier.


Same. Expected to feel like im on drugs and high but ended up being very functional, feeling very stable.


And no this does not make you any more addicted than before. As Dr Manhattan said, its the lack of dopamine which makes you seek out dopamine stimulating things , which are easily accessible such as porn


my god ill go purchase this right away been planning for so long… now i have the money, gonna go 1000 days of brahmacharya fr


Guys i just really need to make one Thing Sure. Once you have listened for a certain amount of time and have built some good quantity of these mutant receptors, try listening to the dopamine redux audio for about 5 Times, which stimulates dopamine production directly.

I swear the drive is soo high the Motivation is crazy and the World is soo colorful you feel highly, highly motivated and functional it is truly amazing. And the effect is getting stronger and stronger as you are building more and more receptors

I would love for someone to Report back, if any one else ever tries or even has the same effects as i have


@Dr_Manhattan Can this shared with family or it only works for the owner? Thanks

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That is an amazing idea. Thanks for sharing, i might try that tommorw

I’m suggesting a discount for the people who already bought the previous version. That’s way we can cope up easily. Otherwise, buying this expensive field is slowly getting out of reach.

captain has confirmed prior that all fields work for immediate family

I’m excited to use this around my brother who has a highly addictive personality, and my mother who has to deal with me and my bro’s shit every day lol


Yoooo fr bro??

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Yea bro, i couldn’t find the one where he said that, but he said this abt BPoL


they should do oxytocin next with the same mutations, where even the slightest hug could get you going for god how many hours, effortless bonding or some shi. just a guy hoping if possible one day lol.


manhatten was saying that breakups or deaths n stuff might be excruciating if he included oxytocin. i reckon it’s best to keep it as is without mutation and just heal the oxytocin system when needed, and or listen to oxytocin boosters


Has anyone found their addictions going the opposite way with this, as in you are becoming more addicted?

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I get cocky and allow myself to get fried because i think to myself that i am resistent now. Its a trap

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It makes addictive things more pleasant and vibrant.

However, it also makes the staying away from those things much much easier – when you proactively choose so!

So you have to proactively choose what you are doing and indulge in, otherwise you will simply repeat old patterns. Now the good thing is, as said, when you proactively choose to do something different with your time and energy it is now extremely easy to forget about those addictive source as dopamine sources and do the new chosen thing instead.

This field requires proactive choosing and taking responsibility for your choices.

You need to proactively fill your time with stuff you actually want to do and not allow for any slots of boredom in between.


Ok, thanks :)

Yup, @JAAJ explained it perfectly

Sehr gut formuliert🤝


Started with this one today and having hell :grinning: of fun like many others have highlighted already!!

And also trying to be careful on the existing addictions.

thanks Dr & Captain for helping us evolve as X-men mentally!!