Spirethion Max (Frontier Series)

Finally bought this, time to eliminate depression and porn addiction


Good luck, hope you can over come this! @Orel

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anyone else feeling like that?

Just did 30 minutes meditation easy, before Spirethion Max I tried doing meditation everyday and after 1-2 minutes I would get bored and stop.

I’m amazed by how easy it was, by how fast it passed and by how pleasurable it was.

After that I took a cold shower and the sensations I felt in my body were comparable to the sensations you feel in your penis while having sex, it was so fun.


@Orel, how much did you listen?

I did 3 times and felt immediate result, watched some TV and then did 3 more times and watched some more TV.

Before going to sleep I decided to do 30 minutes meditation while listening to Spirethion which is 12 times.

And now that’s my listening time, 30 minutes in the morning while doing meditation.


More results, woke up without checking the phone, did 30 minutes meditation.

After the meditation I ate some food which tasted better than usual and instead of watching TV I just talked with my mom for a good 30-40 minutes, didn’t talk much I did mostly the listening but I was actually interested in what she told me.


Let’s see what the reality is :wink:

Would you rather:
  • Ride a train
  • Dance in the rain
  • Feel no pain

0 voters

Ride a train Running away from a difficult situation
Dance in the rain Enjoying the experience or moment in time
Feel no pain Avoiding reality

Thanks @Orel !
I really appreciate the details about usage and such.

Well, it’s been almost a month, and it seems the users are still quite happy.
Sorry to treat you like a lab subject, but I’ll wait for another month and then probably join the herd. :smiley:
This is a tough one!
Let me know if you grow a 3rd arm or anything.


Will there be any works specifically focusing on the pineal gland in the future?

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Architect of Reality, 3rd gate does that.

Also, The Major Elixir of Alchemical Effect

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i must say, this ice coffee is pretty damn delicious and i’ve woken up in a good, stable mood these past two days.

expecting immediate drive to get tasks done was probably the wrong way to think. i still need to weed out these unproductive habits, the benefit being a smoother transition.

your source of dopamine is important; Tools to Manage Dopamine and Improve Motivation & Drive - Huberman Lab - Huberman Lab


this made me feel like a kid again in so many ways.

i don’t feel bored as much as i used to.

i’m actively engaged with regular daily life stuff, and easily fascinated.

this is what i always wanted to feel. to recover those senses from childhood.


how long have you been using

about a week non-stop

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