Spirethion Max (Frontier Series)

Alcohol isn’t as related to dopaminergic system. It’s currently known that GLP-1 agonists help to reduce alcohol consumption significantly, so Diet on the Brain field can be beneficial, because of its Semaglutide part.

Coffee consumption becoming harder is known effect of improved dopaminergic signaling, many people on hormone replacement say that after starting treatment they had to reduce their caffeine intake greatly.

Just drink decaf mainly.


So you mean i should stop listening to these audios if I want to stop alcohol or reduce it ?

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No you can proceed, just my point is that reducing alcohol is easier with using GLP-1 agonists, thus recommend Diet on the Brain.

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This is sooo soooo soooo good.

24hours since using it for the first time, sleep deprived, tired after 1800 km bus travel, and still dealing with the aftermath of an ugly fight with a dear one, I’ve proceded to have the most productive day of the year. (Quality of work was okay, nothing exceptional, but on a good quantity)

I can’t say I’m really happy and 100% comfortable today, but I’m functioning at a B+ level, which is huge as it would take me days to rebalance myself from the emotional setback and regain a proper pace.

Next days are gonna be better


Damn did you change countries

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Returning home after 2 months abroad

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could this permanent sensitivity be applied to hormone fields like the manly man? I am getting results from that but they don’t stick for long

If I designed an upgrade I would do it very differently than this or Manly man for extra power.

Anyway, I don’t think it would bring the same value for testosterone


So this is how it feels to be happy…


I mean permanent results so we don’t have to use the fields so frequently. I lose the effects if I don’t use the fields for a few days. manly man, the muscle ones
if I could keep the results of one field I stop using and use that time for something else


If listening is not sustainable for some reason, you can try to automate fields, for example the manly man, to keep momentum. There is a sale now for the new servitors and dimensional pocket of which users have reported back good experiences.


@Dr_Manhattan Cant you consider relasing the oxytocin version? I am such a bad friend and very careless. I need it!

i don’t think you’d want this

brain game includes oxytocin tho

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I understand how you feel I felt the same but with manly man trust me increasing your exposure to 2hrs+ daily is game changing feeling like a Greek god constantly amazing muscle growth and strength increase training like an absolute animal then back again the next day fresh as a daisy


well that’s what I want. to lock in that state somehow physically so we dont have to listen for hours. even if you use servitors to connect with the field and you dont listen it still increases the energetic load and you cant have too many fields active
I think what I want is very hard to do :smiley:

also, this is a more complicated matter, id be happy to talk about it in dm

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How strong is this field, and how long do the effects last after 2-3 listens?

This sounds like a field that could potentially lead a person into perpetual hypomania. There’s a reason why the desensitisation is there; it’s protection or a defence mechanism to prevent overstimulation or becoming psychotic, so that the brain reaches homeostasis.


I thought Manly man was permanent

I’m not sure if you know what you’re doing with those receptors. Some of them can cause organ firbosis.
And btw serotonin is not the happy hormone.
It might be overpowered by dopamine (strongest endogenous TPH inhibitor ) but that’s a gamble.



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