Spirethion Max (Frontier Series)

I was thinking about this and this effect might actually have to do with me constantly looping Soul Restoration Forehead Center (Upper Dan Tien), Negentropic Shen and Major Blueprint of Power (time-crystalization effect on the Third Eye Chakra).

The creation of those new mutant neurotransmitter receptors seems to enhance the flow of information from external sources and from my Subconscious Mind on to my physical brain and from there to my Waking Consciousness massively.

So my clairvoyance skills might actually always have been there and it was just that my physical brain was an oversensitized wreck (i.e. a radio device with missing wires for certain frequencies).


I thought I was imagining this effect, but I’ve been noticing it too. Feeling a LOT more psychic with a lot more data on all channels since I’ve started using this field.


This made the following wiring fields even more effective:

Elysian Focus: Intense Focus and attention span, even stronger monotony resistence

Socual bonder: less anxiety and more Fun talking to people,

ProActiveBrain: More Drive, willpower, wanting to do stuff

Feels like i got the wiring in but the missing brain chemicals were the last piece of the puzzle. And i did not even speak about the emotional Stability it seems to provide.

So guys this is not only about pleasure and happiness. I would say we would be able to get to a level of superhuman functioning in a World of dopamine frying overstimulation and overload of information, and this is definetely one of the needed components. Very nice, not yet satisfied but on the way


Does it create these mutant receptors for dopamine only or for dopamine, serotonin and opoid? If so… that is gold.

This field is insane and has already helped multiple areas of my life.


For these categories and all their subtypes, many variation, all continuously being built and mutated as you use the field


I see above that you use Overcome addiction dopamine / dopamine redux to REPAIR the receptors and Spire to mutate and create new resistant ones correct? :)

just trying to figure out if I should add overcome addiction to repair the already present damage to enhance this field or is it taking care of the repair of the receptors on its own?


This feels like a big deal. Appreciate all the quick impressions.

Shot to the top of my wishlist… grabbing in the next few days.


Favorite. Field. EVER

If there’s a field someone wants to start with….this is the field !

Worked SO fast. I don’t even really have words for how much this has already changed my daily life. Haven’t felt this good in about 15 years! But honestly, mentally, I feel the best I may have ever felt, to my knowledge.

All I can say is THANK YOU Captain, (and anyone else involved!)


I don’t see the use of repairing the old receptors when you’re getting new desensitization-free receptors on demand, fast and for free (after initial cost)


Overpowered field, maybe the most important in our era of cheap dopamine :100:


:100::100: @Rorelo

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This field is wild. I’m a few hours in and there’s a sense of confidence settling in. A sense that I can just engorge in the task and feel great. A joy in the work i have to get done.

This is anti-overwhelm. Anti-“I just need a 10 minute break.”



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what was #1

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Here is my official testimonial of this field for anyone who needs more evidence, or is on the fence.

This field has become my favorite field, and it happened overnight. How does it feel to have your dopamine, serotonin and opioid receptors reset? One word… ALIVE. I finally feel alive, as if i’ve been woken up from a deep slumber of numbness. The only way to explain it is that life finally feels REAL.

Remember when you were a kid, and life was a mystery waiting to be solved? An adventure on its runway to take off? A fight ready to be won? A love waiting to be found? Remember when life was full of possibility and you were excited to simply wake up and see what the day presented to you?

This is the field that reminds you that life is alive. The wind on your face, the vibrant green on the trees and the vivacious blue sky, it’s all alive.

Emotionally, you will feel better, happier, more empathetic and understanding. you’ll seek to forgive your enemies and pray for those who don’t like you. I can’t explain it. People who i’ve had a grudge against, I now want to get to know and hear their stories, support them rather than tear them down. Overcome the selfish need to put others down to feel better about myself.

Insecurities are there, but have diminished greatly. Pain from the past seems to be reconcilable rather than hamster wheels of victimhood.

This field has given me the enjoyment of life back. I love life once again, and my deepest gratitude to both Dr. Manhattan and Captain for making this field.


This is so huge… elevation in awareness level…OMG


beautifully expressed, thanks for the review


Before I listened to this audio, I was drinking 2 cups of coffee after lunch everyday. I love coffee :-) Since I listen to this audio ( 1 week already), I have totally stopped drinking coffee. In fact yesterday I tried to drink a cup and I felt like a kind of nausea. So I stopped. But I did not want to stop drinking coffee :roll_eyes: I hope it will help me stop alcohol also … but for now no success !


I am noticing these effects too. My morning coffee has been my only cup this last week or so and I normally have 2-3. It has translated over to alcohol nicely it seems… Im not a big drinker but every now and then when I have one with dinner I get the twinkle in my eye :sparkles: and I feel like getting loose. That happened last night and I easily capped it at 2 without any mental chatter about it


Yup definetely reduces urges by a great amount