Spirethion Max (Frontier Series)

Keep in mind guys, one of the reasons it’s addictive is because it fries your receptors.

Yes, porn would be more enjoyable but the craving being much less, an occasional masturbation shouldn’t carry the same weight. The increase in pleasure from porn is relative to the increase of pleasure from everything else and your receptors will be left standing after the porn reducing dependency considerably.

Masturbating once in a while is not the same as addiction. I’m not recommending it, just preaching a balanced point of view as for the energetic aspects tools are abundant for that I think.

The point of view of someone on nofap is not exactly the same as a regular person worrying about the purely addictive patterns. The biological benefits of nofap being temporary despite the absence of relapse (emphasis on the purely biological dimension).


After spending a decent amount of quality time with this, I don’t believe this will create / reinforce addictions in people. Sure things might feel better, but healthy receptors / brain will balance things out. Healthy brains & people don’t head towards destruction simply for pleasure. I’m pretty certain that this field drives towards health and balance, and if there’s some ++ indulgence along the way, well… life is good :relaxed:




I absolutely love this field. I went for a run today for the first time in a long time and pushed myself and in a weird way enjoyed it. I never enjoy running lol.

I also just feel happier, more mellow, and excited about life.

For anyone on the fence, I highly recommend it.


1st Review:

Made my first loop yesterday of 30 minutes.

During those 30 minutes I just closed my eyes and sit there (to make sure that no external Input is processed during the upgrade, probably does not matter but just to be on the safe side).

Effects noticed so far:

  • Ability to focus is up ~10%
  • Colors appear more intense by about ~5%
  • My number for my “real life clicks-per-minute” (in RTS gaming terms) i.e. “actions per minute” has increased by ~10%

Drinking lots of water is important with this!

Slept for 10 hours:

  • All my dreams were super vivid and in full color.

Now upon waking up:

  • Coffee smells 5% more intense. Taste as usual so far. This is the only drug substance I have consumed so far since my first loop. No desire to consume anything else so far that triggers dopamine, not even the Swiss chocolate in front of me :chocolate_bar:

I think it is important to do a few rest days after this first loop and let the brain and you with your new perception of things get accustomed to the new state before doing the next loop.

I have a feeling as if I didn’t sleep at all (still feel normally refreshed) because I was visually seeing all those dreams playing out in front of me in my mind.

It is 2 AM here in Germany, gonna go to the gym now with one of my best friends lol. The idea of working out does not appear as annoying as it was just two days ago for me. I would say that there is even a slight sense of “let’s just do it and maybe it will even be fun”, which is very cool, because in the past I always considered working out as one of the most boring and repetitive tasks…


No, you need to first heal the trauma behind this addiction first.

I.e. “your secret reasons” and your “why’s” of why you are using that drug in the first place.

The drug itself, at least in the case of porn, is just a dopamine escapism mechanism. You are using it for emotional regulation to cover up bad feelings about something.

You need to do deep shadow work on yourself and face the emotions you are trying to escape from. Could be loneliness, could be lack of self love, could be abandondment, could be fear of not being able to get the same sexual stimuli in real life etc. You need to explore and identify your personal reasons for why you are escaping into this drug.

This is the first part in the healing process.

Once this is done, only then comes the healing of your messed-up dopamine receptors and the brain wiring of this habits.
This is the part where you then use fields like this AND use your willpower to form new habits.
But as mentioned this is the second part.
The first part is the healing of your underlying reasons and trauma.
Otherwise doing part 2 is of no use, because you will either relapse or find a different drug to replace it with and escape into emotional regulation again.

Porn is a drug, yes, but it is also a symptom of a deeper issue.
It has nothing to do with sex actually. It is all about the release of the high dopamine amount for personal emotional regulation. Just because the trigger for the dopamine is sexual, does not mean that the addiction has anything to do with sex at all. Porn addicts are not people “with high libidos” lol, no, they are people who found the shortest and easiest way of releasing a high amount of dopamine by the click of a button. It is just a very convenient drug to use.

I recommend that you should absolutely NOT use this field unless you have healed the underlying issues of the porn addiction. Otherwise you are at risk of turning yourself into a Gooner (which then means game over for ever becoming a productive being in most cases).

This here! :100:


Respectfully, I disagree on this one. While doing the deep shadow work is necessary and unavoidable, a healed receptor network will deeply support the process of moving towards wholeness and leaving unbalanced and unaligned patterns behind. I’m standing for this because people in the midst of suffering need all the help and relief they can get


So do I on this, diminishing the dependency and craving while restoring the flexibility and ability to develop new habits and learning is necessary to shift away from an addiction.

Long periods of withdrawal and craving are necessary specifically because they allow for very slow re-sensitization that in turn allow to make the new decisions and pathway manifest away from the addiction.

While I don’t encourage binging into an addiction this is the tool that allow to reduce the effect of that addiction and reflect on a new trajectory with intent.

Releasing the grip of the addiction is step one IMO

Drugs that boost opiod slowly without triggering the full high are the main way to ween off heavy drugs, it’s the most effective way. Otherwise you are dependent, if CBT alone would get you off drugs, that’s what everyone would do and what would be prescribed. It has been tested and it is a routine therapeutic tool, well established. Conscious realizations have been a medical too for a long time, it has been tested and researched.

CBT comes after the immediate relief to cement it not the other way around. Calming the fire is what allows you to reflect on the path to take next.


So i took the Bullet and watched the porn. Yes my brain fucking enjoyed it. But at the same time i could say no easily. So now i am at the moment where having actual sex is just more enjoyable because i have decided that i value actual intimacy more, so no need to watch the porn. But my brain would still swim in dopamine if i would decide to watch it. But that wont Happen since i dont want to anymore. I might decide and watch it one day but i have complete autonomy and i am not forced to watch it and still feel great
This is not a double edged sword. People who want to watch, will watch it. But if you actually dont want to this will free you.

Take it from me. This is actually how it is.


Nice experience, but still, ppl’s psychology might be various and complicated, so I wouldn’t advise it as the definitive answer. Might work for different people differently. The general advise should stay as was previously said that it might be safer to firstly abstain from it, do some work on yourself. Generally.

If 20 ppl will fully attest that, then it’ll fine.


Good point. Gotta respect that and say that other peoples experiences might vary.
But im still pretty Sure that Overall this will have a positive impact on peoples lifes and outweigh the negative aspects if there are any.

And either way im not advising anyone to watch porn. Do not watch porn under any circumstance, there is not one situation i can think of where porn will do any good.

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I think this could be really interesting in the sexual area. It could help all the couples where after years of marriage the passion is off. I’m not in that situation so I can’t really say but this + some field for love/relationship could really reunite a couple.


Good observation :+1:

From now on, with this + Elysian Focus + Wu-wei,

we are now officially boring ppl. Bcs we can now enjoy the same things over again and keep going with them forever.


I had a football match today and i felt like a child today before the match, I was happy to be there and very cheerful and playful. I talked to a lot of people and was more extroverted.This has helped a lot with withdrarwal symtoms. I am satisfied when not doing anything and dont have much urges, and the urges that are left are weaker than normal. I have been more focused today and have had an easier time to say no to cheap dopamine activities.

Highly recommed.


Spirethion Max Day 2:

Total listening time so far: ~80 minutes

  • “Actions per Minute” have increased by another +30%
    Doing stuff all the time lol, and Jumping from task to task.
    My Subconscious Mind already knows what I have to do and what needs to be done and I am now just its little pawn doing the execution :rofl:

  • It seems I have lost interest in coffee and chocolate as a means to get a dopamine shot.
    Drinking coffee seems to no longer give me that extra quick high it was giving me in the past.
    No change in the taste experience, but its dopamine shot function seems to be becoming redundant now?
    Could actually mean I am going to save money on these in the future :smiley:

  • No desire for sexual release or orgasm.
    Which may be a “natural flatline effect” combined with the desentization-immunity from Spirethion.
    Gonna loop “Overcome Any Addiction” now additionally to restore the receptor sensitivity further.

If I understand correctly and @Dr_Manhattan please correct me if I am wrong but this is my understanding of how it works:

  • Overcoma Any Addicition → will restore the desentization of the receptors that was done in the past
  • Spirethion Max → will prevent any new desentization of the receptors

Is this correct?
Thank you.

  • Also, ALL dreams are incredibly vivid ALL THE TIME.
    I feel like I can no longer simply “pass out and rest in peace” lol
    My mind is constantly processing something and I am always aware of it!
    I wonder what is going on? :worried:
    Maybe all the other brain and psychic fields I have are suddenly doing their thing?
    I am also always sleeping with the Arc Light NFT and ask the Arcturians to work on me.

Spirethion creates new additional mutant receptors that can’t be desensitized on demand


Oh I see.
So “Overcome Any Addicition” fixes the older receptors that were desensitized while Spirethion Max creates completely new desensitization-immune receptors?
How long will it ca. take until all old receptors are replaced by the new immune ones?

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You listen more, you will get more mutant receptors. Your system will likely still make the basic version of the receptor on its own as it is what your gene produces. But they won’t matter much.


so there is significantly more mutant receptors compared to normal?

If you listen often then yes😄.
Bcs you’ll just keep creating these mutant receptors.