Spirethion Max (Frontier Series)

They are still good. It will happen over months. There will be some waiting


After the week from existential hell I bounded up this morning like I wet the bed. Increased drive for life enhancing activities & mundane chores, much increased patience & equanimity and a tangible feeling like my brain is being healed & balanced

And it’s not limited to that. Quite a profound influx of beneficial results


This field is REALLY nice. I have a higher drive in general than ive had in a long time, not in like a caffeinated way, but calm.

I have more to say but maybe I can wait until I use it for awhile first


I can totally see a field like this being played in the Kindergardens of the world, to make children excited for life forever.

And also make them willing to work hard jobs when they are grown-ups lol.
I guess this field will even make officials work at their desks :laughing:.

A “Brave New World” might come with this, where no one needs to eat “Soma” and everyone is happy and motivated because it is already engineered into everyone’s brain lmao.


Just got this too :relieved: :sparkles:

Thank you very much Dream and Philip!

Going to try it out now.
First test loop will be 15 minutes.
Then I will test whether my green tea tastes better and whether I will have more fun making my daily salad.

Yesterday, I have spent the whole night of preparing myself and my life for this field. I.e. removing anything that could become an “exciting drug” for me. It is a safety measure to prevent myself from potentially doing stupid things out of boredom.

Will report back after the first tests.

Can I give this field to my Mama to help her with headaches experienced due to weather changes? Do you think this might help with this? Thank you.

I was also thinking about what the field’s name could mean…

“Spire” = either “peak something” or from derived from “spirit” or “spiral something”?

And “thion” means “sulfur”?
However, we have “phosphorylation” here…

Also, the pyramid in the jungle with the glowing top appears in the Mummy Returns movie too.

Or the pyramid is to be understood symbolically, with the glowing top = “max” something. Maybe it represents the glow of excitement always being above the mundane boring grey jungle?

In pyramid shaped objects the Chi / Orgone is usually concentrated and maxed out at the top. Any connection of this field to what happens at the top of the Great Pyramid?

Or maybe a reference to the Spire of Dublin - Wikipedia, which is also known as the “Monument of Light” and here it simply represents a “beacon of light”, towering above the jungle of boredom?

Happy Birthday man! :partying_face:
With this field you will probably enjoy mountaineering more than ever! :mount_fuji: :sparkles:


looming forward to getting these when they’re out. do the addiction fields consider deltafosB?

I don’t see what you mean.
It’s easy to learn about a new elements and say “oh, it’s evil” but there is no evil protein, no cocaine gene or porn addiction transcription factor. There’s no useless stuff, the human body is a very efficient machine.

You need ΔFosB to not be a completely dysgenic fool. More of it is an awesome thing, you learn basketball, reading, driving or anything and you’ll need it to learn at a synaptic level and reinforce the behavior and adaptation. It releases growth factors, it coordinates skill-based wiring letting your neurones know who they work with in what way.

Jerking off to porn every night at 1am is a skill, habit neurologically speaking, it’s just very easy to learn and it’s very rewarding in the short term but it’s not this transcription factor’s fault if you or anyone else exposes themselves to garbage.

Garbage in, garbage out. But if you put good things in it, it put out great things. It’s more complicated than that.

This is from Berserker’s wrath, same family of transcription factors, these are crucial to learning and adaptation.

The human body is a marvel, but humans find ways to hack it with addictive drugs, proxy sexual intercourse, porns to get the high without the work and then these healthy mechanism turn into pit where you invest to get the high with shortcuts, overload yourself with reward, confusing the machine and you miss out on the benefits of achieving it the hard way with external fruit for your labor.

I’ll keep with the porn example, feeling and mimicking other people using mirror neurons is great for learning and empathy. It allows us to synchronize. And sex is good because that’s the only way to naturally keep the specie alive. If you don’t love sex, you don’t bother, you don’t reproduce and your genetic material disappears.

But humans found out that they can use technology to record 2 people having sex and use the same learning mechanism and reward to get the satisfaction from sex for billions of people at a time.

That’s just what it is.
The same strategy and learning abilities have allowed to invent the camera and internet that spread the porn. It’s not some mystical thing.

We invented cars to avoid walking. Using cars all the time makes you lazy and fat. Well, we invented porn to avoid having sex and still get the pleasure. You can rub one out and reduce your horniness in the short term while getting relaxation and pleasure.


I was just wondering if the addiction fields would in any way alter that specific brain function. But I appreciate your post, gave me food for thought
I guess I wanted to know how the addiction fields would tackle addictions in general, but I’ll just wait and see what’s in store🙂

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We’ll do our best to satisfy the community and ourselves as users too :muscle:


Yep, patience doubled


Any observations on emotional addictions as yet ?

In my opinion this should be high up with the most revered of Captain’s work, as big as Blueprint of Life and The Eternal. Captain has plenty of products on positivity, but this transforms the physical structure of how we experience it directly. Negativity breeds negativity…but with this you’ll never fail to find and also BE the positive, and then, the positivity will breed more positivity, and that will attract more positivity…etc

Thank you Doc, Dreamweaver, and Virtus Victoriam Legion!



what exactly do you mean?

This is a great insight Doc , but it is also somewhat of an Over-Simplification. While there is surely a Bio-Chemical aspect of the porn phenomenon which you explained meticulously, however, there is also an Energetic and Meta-Physical Aspect to it involving Armies of Succubi, Incubi, Eggregores extracting the Life Force from the Physical and Etheric Bodies of the people etc etc which work from the shadows and which make this addiction so hard to Overcome.

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subconscious habit of re living certain emotions… which can be classified as negative or shadow emotions

Me on my way to listen to this for 24 hours for the next 5 days knowing how cooked I will be


Time to fly highhhhh

This shit completely destroyed my withdrawals. That was insane. Brain game never did that for me.


You’re right, Ojas and protections are recommended.

I just stay in my area of expertise when I explain things. If I start going into energetic stuff, I’m not the most reliable on that front. I’m not discounting those dimensions of the experience

Being friend with a wizard doesn’t make you a wizard lol


Can this cure porn addiction? I’m making good progress in my life thanks to thanks to my brain stack but I can’t quit this addiction.

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No, quite the opposite. You’ll enjoy it, it was mentioned here a couple of times. And it might require less to get the same dopamine.

Spam cord cutter, self respect, and other.

But on the other hand, maybe with enjoying life with all that it brings, you may crave porn less. So results might be more nuanced, wait for reviews. Even tho I doubt they would be willing to share how much they “enjoyed” porn, lol.

Anyways, you might wait for this:

Or try to bribe him to push it sooner :joy:


It’s a double edged sword, if you know you will quit porn entirely for good and never looking back on it, this will cure your addiction at a fast rate but if you get the plethora of dopamine and then watch porn because you’re bored or it’s a habit then you are cooked bro. Gooner lifestyle will be a paradigm.

Personally for me, this destroyed my cravings and withdrawals to porn all in one day but I played this for 10+ hours, it’s better than brain game for sure. I don’t even feel the need to watch porn, instead I wanna work out, read a book, sleep nicely, meditate, etc.

Can you imagine with brain game, Plasma Brain of Youth and dopamine redux it took me nearly 2 weeks to get to that level of satisfaction to even want to do some things? With this, it took only one day, oh my lord y’all better utilize this. IM HYPING THIS UP :metal:

This is all up to you, if you decide to lay on your bed and decide “oh lemme pull out my willy cuz I’m bored” yeah I don’t know what to tell you man.

This field is crazy, take this seriously. You either level up or level down.