Spiritual Awakening?! Mind Control!?

Hi, I am looking for some advice. I believe i am experiencing a spiritual awakening. As a result of this, and this has been primed for a while, my wife seems to have taken on a new identity. Almost demonic. I love my wife, so much. I want to help her. Is there a way i can channel or play something so she returns to her normal self. It is like she is being manipulated to make me low. Therefore not progressing on to the truth. She of course does not believe in all of this.

I want her back. She does not recognise that everything she says and does to me is negative. She is extremely fearful. Can anyone help?

Thank you.


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Hi, Matt. I think some context might be necessary.

Perhaps you can offer enough detail to give us something to work with. It seems that you have changed and she has responded. How have you changed? Do you act in a different manner? Do you treat her differently? How have you explained your inner transformation to her?

Hi, I have become more calm. Less materialistic. Kinder to people. I treat her better. With respect. Before i had my own demons, they are still attached to me. But i feel as my vibration is getting higher, they have attached to her.

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I also need advice regarding removing attachments. I have physical marking on my wrists and ankles.

Like they are being squeezed. I dont know how to release them.

There are many ways to resolve conflict. Doing the work within your own consciousness may create a change in the way you both perceive the situation. Ho’oponopono and other releasing techniques can be very helpful. If you change your perspective (how you are seeing this), you may find that the outer situation will change.

In the meantime, try Angelic Intercession + if you have access.

also this: New Release: De-Inhabiter Combo

I’ve been there, you two are polarizing. Your awakening is pushing her away, and your new identity is forcing her to take on a new identity in response. “Normal” is gone, but you can still find a new balancing point to bring you two back into harmony.

You can’t force her through the door, and you can’t be upset that she isn’t progressing. I guess you can be upset, but it won’t help things. It’s her choice to follow you there or not, and your choice to continue. Good luck stopping. None of it is fair, but it is what it is.

I understand her fear and your frustration. If you want to find rebalance in the relationship, you have to find common ground again. There has to be a neutral, stable place that both of you can base your relationship off of going forward. At least a common understanding, acceptance, and love for each other. You may be highly “spiritual” and she may be highly “grounded,” but if you can see eye to eye on these things and the decisions you make in consequence, you’ll be ok. I know that’s harder to do nowadays with everything you do or don’t do having a heightened spiritual and material consequence in clownworld, but marriage is sacrifice and you might have to cede ground in your spiritual pursuits while she cedes ground in her material pursuits to stabilize your relationship.

If you can, find a neutral third party (counselor) to help you two come to terms with each other’s point of view. They will be better able to help you in person vs. a forum. I understand if you have hesitation over this, because of the potential implications of a neutral third party not being so neutral to you and labeling you in some way that leads to negative consequences. These are things we have to weigh when we’re awake. My relationship didn’t make it through my initial awakening experience, but I wasn’t married and didn’t have children so those things might have played a factor.

If you fear she is being possessed by something and want to cast it out, try “be the healer” and one of the various exorcism, banishing, remove negativity, etc. fields.

I hope your relationship turns out better than mine did.


Thank you i really appreciate this. Maybe i am mad and dont see it. Maybe thats why she is so depressed!

I think she’s worried, concerned and destabilized, which can cause depression. If you’ve acted as one of her solid grounding points and now the earth is shifting beneath her feet so-to-speak, she’s going to be upset because her once solid balance is changing without her control or consent. It’s like if I took your house and started shaking it around, changing the layout, the furniture, the neighborhood, all at once. Kind of a bad analogy, but the point is your awakening process will cause her foundations to shake as your foundations crumble apart. I just suggest to you to have empathy for your wife, be open about what is happening (as you’re able) and take care of your duties as a husband and a member of your household. No matter if you’re Jesus or just some dude, we all have to take care of the basics in life, don’t shrug that off for the sake of your marriage. I don’t think you are, but just good to hear it anyways.

I’ve gone through my awakening mostly alone. Could never find a mentor I resonated with, never had a counselor or anyone really understand. I’ve had to stick with the basics and keep my heels planted firmly in the earth as best as I can while my head rockets up into the clouds. Sapien med, dr. virtual, and many other energy work channels have been a Godsend in that regard. Always work on your foundations, root, and ground!

Edit: Oh, and you’re welcome. I hope that helps.

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Play in the home, where you can both hear

Exorcism rite
Negative entity removal
Cord Cutting
Disconnect from negative energy
Raise vibration
Raise Environment atmosphere
Angelic intercession

It can be good to plays these in the home every now and then anyway

This is the same thing I believe is happening to me. An argument breaks out and their eyes look different and they get like a little smirk and when you call it out they get very angry even more. I noticed patterns everywhere it seems everybody you start to talk to it turns into tests if that makes sense. I suffer from demons myself they are very hard to get rid of and it’s like It will be a good day for them and a dark day for us then it will flip flop if that makes sense as well. This matrix knows everything and they know the best ways to get to us and that’s through people we love. They know that the ones we love we will most likely never leave because we want to believe things will change so we stick around usually until things really hit the fan. I remember the one post I made. my relationship was included in it and a notification some how popped up on my partners phone allowing them to see my post which created an argument because i was saying things like this in the post she took it all wrong and personal like i was talking bad about her and stuff lol. I will even see people day to day walking around that don’t even look like their there consciously it’s like a bunch of zombies walking around if that makes sense and I’ll even see things where people will just snap into a trance and stuff. I’ve noticed where I live everything is the same and I mean everything no lie. Everybody does the same stuff, talks the same, acts the same, even walks the same if they could. I feel like I’m living in a completely different world most of the time because I can just see weird things others can’t in themselves even and people will laugh at me when I speak of things and look at me like I’m crazy. I have random people at times telling me they see something in me and I should seek help. The best thing about it so many people will read the Bible, act like they pray, claim they walk with the Lord, go to church twice a week even and still look at me when i speak of angels even like they don’t believe me and look at me like I’m Satan trying to deceive them. I remember this wedding I went to I swear it didn’t last very long I felt everybody staring at me and shortly after everybody left the wedding within an hour and I mean everybody. I went outside after eating for a min came in to get more the food was gone and all. My one cousin was there that I haven’t seen or talked to in years even said they felt the same way about it so I knew it wasn’t just me that caught the drift. The pastor was the first to leave even. It’s all a joke in my opinion lol