Spirituality and Sex - Respectful and Insightful Discussions Please

Sounds like what proper enlightenment would be like in real life. After all, this world is also maya/illusory.


Yeah I’ve experienced this. In the dream I was talking to my friends and then suddenly realised I was dreaming. And I was like, “quick, let me take off into the sky like iron man”. But the dream collapsed, waking me up. Like it almost always does whenever I realise I’m dreaming.


Yeah, you should stabilize the dream before trying stuff like that.

Just look at the ground and spin on yourself really fast, it’ll stop shaking. After a while it’ll stay stable.

At the beginning you’ll just be stabilizing, doing a little thing, stabilizing again. It’s hard because it feels like wasting some precious lucid dreaming time.

If you can stop thinking about the world and yourself and focus on doing things, it should be easier too.

Edit: and I derailed the thread. Sorry Psy


Ah yes that’s happened as well. Only problem is I forgot that I was dreaming again :joy:


I was thinking about everything you wrote in that message, wondering what I feel about it and what came up is to be genuine, with ourselves as well as the other and take it from there with love. I think a lot of the issues we have in relationships can be helped by that, because when we’re honest about who we are and what we want, it’s easier to see if we’re in the right place and if yes, to give the other what they need or to know that we can’t and for peace to be reached. Finished my tangent :stuck_out_tongue:

I was going to say this haha. My biggest challenge is the holding with intent instead of thought, as @DR_MANHATTAN was mentioning and having old belief instilling doubts. It’s an odd place to be when you truly think everything is possible and yet doubts prevent it from happening.

I think about this often lately. It feels like my hedonistic nature that allows me to connect to pleasure in a wholesome way had nothing to do with nurture, but my later disconnecting from that and letting in mainstream beliefs that muddied the waters was based on things I did learn in childhood. From what I read, my current impression (which is being constantly re-evaluated) is that there might be things that are part of our inherent nature, a bit like our primordial sound (if that makes sense) and then we get exposed to other sounds that either tune us in a higher or lower octave. And when we are aware of this, we can choose the lower of higher with more lucidity. I say choose the lower because I know it seems obvious that one would aim to choose the higher, but in my own experience, I do deliberately choose the lower still!


Sammy! Pray tell, what is your stance on sexting and/or open relationships?


One trick for dreams collapsing is, before you go to bed, you keep reminding yourself to rub your hands in when you realise you are dreaming. Somehow kinetic stimulation stabilizes the dream. For the waking up part, from what I have heard doing regular breathing exercises apparently helps. But then again, they help with everything except doing the dishes :P

@SammyG Do you know the book Dreams of Awakening by Charlie Morley? If not, something tells me you would like it!


Did you try letting the Dream go on without you and watching how the “autonomous” you just makes things appear ?

That’s how I learned to make things pop up and even fly. I’m watching and feeling him and it just looks so easy, sometimes he does crazy things without even blinking.
He doesn’t know it’s “hard”.
But it’s you and you feel him and you learn in the first person point of you.


By autonomous, you mean the “you the character inside the dream” and not “you the dreamer”?

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Oh I wasn’t clear, I meant on manifesting, not lucid dreams. But my hope is that by finding a stronger footing in lucid dreaming with intent and raw belief (I mean by that that just knowing something exists I create it) it will give me the momentum to do it in real life.

By the way, have you ever tried to meditate in a lucid dream? Apparently it’s mindblowingly constructive. I’m presently working on asking the “dream” questions.

That being said, no I’ve never tried that! Making a mental note!


Yes, that’s what I meant. The unconscious you is making the dream roll forward. If he is afraid he makes monster pop up. If he needs a gun, a gun pop up. The movie is like a tutorial.

Only getting high.

When I asked them questions, even if it’s another me. They only say what I believe or what I think the person they represent believe or what I expects like it’s their ideas. It can be tricky to talk to them and not influence them. It’s easier if it’s spontaneous and they engage you. Some have more “consciousness and free will”.

“Somethings” in the dream can talk to you though and give you advices.

Edit: Lol, I read an article on some lucid dreaming forum once and I’ve tried to join people’s subconscious in the dream state. I heard it was possible to share dreams, never tried with someone ready.
I’ve tried to connect with younger and future me 5-6 years ago.


Ooooh c’est très intéressant ça! Merci :heart:

I meant asking the dream directly, like talking to god. I’ve sent you a PM, the thread is officially very derailed hahah So sorry @psynergy!!


Just had to laugh at myself a little bit here :stuck_out_tongue: Oh and did I say I’m sorry @psynergy?


i come back from vacation and find a ton of activity!

i’m very happy with all the conversations discussed and derailing at this point to me means that we’re collectively moving on to other topics!

how i also view it is that yes the topics are straying from the original subject matter, but spirituality and us souls tend to do that with pretty much anything we can connect with.


all good my friend! no need to apologize as i enjoy you and everyone just being themself!



Thanks :rose: for asking these questions.
What a diverse range of answers has been given in this post by the respected members of the forum. Reading them, always leaves me in a state of wonder​:grinning: and gratitude :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.
I’m trying to answer them according to my present level of understanding of the topic. Though if I had answered this a few months ago, my answers would have been very different. Joining with Sapien Medicine has been one of the most wonderful gifts I have received from the Universe. May be after sometime my answers would be a little different :face_with_hand_over_mouth::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Who knows :smiley:.
Well, let me try answering them NOW.

When I think there’s a need of my body to release some energy in a particular way or when there’s an energetic heaviness in my lower belly region or simply when I feel sexually aroused in a natural manner, I masturbate. When I masturbate while fully remaining in the present moment, even one session is so satisfying and makes me feel light. Though sometimes I have noticed that after masturbation, I tend to get angry on little annoying issues which on my normal day to day life I outlook by not paying much attention to them. May be it’s because of momentary shifting of my consciousness to lower chakras or may be because sexual feeling contains a part of aggression too in itself. However,
Regarding my body I don’t bother too much as more than 90% of our semen consists of water and remaining sugary content and micronutrients are well replenished through a balanced diet. After all, sexual activity is a natural process. Therefore, human body is intelligent enough to co-operate and co-ordinate with Human Reproductive System too. Earlier I used to afraid :joy: and feel guilty after every orgasmic experience for wasting my essential fluid and used to repress my feelings a lot. Which in turn, used to give rise to some other ailments through different physical or mental pathways. But later I understood that hitting the puberty leads to a proper cycle of hormone levels and different urges. So these things need to be understood and managed with full acceptance. Ignoring and repressing our own body’s response is not something anyone should do. Self acceptance is the first step to Self Love. :see_no_evil:

We, the children of God, or the Divine fragments are completely whole in ourselves. It’s the EGO(false identity) which illusionally separates us from our whole nature. Actually the societal upbringing is such that we all live and work to develop a Strong Ego to cope up with the Identity Crisis. We want to see ourselves as someone defined with something or given a particular label(which is nothing but Ego). The person with a good label has a good identity and with a bad label has a bad identity. Our association with this false identity leads to creation of some subconscious limits. For example, a person having a strong ego of a ‘rich businessman’ will definitely hesitate to work under someone. Because a rich businessman cannot do a job under someone. Here, on one hand Ego gives you the strength of working well as a businessman but on the other hand it snatches away your ability to behave as a person of somewhat an opposite ego i.e., an employee who works by obeying someone’s orders. In the same way, we all are stuck in our own created mind limits. That’s why sometimes, we get attracted to a person having something which we don’t have. But the reality is, what we have, is our creation and what the other person is having is its creation but the thing which we don’t have and the other person is having is due to the limits created by our Ego due to which we are not able to manifest it. As Law of Attraction says,
But we never understand that why we are not getting something which we want or towards which, we are getting attracted always. As people say
So the thing which is opposite or different from us, always lures us and the more we chase, the farther it gets. But in reality, we all are same internally. We all are whole. Seeing a different aspect of beauty in someone’s attracts us towards them but there’s a dormant part of the same beauty in us too. But that dormant needs to be made active.
Coming to the relationships, all the soul connections we make is to make ourselves complete. The thing which we don’t have, we find in others. As we become comitted or get them in our life, and we also start vibrating on the same level as them, then it depends that whether there’s any other need left or not. Was the person who became my partner able to fulfill all the ego generated gaps in me or there’s still something left ? The more complete or less egoic person you’ll get, the less chances are there for you to remain unsatisfied. In fact, a relationship can help you growing spiritually more and more higher. Because when the lower needs and gaps will be filled and when we’ll become whole then only we can move on our spiritual journey further with a feeling of wholeness within us.
Now, for this feeling of wholeness it’s very important to shed all the false skins of Ego. Because even to love, it means to become ONE
and Ego creates all the walls of identity between lovers. You can think of a situation if you belong to a Rich (nothing but just an ego) family and if you see a poor(again an ego) person on road, how easy for you will be to start a love connection with that person ? But if you are a kid, it will be easier for you because children don’t have an ego like grown up persons. That’s why children attract everyone or say, most of the person. Because they are more near to wholeness or far away from Ego.
So, personally I think that before finding a partner, I will try to become a whole being myself first. Because then

  1. Assuming there will be more chances of getting a person like me (by L.O.A) and so I can progress towards my spiritual journey more easily.
  2. Even if due to some circumstances, we leave each other, I won’t complaint or expect anything unnecessarily from him. In fact I will always be grateful for him for whatever the quality time we’ve spent together :hugs:.
  3. On my journey to become whole, my expectations to find a partner will start decreasing automatically. Then instead of expecting from Universe, I will be able to give to the Universe or just be in a state of natural equilibrium.

Though sex is a physical act but it involves rigorous exchange of energy. But sex is the Mountain from which the river of love flows.
As in our solar system, the initial planets are rocky and then thereafter we have planets of gaseous nature,
In our energetic body the lower chakra have more materialistic influence in the quality of their energy and it’s the Heart Chakra from which the actual feeling of Love originates. Sex corresponds to the lower chakras. Similarly, in the puberty when the sexual urges began to rise, one can experiment in whatever ways (s)he can but when you cross all the sexual experiences and rise above a certain level of love, the feeling of physical sex ‘naturally’ starts reducing. But it has to be come naturally. Sex is as sacred part of life as other processes. It should not be done to satisfy sexual urge with love experiences. May be you can feel good. But it’s always good to accept natural calls of the body, rather than repressing it. Love of higher dimension should come as your own experience rather than that of infatuation of someone else’s experience. And that can come if you follow and respond to your natural needs and accept yourself and everyone as it is.
So, it should be all our choice to choose our partner and ask ourselves before that what actually our need is.

The whole pornographic business is nothing but a response to the uncontrolled urges of Humanity towards sex all over the world. Which is due to nothing but repression of sex, unacceptance of sex. The moment you suppress something, the moment you consider something as sin, the moment you try to hide something, you have automatically given the green signal to mind’s curiosity towards it. We are attracted towards something which we don’t have. A person who is sexually satisfied why would unnecessarily waste his/her time on pornography. But as our old culture considers sex as a wrong thing, too much energy is put on our minds to don’t think about it. But it’s funny because we are actually giving it more energy. It’s like the more we try not to think about something the more powerfully the thought makes a comeback.
So pornography is wrong but instead of banning pornography, first we need to spread sexual awareness on mass level. Why don’t these film makers make video on something of day to day routine ? Obviously who will be interested in knowing about something, which we know through our own life experience. So, when Sex will be accepted as a natural part of human life, your life, my life, our own life, all the sexual content behind which the whole world is running, will become useless. In fact we might be having youth which will use this content for educational purposes instead of my school time when we used to use even sex educational material for kinky purposes. LOL :joy:.


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A short answer to all the questions:

None of these are inherently bad.
Everything is good in moderation, balance.

Watching Netflix for too long is as bad as porn.

If you go too long without masturbation + can’t handle the influx of sexual energy = prostate cancer.

If you masturbate too frequently, you lose vital energy.

Sex with one vs sex with many is a lifestyle decision with consent of other partners. As long as it harms no one and yourself, you’re good.

Balance is key.


Personal point of view and history of sex development:
have read about sex and figured out what is sex after seeing a picture in a book about sex for kids at age of 7. a couple of months after my mom after me asking all the time showed me porn. i found it gruesome (penis to mouth was a shock)…then hormones started rising i learned masturbation from boys from my village but was in constant pain to do it because of phymosis. then went to doctor, he made a ton of pain, than i could do sth with my thing.

For me since 7 years of age the interesting thing about sex was (as described in that book) was people that are screaming from pleasure (as a kid i could understand only screaming from pain)…aand my head was all over it then. What is that wholesome biig pleasure where u scream??? and not in pain…and since then my life has been a search for that ultimate scream of pleasure which i never had…my partners had it…i couldnt experience that (o well perhaps once twice for 30 Years)…i think deep inside karmic or not i am rejected the full pleasure of sex until i heal completely , or it is simply an ilusion that such a pleasure exists in the form…

I have had pleasure imagining the pleasure from other people (i.e. porn), people kissing and so on…but me and my body…i have never felt it as attractive as most, and most of the time as i realised lately i tried mimiking the behaviour of the group for such an exstend as to think that i miss ssex dearly and have an enormous urge,… if u ask me alll in the head folks. ive still to figue out what am i sexually and why do i do it, why do i need it…do i need it…but i do it slowly and dont try being a monk or to enforce me to do sth, just use sapien/ dream goodies and observe. And most of the passion/idea/urge/longing for my mesmerised eyes just isnt there. the desire isnot mine…so…thats that…

one more thing: now that i paticipated in the enery awakening couse, after learning the work of dr. virtual also i know i was attacked from a very early age perhaps 7-8. had dreams of creatures/men like that did something to my base chakra (feeling of extreme intrusion there and itching as somebody is playing down there in my sleep)…then at age of 14 had my first fibromialgia episode…from age 7 until 17 i had those same nightmares time and again…of course didnt believe them…was thinking the bad attitude of others to my person was my fault and was allways shy…allways feeling guilty for everything, allways trying to amend stuff…then the real attacks started after 30 years of age… and then i found and realised what sapien/dream was about and started taking back myself…

so i think i have now new to learn what actual sex/conection etc is about…for me the actual intercourse with a woman was not as heavenly pleasurable as discribed from all the folks arround me…

@SammyG perhaps the above also interesing for you…


:moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai: imagine reading this whole thread, and finding nothing important

And then it just hits you out of nowhere, that it’s just another emotion whose only motive is to make humans reproduce like machines
No pros, No cons

What important thing we you hoping to find?