Spirituality and Sex - Respectful and Insightful Discussions Please

Congratulations! You just identified two polarities about sex you set up for yourself for this incarnation. Within these you have all possibilities to choose what you like and how you will look at life.
Your soul doesn’t have an opinion whether one or the other is ”good” or ”bad”. Every expression of you is valid for the source, as the source wish to experience itself in infinite variations.
I wish for you to feel good about yourself and your sexuality, whatever that may be. Also, we all have things we simply enjoy or not enjoy. If one doesn’t enjoy a certain thing at a certain time doesn’t mean one has a blockage or trauma. It could be one just needs time, build more trust and connection or even some mundane circumstances that needs to be met.
But I do think there are stuff for you to look really close at. Strict upbringing, perhaps? But hey, who am I to judge, growing up with few family rules in a country where many breast feed in public, no dating rules, no gender roles on pursuing / being passive…:wink:

Sorry @psynergy if I derailed your thread. My soul just felt the need to express this through my personality, haha! And thank you for being open an vulnerable about your experiences! :hugs:


HAHA Amen to that!!


Yeahh you had to have something to enjoy another I guess :stuck_out_tongue:


Those people may not become addicted or anything, but they still connect energetically with the actors and lower their vibration by this, because the actors often take drugs, smoke, drink etc. And when sexual energy goes through low vibrational channels, then etheric parasites can attach to one’s aura. That is why Exorcism Rite and Etheric Cord Cutter is so helpful for people who want to reduce their porn consumption – they are getting rid of those etheric/astral parasites that would otherwise manipulate them again with thought forms to indulge more.
This applies to prostitution as well.

Again, my point is this:
It is NOT the sexuality that is the negative side of porn.
We all love sex and masturbation and sexual expression is holy.
The negative side of porn is, for some people the dopamine addiction, but for most the lowering of vibration and the aura infestation.
My critique of porn was always about these aspects and not about the sexuality of it.
I see that many people confuse it and think “porn is bad because it is sexual” (like it was programmed by the religions with their guilt and shame brainwashing).
However, is it completely different. Being sexual is awesome and it is totally fine that porn is sexual.
Instead it is rather “porn is bad because it lowers vibration through etheric cords, etheric parasites and a dopamine over-stimulation hook”.

Now it is a totally different story when there is real erotica, tantric love in visual form etc. and these should then not be thrown into the same bucket as “porn”.

Many are asking “Why can’t I watch porn from time to time and jerk off to it?”.

But there are more lucrative questions to ask instead:

“Why can’t I have the most amazing sex in lucid dreams or via astral travel every night?”

“Why can’t I have some crazy erotic experiences with extraterrestials?”
(Dream made fields for us to get in contact with these :slight_smile: )

“Why can’t I have sex with a loving partner or partners in real life for as much as I want to and whenever I want to?”

There are so many greater alternatives out there to live out sexuality than watching stuff on a screen :upside_down_face:

Why working with a tool that imitates reality, rather than manifesting the desired reality?

Also to play the devil’s advocate and list some benefits of porn:
It makes sure a lot of hormone-crazed young people do not get married with, or impregnate the first partner with whom they get laid.
And it helps people to become more creative in bed.

Back on the topic:

Sex itself is not just limited to the physical body.
It takes place on the astral plane as well with astral bodies.
I see sex primarily as an energy exchange and only in the physical world, as a secondary function, also for procreation and social bonding.


I think vibration and beliefs are key (on everything). If you are of a high vibration enough and don’t have negative beliefs around something, you won’t connect that way. You can be surrounded by negativity and not even perceive it as negative, nor lower your vibration.

Couldn’t agree more!


Don’t drink alcohol it’s bad for you, it’s bad.
Gee, somehow people think I think alcohol is bad. I meant, it’s amazing, it makes for greats parties. But alcohol will get you addicted and fry your brain, make your mouth smell bad and kill your liver. But it’s good, I have no problem with the alcohol, just with intoxication and inebriate.

And alcohol and relationships, and gambling, driving too fast, video games, social media, junk food and anything that can be fun really. Some people get addicted to really dumb things or get all OCD. Haven’t some people gotten addicted to spiritual stuff and neglected their health and messed up their relationship and bank accounts ? Some are way overloaded but they’d rather continue instead of grounding themselves, we’ve seen that scene how many time now ? Doesn’t it look like some addictive behaviour ? Doesn’t need look like some people got addicted to some fields ? Some hurt themselves going over the limits you know. They don’t do anything else.

Also, not everybody is gonna be a full blown energetic kung-fu warrior. But as far as we are concerned you pointed to many solutions.

Stop drinking or learn to handle your liquor. Same thing for most activities. Be a grown up.

Blaming dopamine is getting old, I agree with some of it, but people are not stupid deep down they know.
I’m just going wherever the wind blows… I’m a victim of the corporations, it’s their fault if I’m obese and diabetics. They created all these amazing food.
It’s the banks fault if I’m in debt. They gave me all this money but they want me to reimburse a couple percent more. I had no choice but to sign.

We live in this @&$ society… everyone blames everyone else but themselves and they piggy back on other’s claim to get something for themselves ($) even if it’s just escaping their responsibilities and they reinforce that mindset.
I drank alcohol then I shot someone or rolled over a group, must be the alcohol’s fault.

“Why can’t I go to the movie theatre ?”
“A more beautiful question kemosabe would be why don’t you take a private jet to the Maldives with your whole neighborhood ?”
So I’m doing something to chill in 30 min max, someone comes to break my balls telling me not to do it and when I ask “Why can’t I ?” he ask me why I don’t ask more lucrative questions like x or z, which are not even doable anytime soon.
Without insulting him, I’d tell him to go do it himself and leave me alone. If he was so happy, why does he needs to come correct or judge me ? I hope he is at least a 10th degree Oneironaut master of the temple himself.

If it’s bad because you could do better, just suggest it. No need to demonize things.

So random people should talk to aliens instead of watching porn ? That’s the answer.
Edit/ Ooops, you meant banging one, and it won’t get clingy right ? Lets all do it together, never a bad experience or attachment, it’s guaranteed attachment free.

Oh, “we” can because of Dream’s fields, but we can’t use etheric cord cutter or something else :man_shrugging:
We also can’t do both I suppose.

If you got a problem, stop using it, you’re not responsible for anyone but yourself.

So you never watch movies, never played video games, never used comfort food or music…
Can’t we say that lucid dreaming and all the spiritual practice you want to do are imitating the physical world ?
You should just do things in real life instead of dreaming them for 1h.
“Oh, no you see I can’t do that stuff in real life”.
Like I can flip 20 girls at one time or drive a car off a building in a middle of an explosion.

Beat it Van Gogh and all the shitty impressionists !!

Don’t you see a link between religious brainwashing/ programing saying"it’s bad" and you saying “it’s bad, but because of”. Like if yo were a theologian you’d know why religion says it’s bad and if you read between the symbolism you’d get to the same answer.
You’re just doing the same thing they did already and I suspect if you were the holy patriarch you’d do even worst.

Why can’t I watch porn with my partner while doing it ? :man_shrugging:
You said it yourself about the creativity.

When you watch violent movies you invest yourself and your energy too. The whole world is like that.

You got your preferences man, that’s fine, but it’s just you.


If I may respectfully request, can we keep the conversation on topic (and that goes for me as well)? :heart: While I do find this discussion interesting and there is much to talk about, I personally loved the possibilities for interaction around the original post. Perhaps there could be another topic to debate points of view on pornography?


Mate, next time loop Vibration of Transcendece before replying. I hear a lot of ego induced resistance and ego induced angriness.

I am not telling you to not be hedonistic.
I am rather recommending you to live out your hedonism on a higher, more “realistic” level.

Ultimatively, it all comes down to what you can manifest.
The key take-away here is:
Are you proactively manifesting the sex life you want, or are you using the tools that are thrown at you by society?

Here is another insight:

Literally everything that you consume information wise (news, social media, porn, movies, radio etc.) goes as a programming into your subconscious mind.

And guess what, with porn, your subconscious mind is programmed to associate lust with you watching how other people have sex. The message to the sub consciousness here is that it is not you who are having the sex here and that you are just watching other people and jerking of to them.

If people would live by the credo of “every piece of information is like a subliminal”, then people would carefully pay attention with what they feed into their subconsciousness and would be much better at manifesting their desired lives.


So you have eyes to see my ego (which is obvious) but you can’t see it in all your post where you go all this and that is wrong.

For the rest, wow, ok, you thought I didn’t understand you… that must be it, that must be the problem. Wow, I can’t understand your higher wisdom like manifestation and escapism.
Wow, it’s porn. That’s the problem. I got it now.
Thank you.

My point about it’s how you react to it and you can learn from anything and be stronger than that… Nope.


I could go on a few more tangents and dispute most of these points here. I think @Amber3 and @Dr_Manhattan pretty much iterated some of my points anyways. I just think it doesn’t matter at this point. This has just become a back and forth of who’s right and who’s wrong.

I’m not going to convince you and you aren’t convincing me of anything. I already agree with you. I’m just saying it’s subjective and that what you are saying (in claiming objectivity in the matter) isn’t always the case in every single circumstance in the world… unless you are god and you know and see everything. You know every single parasite scurrying around porn videos? You know how low vibe and drugged up every single porn star in every video is? You know the state of mind/vibratory level of every single person who watches porn and how porn affects them? Probably not.

Man, I barely if ever watch porn (has been since 2020) and I’m defending it to the death right now lol. I even abused it in my youth and had issues cause of it! But even then, I don’t believe it’s as black and white as some of you keep insisting. Especially since I can go to pornhub right now and not get any of that energy you are talking about. Your vibration/state of mind does have an effect on the world.That’s the last I’ll say on the subject.


I’d rather get into your questions on sex in the astral or in lucid dreams. Are you able to do this? That sounds interesting and has always intrigued me. I’ve had sex during lucid dreams before but I’m not fond about it because I finish in real life too lol. I don’t lucid dream often though.

Those are very hard alternatives for people to explore though. If astral projection or lucid dreaming were that easy for anyone to do, I don’t think people would be all that interested in real sex anymore either lol.

As for how to have as much sex as possible with your partner? I think sometimes, the loss of passion comes from your or your partner not trying anymore with eachother. We get too comftorable. A lot of guys just seem to think telling a woman ‘let’s $%&*’ will work but it… often doesn’t lol. Most women don’t seem to just turn on immediately like men do.

But to speak for both sexes, I think to have more sex, one has to seduce more. As a woman, wear a revealing outfit and some nice perfume… walk around the house teasing your man and don’t give in right away and drive him crazy. In the bedroom, add more spontaneity to the equation.

Never just have sex to just get off… but to please eachother in a variety of ways… and learn more about eachother’s bodies every enocunter you have. Be playful. Creative. The bed is a workshop and the two of you are creating something new each time. Have fun. You can even start roleplaying and getting real vocal with eachother.

As a man, dress nice as heck for a change. Tell your woman how beautiful she is. Take her out on a romantic date and treat it like one of the first dates where you were madly into her and looking her in the eyes with passion and lust. Seduce. And when she starts to want you badly too, push a little bit. Tease as well. Pushing and pulling is the essence of seduction.

And don’t take it all too seriously. It’s all just meant to be fun.

That’s just my take on it. I don’t know what I’m talkin bout really lmao. Everyone is so different and learning how and when to push their right buttons is a whole mystery to unravel. So I’m just generally speakin ova here and switching topics lol.


Is this a question to someone in particular ? Don’t think so…
I used to do it A LOT. That’s even one of the main reasons I spent so much time learning how to consistently lucid dream years ago.
I never finished in real life, but I supposed I didn’t push enough :wink:

I don’t do it, because now it’s kinda dull and too easy. After that my imagination kinda reached its limits. But it’s amazing how much longer we can make the climax last in a dream.

I think it can lead to escapism. I used to wake up, eat, go to the bathroom, stretch to be more comfortable in my bed and sleep again. After all that stimulation, I’d “flush the oil” in a dispassionate way sometime.


Well, if you are really able to let go and be fully in the moment during sex, you certainly enter a trance (state of no thought) and connect with the divine. (Pretty much tantra lol]. But the way you described it sounds like it comes natural to you. That’s awesome!


Well put. I tend to agree with this as well. Sounds natural to your personality.

That’s a question I tend to ask myself… Are some things just natural to our beingness no matter how we were raised or is it all due to how we were raised?


General question.

That sounds very freaking cool! Were you able to imagine any partner? Did they feel real? Also behave like their own person or you controlled that too? Were the orgasms energetic?

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Anyone, as many people as I want, feel more real, vivid and dense than real life.

It would depend on what I liked. Sometime just launching a scene would be enough and they would be animated. Sometime they would behave like I assume the real person would behave or just stay still. Depends on whether I felt more like having a real interaction, total control or cinematic tastes.

I’m not sure what that means. That was before sapien med, I never heard of chakra or energy at the time.

Loll, well a better question then is how were the orgasms?

That’s a blessed gift to have man.

And since we are talking about lucid dreams, was the world simulated by your mind or randomized by the subconscious? How much control did you really have? (Sorry for all the questions but I rarely talk to LDers lol)


To lucid dream now, I would need to record my dreams for 2 days, then I’d get some, after a week I’ll get lucid dream every time.
But sometime I just feel like I’m in a box with anything I want, I can create fake challenges but it gets boring. Especially when it feels so real and you wake up only to experience a severe downgrade in your lifestyle.
Some things I thought were real, because I made those dream too “realistic”.

Most of the time it would be a mix of places. Most content generated by my subconscious is a mash up of real things.
But I can change it effortlessly. I just need to remember that it’s not real, it’s not dense. I don’t know how to explain.

To change it I remember that it’s empty and I just acknowledge that what I want is already there. If I try to change things, I’ll wake up. If I expects it, it is.
Then when you changed it and focus on it, it gets denser and more “real”.

Like if I try to make a ferrari or a girl pop up, to do that I just expects them to be there and they are, it’s like they’ve been there since the beginning. If you get caught up in changing with your “thought” instead of “intent”, it gets too complex and I can’t hold all those ideas.

With time what you intend or expects just pop up or gets removed as you go.
Lol, one last try, trying to change things, implies an effort, it implies that you don’t control, it’s not already like you want. And having that feeling, makes manifesting harder.
And you have different levels of controls. It can even become a non lucid dream for a few seconds and gets back to lucid.


Wow that is fascinating. Never delved too much into lucid dreaming cause I would think it’d be like escapism as well. Still… your own private world you can do anything in like a virtual reality!

That is the key to law of attraction brotha. You should get into spiritual growth in your lucid dreams. Maybe find a way to play some of dream’s spiritual audios in that realm! Imagine the portals even… lol


I had this conversation before, I can’t really explain, but I prefer doing it in meditation. It’s like the difference between studying in an office or in a bar on new year’s eve.

Like I tried to do some serious work and I can, but most of the time, I have the intention before going to bed and when I wake up in the dream, I have Kate Upton sitting in my Ferrari or some whacky stuff. It’s already waiting out of habits and I’m already fed up of reality, I just want to have fun and escape. (Damn, that’s bad, lack of self-control)

I can have sex with an army of girls on stage live with a giant screen and the crowds go nuts, cheering for me. I’m not going to study. If normal life was more fun, I would be more serious in my dreams.

Real life fun is not even fun. That’s why I don’t want to go in my dreams too much