The Male & Female Dynamic of the 21st Century

Yes, the way I see it is nature sees for a while and then takes the matter into her own hands, like how nature created new bacteria to feed on plastic as humans are filling the oceans with astronomical amounts of plastic destroying the ecosystem. She can be ruthless as she wants!


Mmmm… not true. There’s a lot more sex going on in ther other realms than in here, I’ll tell you. Well, even then, there’s something I can imagine is a bit difficult to grasp. But I’ll share it. Everything is sex. Everything is exchanging energy all the time. We are always merging and creating reality together by both percieving eachother and the environment we are in at the same time. It’s a symbiosis. I become you, you become me. Even by just being around people in an environment. Physical sex is a much more direct and intimate form of this merging of course but it’s all in essence the same… Verbal and emotional intimacy is sex too! If you were to zoom in to our particles as they intermingle with one another you’d see it’s all sex my brotha.

Generalizing peoples desires once again. You are not everyone and niether am I. I think humans are much more complex than our primitive bodies seem to suggest. Remember, we are spirits having a human experience, not the other way around. And more often than not, over time, our spirits mold our bodies funcitioning depending on our preferences.These bodies are but our machines for our minds. Of course, the machine has certain defaults that most people default to but in many cases, mind reprograms these machines.

And as I said, I do think the majority of people love sex and find it important. But I’m telling ya, you get to know enough people and realize its really not that important to a lot of people as well. And I don’t sense its because they are sexually repressed. We’re just all our own people. We aren’t all automatons with the same exact functions.

I would agree with this. There are some asexual relationships out there though. And although me and you might not find asexuality to be legit or something cause by sexual trauma or repression, it is very legit to them. And I’ve read with some of them never even have experienced sexual trauma or repression of any sort. The desire just never came. Not something they ever feel the need for. At all. There are billions of people out there my friend. There are many, many variations of us. Hence why I tend to believe there aren’t objective truths that pertain to every single one of us. Infinity doesn’t tend to work that way.

And by the way, I hope you don’t feel any sort of way when I disagree with ya. I like having these discussions. They are fun and disagreeing with someone is never personal for me. Just sharing my thoughts. As I personally don’t really know anything and am just talking out the booty lol. (had to say this cause I forget to use the words maybe, could be, and whatnot in my texts sometimes and sound like I’m talking objectively. When that’s quite the opposite of my thoughts on these things)


in my eyes it is all about oversaturation, envy and competition.

the world we call civilised will do anything possible to oversaturate the brain with stimuli and artificial emotions, archetypes and programming.

the warmth of a real family lacking everywhere.

real virtue abhored and made fun of.

for a normal man to try and impress a woman now there is nothing left. all is already given to her from …the industry…

in my opinion the darkness of today spreads like a forest fire trough channels of envy…even through the jeleaous people of our world. there is nothing to stop this game.

if you forum members expect to change something you should be looking at the earth under your feet.

the women reflect the earth and take its energies easily.

if we as community try with all our tools to heal the earth wherever we live we will in short time relieve a renewal of everything that we consider wrong also in the subject of relations between people.

Lots of gloom and doom in here


Hi Sammy,

Yes, I agree with you that sex is energy exchange on all levels.
I wrote something similar as you here some time ago:

…what I meant in this particular thread here is that we come into the physical world to have unique experiences where all of this exchange happens through the limitations and the filter of the physical bodies.

In my experience 99% of people on the planet have some type of repressed sexual energy.
For example, if someone has even the slightest feelings of shame when being naked (even when being physically alone and even in the so-called sexually liberated West), then this is already a type of repressed sexual energy and expression. Body shame and healthy sexual expression cannot co-exist.
That is just one example and there are many more how most people have repressed sexual expression. In so many countries couples can’t even hold hands or kiss in public…

Yes of course. Usually the statements that we make in such discussions are only generalizations and not universal truths.

Not at all. Thank you for your kind consideration. I find these discussions too very beneficial for me to see the perspectives of others. It is a great excercise in ego dissolution for me – even though it is difficult for me at times (because wanting to share with others what I found out so far about how the world works, is a deep drive inside me).

Same with me… :sweat_smile:

Take care man!

:white_heart: :v:


Much love to you as well my friend :heart:

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Much love to you as well. Although I would be rather accepting if this whole human thing doesn’t work and we get wiped out… I don’t desire that either. We have our many flaws but we also have many strengths as well. We are dual creatures. Negative and positive and it doesn’t matter what time period you incarnated in, you would have to deal with humanitys dual nature.

Any other time in history was inundated with war, with tyrannical leaders, famine, horrible plagues, very low life expextancy, ext… the outside world was very dangerous. And now that it is safer than it has ever been in the history of our species, humans are suffering because they have to deal with the world within. With our fears, with our mental weaknesses and shortcomings and so on.

What I see now in men is their inability to cope with their shortcomings. Inability to rise up and adapt to change and become the best man they can be. So that yes, they can attract women. So that they can live the life they want to live. You have to fight for it. Push for it. It’a always been that way.

You might believe that it would have been so easy to get a woman back in those days. Well, you had to provide for them and doing that was hard work. Painstaking work that never ended. Working to survive and nothing else. And even then, often that was not enough with death looming at every corner. Life was harder. You could not be lazy in those days. You had to push day in and day out to survive.

And now life is easier than it has ever been. It truly is. You have all the knowledge in the world at your fingertips to improve yourself. You have all the dating apllications, locations and whatnot to find what you are looking for. To practice. To master yourself. Food is easy to come by so you have all the time to focus on improvement.

But you allow these negative thoughts of giving up and wanting the world to end to win you over. That is giving up. If you incarnated in another time period, would you have given up when you couldn’t find food for your family? Incarnating in this planet was never going to be easy. There was always going to be challenges and rhe challwnge now is that you actually have to work on yourself to attract women.

Men think it was easier to deal with women back then because they had all the power. But it still wasn’t! Women were still women. Read all the poetry of the olden times and you’ll read of men complaining about their wives. Why do you think so many men used to beat their wives?

They were also unhappy. What people don’t understand is that an unhappy wife results in an umhappy man. Your wifes happiness will affect your psychology. Whether you like it or not. And all that is being asked of men in this day and age is to be more mindful and respectful of women. And become more mindful of our own emotions and find balance within. Is that really such an insufferable task?

You are not owed anything in this world. Always remember that. Thinking things would be better another time period and hating the time you live now is escapism. It is the inability to accept things as they are. And to push forward with all the willpower in you. If you are to prevail. You are to live in this moment. To breathe it. Accept any challenge that comes your way and work through it. Because you are another face of infinity. Capable of anything that any other person is capable of so as long as you believe.

But you choose to believe there is no hope. You choose to believe the best thing that could happen is the world ends. You reject your circumstance. And so you reject your higher self. You reject you. Because you are all this. All the world, all your circumstances. All of it.

So wake up. The world isn’t going to end. And the day you pass, you will incarnate here again and again and again until you prevail this game. You ask why did I choose to incarnate here? It’s clear your higher self chose to incarnate here because you have work to do. There are weaknesses in your consciousness that need fine tuning. There is growth to be had. And the challenges you face now are meant for you to work through your issues and grow out of the patterns you find yourself stuck in.

So wake up now. Wake up and grow out of that doom and gloom mentality. Don’t allow the suffering voice in your mind to win you over. Wake up! And take control of your life.


I know I sound like I’m putting you down. I know I sound agressive. But understand, I am doing what I can to speak to your soul. I might have failed. It’s not easy to listen to someone who speaks with that level of directness towards you but it all came from a place of love. I want to see you grow. I want to see you elevate past that escapist mentality that has taken so many people in this world. It is draining and will keep you down for the rest of your life. Don’t be one of these people. Wake up.


I see an erosion of the family unit, leading to eventual crumbling of society. Maybe this has been the goal of the higher powers of society with an international population going out of control in numbers.

Polarities becoming less polar. Masculinity being trodden upon, femininity being looked down upon. The strengths of masculinity and femininity are not being lauded. Instead, the ‘grey zone’ is being emphasised. Homogeneity instead of heterogeneity is encouraged.

Would a man be attracted to another man? Or a woman be attracted to another woman? Even in homosexual relationships, there is a polarity that exists between the two partners. Without polarity there cannot be a spark. This imbalance of polarities, and the understating/underwhelming of polarities, even to the extent of denouncing them (e.g. ragging on toxic masculinity, weak femininity requiring power) instead of transforming them into healthier expressions - will surely lead to a generational problem.


on note of your answer to Lucius.

I dont feel that somebody would simply respond /change when one hears the words wake up, grow it over…a personal decision to give up will be allways there. i also dont feel one will reincarnate only because one gave up once.

One good path for these times would be: to find and resolve his/her personal issues until the issues of his/her enviroment start to be clear to him/her and then begin healing both.

the one hope i have is that all of the mud poured over all of us is only a hopeless atempt of the dark to remain.

of course it is painful, it is war, there will be victims, but now, unlike any age before, one has a real choice to be a warrior, a victim or dissapear completely.

@Lucius to you i say: nobody, here or anywhere, is in the right position to say what the whole polulation deserves. you have alot of research to do if you are to make such a conclusion. alot of understanding and feeling of energy.

then, when you are in your in the clear sort of speak, you can make alone your own mind whether and what the whole population deserves. because when you go deep enough to see the exstend of damage delt, you will never be inclined to say; we deserve all of it. no matter from which side of the barrier we stay…no matter how spiritual/materialistic we are.

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I am a bit sad for the fact no girls responded yet. Come onnnnn, we don’t bite and I am certain it is fine if our (guys) opinions differ from urs.

I will refrain from tagging specific ones I had the pleasure to talk to and am most hyped to hear for what they have to say :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

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Oh I didn’t fully think what I said was going to wake him up either. It doesn’t work that way. He has to realize it for himself. And experience it for himself. Maybe if I was looking him in the eye and speaking to him, I could possibly get through to him. But over text, highly unlikely. We only see these words through our limited lens and generally reject whatever doesn’t fit our world view.

But I always give it a shot anyways. Even if it’s unlikely I succeed. I always remember that I am also everyone else. In every persons essence, I exist there too and they exist as me as well. We are all one. So I try to see if I can speak to the godhead in people in moments like these. But usually the ego has the power. Especially through text lol.

@shadowhunter176 nah, it’s cool. They don’t have to if you they don’t want to. It’s a comfort thing. I did post this cause in the past I thought people were interested in sharing their thoughts on this topic. I do learn quite a bit from hearing everyones perspectives on this as I’m sure you all learn too. I’m also taking what I learn from this for a future possible field lol (sneaky I know).


Interesting perspective. I haven’t heard it before but I can see some of this being true in this day and age.

It is certainly new territory we are in. Don’t quite know what the outcomes will be since we are mixing polarities in ways that weren’t quite mixed before. Family dynamics may change. People seem to be becoming more feminine and masculine at the same time. But not more of one or the other. It’s a strange thing cause I would usually imagine balance to be ‘being your masculine, but comftorable and free flowing in your femininity that the feminity strengthens the masculine’ and vice versa.

Now it’s gray. I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing. It’s just something we haven’t quite seen before to see its full effects on society. I see positives and negatives so far. It’s just going to be different and outside the norm of what we have always believed to be what nature intends. In my perspective, this is all a reflection of nature as masculine and feminine energies are freed up from the thousands of years of masculine over feminine dominant dynamic. So the dynamic is scrambled and more on the gray side these days.

I do think a large part of it is to do with technology and how we allow technology to do many things for us… what we do and how we do it is reflective of our masculine or feminine energies. Especially what we put all our focus on. And these days we let technology do most of the doing for us and also focus on it so much, that it is possibly keeping our energies rather stagnant.

Tik Tok is one of those examples that boggle my mind. You go in there to distract yourself and then just lose yourself to 30 minutes of scrolling through randomness that puts your mind in a loopy state.


on this note about stagnant energy… Captain’s work…when you combine cleansing with training audios. …priceless …

Possibly the very concept of “ideal” man/woman causes a problem. I know that for me my problems come when I compare my husband to an “ideal.” I guess if you are referring to what is most compatible with you, then the answer would be along the lines of what I am comfortable with. Yet I married someone who challenges my comfort levels probably because my moon is in turbulent nakshatra lol… which indicates comfort in uncomfortable things. So is he “ideal” or is he ideal in that he vibrates with the resonance of my scorpio moon.

Problem is “ideal” man for many is a man that will solve every problem for them and more, like be emotionally available and motherly soft and also be a very different energy of manly and exciting which is rare. “Ideal” man is the answer to every problem that one wants to be lazy and not deal with herself. Such as, I am lonely so “ideal” man should want to bond and talk to me and resolve my insecurities whenever I need it. But also, yet, “ideal” man should also be a sexy and independent breadwinner. As long as the “ideal” is whatever will make you feel good or better or happy then that is a problem. A person should never be objectified in that way. A person should be loved for exactly who they are at every moment. And loved for the growth they cause in your mutual encounter. Whether this is positive or negative depends on the beholder.

The true ideal for either gender is probably someone who is self-loving, self-sufficient, doesn’t have baggage, and compatible with your lifestyle yet willing to grow, change, and adapt with you as you change and life happens. But let’s be real. It is rare to meet someone who has conquered all their problems and limitations, unless you yourself have already gotten there. You get what you are, as the other is always a mirror to the self.


Wow. Beautifully said. Makes me want to remove that question haha :sweat_smile: But without it, we wouldn’t have gotten that answer. It is very true that the ‘ideal’ person is one that adheres to our desires in some form or another. Without knowing, we create contradictions when creating this ideal person in our head.

Truthfully, the people who get close to that version of a person we want also tend to have something huge that takes away from this fantasy we build up in our minds. We humans are reflections of duality. We are all flawed in our own ways and none of us are too good to be true.

Almost sounds too good to be true but I do believe people like this exist out there. They tend to only make an appearance when you’ve arrived at that sort of beingness. We really do get what we are. And it’s almost impossible to expect someone to be at this level and fall for us when we are still working through baggage. More likely to hope to find is someone with humility that is also working through their baggage and has a compatible lifestyle to yours and is willing to grow and change with you. There’s someone out there like that for everyone. That much I do believe.


Yes, that is the beauty and purpose of relationships on earth in my opinion, and has been my experience :). To love is to evolve.

I will add that even without perfect compatibility, friendship and understanding can allow for longstanding loving relationships.


I think this scene tells what nowdays every man would ever want to hear from his lady,
although it is a rarity,
But it does convinced me that true love exists at least on the screens lol

Btw. this series has had a therapeutic effect on me,
“One does not have to be perfect ever for his/her true love.”

But today it’s hard to understand, isn’t it?
And especially hard to find?
Or is it just my assumption, or is it just me?

Today majority chase perfection to please others, isn’t it?

I admit I am in this majority for example.

I want to be embodiment of perfection for my future lady, and generally perfect, and I don’t shame myself to say it. Although I know there’s long way to it, if anyhow possible at least.


That’s an interesting point. With technology, polarities may be as muted as ever - especially when people tend to prefer interacting with digital devices like computers and phones over talking face to face with someone else. Not to mention being fed all kinds of propaganda and memes over the media.

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