I wish God (universal consciousness) or divine whatever you call it, they didn’t create any religion or let humanity create any religion at all. I wish all of the world had just one religion whatever it was … just one doctrine to connect to divine… maybe different paths but not different religions.
Every single war has its roots in religion … people die in the name of religion … religion should have been the most peace giving resort to mankind but instead it gives bloodshed and hatred and wars and endless struggles between people of different faith. Even terrorism has its roots in religion and people don’t use religion to love God but to hate each other. Even the current war in Israel has religious roots… why can’t all of humanity co-exist? Whose land is it anyway … we are humans first and Jews or Muslims or Hindus or Christians later. We can coexist with animals but can’t with humans of different faith. Why did God let humans create so many faiths … and why people want to kill in the name of faith? My God your God, my land your land… Divine didn’t create boundaries and separate faiths… man did it and those fighting are anyway dying and not living to see any faith or any land. They say they are doing it for their children… who are actually dying in all this. Again, you never even know what your children want, let those souls find their own path.
As Albert Einstein is quoted, “Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and I am not sure about the first one.”
He was a Jew by birth but he might as well have been any other faith and still been a great scientist and philosopher and all that he was. Because his potential was his souls power. His faith was just a social construct.
When God has blessed us with immense creativity why do we waste away our whole life in ego battles. Faith or religious wars are nothing more than ego battles at smaller levels and political agenda at larger levels. Even if you win, you still loose and you get swayed in these battles and don’t even know where to stop… wars are a loose-loose for everyone … that includes whoever they touch. The countries fighting, the alllies… actually everyone looses and no one gains…
I am deeply touched by the war and massacres happening on both sides in Israel Palestine conflict… doesn’t even matter who is right and who is wrong. Doesn’t even matter what the background story is. Doesn’t even matter if you are justified or not. In the end everyone looses and it’s also a huge destruction of resources at both the ends. It’s just plain demonic nothing else … there is no God is religious wars.