Spirituality but no religion

Sacarsm yes, mockery no.

No, I am killing the whole idea behind this thread with my general stance on the matter.

Also, being Jewish is hardly a matter of religion, hence the “non religious jews” that’s how they call themselves and according to many sources, there is reason to suggest that most jews are non religious. Atheism has been popular in Jewish circle early on. Being Jewish is an identity and is associated with genetic differences in most cases hence the prolific genetic testing in Israel and other ethnic policies whether in community organizing or reproductive matters. It’s an interesting topic in genetics.

Beyond the sarcasm were ideas, what I’m saying is that this imaginary thinking (specifically this brand) is a big part of the problem. Too focused on desires of cosmic peace and justice, drama usually follows also it’s vague and easily manipulated. This line of thinking is responsible for many of our current predicaments.

Also not sure people get what the ego is, it’s our primal survival mechanism.
Survival comes first and then you build spirituality on it. We should transcend our ego to see beyond our homo-sapien nature.

There are real advantages for some to make wars, that’s why war happens.

That’s how I see my reply (joking)

Still most of us would rather learn from rationality than experiences accidents and war. It’s good to have common sense.

Well the USA had real plans to use their nuclear advantage first, which they would likely have used. American scientist took it upon themselves to help the soviet to create a balance of powers. MAD (mutually assured destruction) is hardly an enlightened realization. It’s an equilibrium between egoistical thought processes. In fact warfare as merely adapted to proxy wars, economical warfare and cyber-warfare in the meantime. While they are all busy trying to create nuclear shields.

I don’t want to go over all the smaller arguments, that’s why I use sarcasm. Out of laziness, not mischievousness.

I don’t think the line of thinking presented here is grounded in reality at all. It’s utopic, unconcerned with details and likely to turn horribly wrong in practice. Especially since these talking point have been coopted by the power that be to suit their agendas.

I do admit that I joined this conversation because I was a bit cranky a couple hours ago. I should have kept silent.

Edit: I do regret the tone


Of course there are … but these some are not the ones paying the price by their lives usually. And the ones who pay the price are not usually interested in any side of the war.

I think most people here get what ego is… it is what defines our identity and is a survival mechanism but misplaced ego puts you in position of an attacker rather than a defender. It’s hard to see the whole picture and that’s how it gets tricky with ego. It’s necessary because without this we would be clueless of why we are here in first place but it more often then not takes itself too far and overlaps with other egos and so on.

This is exactly why my post was… to learn from watching rather then going through wars. To basically give power to the idea of peace regardless of whether you are in the right or wrong. War is destructive.

Yes that’s what I said… nuclear ‘shields’ not nuclear weapons. Since everyone knows that using those is chaos to everyone at every level.

I hear you but this still isn’t a good approach to communication. This might start ego wars :joy:

This is my ‘wish’ I already said since I see religion as a very ego triggering concept that moves people to strong emotional responses. But the reality is that we do live in a multi faith world so of course this isn’t real to say it should be one faith. But by saying this the idea was to emphasise that the triggering of ego clashes fueled by religion is baseless since we are in essence all one faith and religion is just a human construct.

That’s your opinion and while it is indeed utopic, I do not agree that it’s unconcerned with details and likely to turn horribly wrong. I see no basis for this.
You seem to be proposing that wars are fine since everything has a reason and justified practically and spiritually too. (Which with an open mind of duality I can agree) but at the same time a call for peace can go horribly wrong. Why? Is it not spirituality or practically useful for anyone?

I disagree with every point laid before haha

But it doesn’t matter. I’ll just refute this but:


I never proposed that war was fine.
I don’t see where I did.
I’m not some cartoonish villain lol

But I propose that this wishful idealistic thinking is similar to the religious thinking being criticized and likely to get us to war.

“The way to hell is paved with good intentions” you know

Have a good day Lanos :tophat:


It’s good that’s not what you mean :+1:t2: and I know it for sure… you aren’t so naive to think that.

I was refuting ‘just the line of argument’ which says wars can also benefit in some ways while at the same time saying condemning religious ego wars(or call for peace) can go horribly wrong.

But we can agree to disagree :blush:

Thanks for your points, I appreciate all your responses DrManhattan :pray:t2:

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Much obliged

Insert the hand gesture and bowing


The most peaceful religions are the ones that do not have a God (see janism or tibetan buddhism).

God as a unified and closed idea is just another excuse to alienate other people that do not fit in it.


This is a topic near and dear to my heart, something I’ve had to investigate extensively on my own, and still have a long, long way to go. I have thoughts of my own that are different from what has been expressed here, but I’ll only share it if people are interested and willing to listen. Don’t worry, I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything. Truth speaks for Itself. Like this comment if you’re interested.


I am a Jain by birth and in Jainism we believe that God doesn’t and can’t give us anything. It’s our own karma that cause us all the blessings and sufferings. We worship our Tirthankars to acquire their virtues in ourselves too so that we are elevated in the path to moksha just like them. They were also simple humans like us who got elevated by these virtues.

Now the most emphasised virtue in Jainism is non-violence. (Mahatma Gandhi had his teacher who was a Jain from where he learned the virtues of non-violence)

In Jainism we are taught to not even kill an ant while we walk and once every year we apologise to even all the microorganisms that get killed by our speaking. No wonder Jains are vegetarians.

Now I am thinking that probably my war avoidance is also somewhere coming from my religious background of non violence.



I don’t mean any disrespect by this. I’m not trying to change opinions so please just read this and do what you wish with this as I may be wrong but think I am coming to the truth now as I’m getting answers day by day. I’ve even had my fear of death due to heaven and hell leave due to knowledge I’m obtaining. Now religion I’m learning isn’t real. None of them are real not shiva, not Buddha, not Jesus, not Satan, not any are real. Now this is complex their there but their not “real”. You can see them and even interact but their nothing but external deities and will fade over time as people will stop giving their power away to them. As long as we beLIEve they’ll remain. Sorry for the spelling. Witchcraft included. From my knowledge witchcraft one of the final steps to breaking free from religion but their still bound (went through this phase haha). The truth is that God, that divine, that consciousness, whatever you want to call it is nothing but shim (yourself). Now I don’t know everything yet I’m not saying there isn’t a god that created the world just not any god that people make seem. There is no such thing as gender either. That’s where “Adam and eve” come in. This world is so programmed by gender ID, body ID, religion, schools, tv, technology, etc. There’s so many wildcards there’s even technology in the astral. Look into the white light technology. I don’t want to go too far in this so I’m going to stop here. I hope this helped expand a bit of knowledge for you

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