Sri Chakra

Am getting extremely facinated and drawn towards it these days. Can anyone who has knowledge about it, kindly share. Will be of great help!!


What do you want to know about it? It is a perfect representation of the microcosm and the macrocosm. It is one of the most ancient sacred geometry yantras ever known to mankind.

It consists of nine Avaranas (veils, walls, enclosures) - which separate one from realizing the full potential of the Self as the Divine. The center is Tripurasundari, the Goddess of the Triads (also a combined form of the child, maiden, and the crone), who represents the transcendental sixteenth digit of the waxing/waning of moon - which represents the transcendence of space and time, two aspects which prevent us from realizing our own true Self as The Goddess.

The nine enclosures and the tenth Bindu (the central dot where all the nine enclosures collapse) is the state of singular, non-dual Divine Consciousness where the Deity and the Practitioner are One.

For material benefits, one worships/meditates on the Srichakra from the center, outwards - like the rays of sun emanating outside from the center. For spiritual ascent, we meditate in the reverse order, from the outermost enclosure to the innermost - where each gross layer of consciousness collapses into the more subtle one, till the mind becomes no-mind. Each enclosure has its own set of deities with specific internal and external purposes. For example, one of the enclosures is called Sarvarogahara - that which cures all diseases, another called Sarvarakshakara - that which protects from all physical, mental, and spiritual dangers.

The Alchemy of Srichakra is extremely complex and involved and a whole school in itself called Srividya. This is a very ancient (and extremely extremely powerful) Tantric school that combines Yoga, Tantra, Alchemy, etc. in itself. It involves Mantra (of three, six, nine, fifteen, sixteen, and twenty-eight letters, given in sequence after the previous one if perfected), Mudra (forty-eight hand gestures), Tantra (ritualistic invocation, internal meditations of six kinds in the subtle energy body). Initial work is physical, and then mental and finally astral where one traverses through a Srichakra constructed in the astral body. At an advanced state, we traverse through an actual dimension dedicated to this alchemy in astral body to the levels permitted by the guardian deities (which depends on our vibratory state, the work we have put in).

This Mandala or Yantra represents the harmony of Shiva and Shakti in conjugal bliss - upward triangles are Shiva, downward ones is Shakti, as their coming together results in the apparently real universe. The Bindu represents the state of pure ‘I AM’, as all that there is. The nine enclosures also represent the nine Chakras, nine dimensions/worlds and nine states of consciousness.

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Not a good source, I would stay away from him :slight_smile: Very sickly, knotty energies, totally commercial stuff that has nothing to do with how the authentic practice is done.

The below gentleman, an astrophysicist who has now passed, was one of the true authentic teachers in recent times. He stayed at my place for a few days when he visited Seattle and we were reciting the mantra and doing the rituals nearly twelve hours a day. And at some point, we started smelling rose and sandalwood everywhere. It was like the Goddess was walking around everywhere and in that one week, people who visited my house began to experience dramatic healings, lifetimes of problems reversed, etc. It was like a little child was walking around and giggling and running about - spreading indescribable joy.


Do you know a simple practice with the meru chakra? I ordered one from rudraksha-ratna and it will arrive monday. (or is it in the video one? didn’t watched it)

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I would warn against Youtube teachers as 99% of them talking about it have no clue whatsoever. Some good books to explore this topic:ā-Sahasranāma/dp/1999353587


A simple practice would be to recite the bija “shreem” while meditating on the Yantra.


But i guess reciting gayatri and adya kali should work also fine?

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The mantra of Srichakra is held to be the esoteric form of Gayatri (hint: Savitur), so technically, this Yantra also applies to Gayatri, which is an apt mantra to use.

Technically, Kali has a different yantra, but as Srichakra represents all aspects of the Goddess, sure, why not?

It represents the harmony of Yin-Yang and the Universe, so we can use it in myriad ways. Also, listening to the Flower of Life and Blueprint audios when meditating on Srichakra produces some amazing states for me.


ofc @Maoshan_Wanderer knows :nerd_face:


Thank you so much. The information you shared was very insightful and enriching! I have a small crystal meru and currently I am meditating using it by reciting devi khadgamala.


Perfect. A simple yet very powerful way of adoring the Goddess. Some versions incorrectly list Garima Siddhi in the first enclosure, if your version lists it too, it needs to be removed. :slight_smile: The mantra should have exactly 1031 letters.


No I do not include Garima Siddhi in my recital. Its Mahima Siddhi after Laghima Siddhi.


Maoshan, Thanks for sharing. I too have come across the same guy(Guruji Amritananda) when started reading about Srividya a few years back. I found very authentic back then and even thought to meet him.

Awesome that you both did rituals at the same place. :heart_eyes: BY the time I came to know about this man and the temple he has built, he was no more. But, always thought to go here once… Devipuram



He has no association with Srividya/Srichakra mysticism.


Is initiation mandatory?

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Woah! That’s where my mother is from (Visakhapatnam)!

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Got anymore book to share ? Anything spiritual ?
If you ever so desire, you can PM me a list (optional, but boy would I like it)

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Do you know beside rudraksha-ratna a solid site where you can buy a good real meru-chakras?
