Stack for NoFap / Quit Porn

Considering this topic here; Do you think porn addiction might be caused by or at least include entities?
and some others in the forum.

I suggest starting and ending the day with

The Exorcism Rite version 2.0
Repel Negative Energy ver 2.0
Etheric Cord Cutter
Ego Dissolution
Unstoppable Willpower
Overcome Any Addiction: Dopamine Receptor Repair & Addiction Healing
Brain Regeneration

  • a trusted subliminal 4-hours following the above.

Any thoughts?


Perhaps add Crush Laziness, because I feel that getting busy is something that prevents relapse. Though Unstoppable Willpower covers that too


@Samurai May I get your thoughts on this list, please?

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I am also recovering from porn addiction

And what really helped me is Sacral and Base chakra Audio from Gumroad.

I’ve tried every other audio, mandala on sapien but this audio was the cure I needed.

And you don’t need these many audios.

I suggest go with overcome any addiction and Clear negative energy and entity removal from Patreon.

These two coupled with the above one I suggested would be enough


Pretty much what @ActionGuy said.

If you dont have any of the paid audios then ;

-Etheric cord cutter
-Dopamine repair (dont overdo it)
-Ego dissolution then subc limits
-Ego dissolution again then immediately extreme confidence/self-esteem

Porn not only creates many limiting and self-sabotaging thoughts, it also slaughters your primal side and self-esteem.

If you do have the paid audios ;

-Etheric cord cutter
-dopamine repair
-Ego diss followed by subc limits
-Root,sacral,solar and heart chakra
-Soul restoration (especially the brow)



Thanks for the suggestions guys.

I just purchased the Sacral and Base chakra audio.

I just thought the exorcism rite & repel negativity might be necessary if such a case like Do you think porn addiction might be caused by or at least include entities? is in place, but I suppose etheric cord cutter does that too. @Samurai What if the leech is attached to my being? do you think the cutter would work then too? I just assumed the cutter would work for entities at a distance, probably due to my English level and inexperience of the subjects.

Also, may I learn your reasoning for the order you chose?

Btw I’m still very confident & I don’t have many limiting beliefs, but I do remember certain times when I felt supernaturally invincible. It would be nice to get back to that level, yet I think my root cause is just that I’m horny af and instant gratification wins due to my priorities being focused on work / financial gains.

I didn’t even have to use any audios when I quit cold turkey, just started using the Thor mandala. And with just a little willpower it was really easy. I didn’t like how Thor made me feel though so I quit using it, but it helped a lot.


I went on a 2 week break from PMO and only used these 2 audios

I made sure to listen before bed (so no nocturnal emissions) or if I felt I needed it during the day. It was really easy after 3 days (and even the first 3 weren’t that hard). Once you have momentum going its really easy to just be mindful of what you are doing and not to go down the rabbit hole of sexual thoughts.

I could of continued with no problem, but I didnt see much if any benefit in doing so. The 2 week break taught me to be more mindful of the activity and its pros and cons, and also helped me build mental discipline and willpower. It all boils down to delaying instant gratification to build towards a more pleasurable and lasting long-term goal


Some exercise too.


A quick update on this, the list in the main post + chakra healing audios worked like a charm. I get basically 0 pressure.

I also went into a good trance / meditative state while doing the first 3 audios, called for Archangel Michael and Raphael to help me cut the cords, seal them, charge my energy, my apartment, place protection around (conceptual thinking). I feel invincible now, and it wasn’t a feeling I tasted often in the past 9 months.


Any advice for a stack to recover from a relapse?

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Jing, Shen, Chi


porn relapse? mind restoration

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welcome @anon20573870
guys don’t forget You also need to transmutate while doing NoFap, You have to put this energy somewhere or else it may cause some issues for You.

For me personally over the course of first month it mostly heals various aspects of my being, physical and spiritual, adds to motivation, willpower, focus etc. but after some time it may become uncomfortable ot even cause frustration, excess agression, mood swings.
Workout is pretty basic form of transmutation, but if not enough consider finding creative channel for all of this energy, starting business or being productive otherwise.
Self improvement in general is always a good thing, You can use this energy for Your studies, learning something new etc. It’s all up to You.
Focusing on one specific goal is also powerfull practice when trying to manage this newfound energy.
You could also try breathing in to your root/sacral chakras, filling with your intent and then visualizing the energy plus intent going all the way up to eventually leave via Your crown chakra towards the Universe, as a way to support Your manifestation, while breathing out.
Also sending it ‘‘underground’’ to Earth to enchance Your connection with it.
Above practices are what helped me personally and hopefully will help some of You guys too.
Oh, and dont forget Cold Showers. Cold Showers are good for almost everything :slight_smile:
If I would suggest some videos to support all of this, that were not mentioned above, I would recommend:

and, of course:

@LiveInTheMind I would use Sould Core Restoration, Jing and Ojas. All of those or any of those to regain energy. Dopamine receptor/addictions healing for Your brain and some cleaning, rising vibrations and maybe an exorcism for Your soul.

With all of this being said they are much more knowledgeable guys than me on this forum, and Im pretty sure there was at least one thread on that topic, so use the searching option.
I said all of this because it can’t be stressed enough how important it is to actually transmutate this energy to not create issues for ourselves while Retaining.


Hey, wondering something: whenever I relapse, I’m bloated afterwards for a day or two (to the point that I can’t sleep because I’m so uncomfortable) and constipated for a few days after that. Any idea what it might be?

Since I became more energy sensitive, most things have pleasant and unpleasant effects on me. PMO is one of the unpleasant ones.