Stack to become unbothered?


I pay way too much attention to what a specific coworker does and doesn’t do and it comes to the point where I’m wasting so much energy on being angry annoyed and upset because I’m putting in so much effort to keep things running but they laze around, spend the whole work day sitting and chatting around and they get away with it

Our new boss is very close with her
To the point where we all know as soon as the coworker sees or hears something we can be sure our boss will know it in a few seconds

This situation has been getting worse
Especially as other colleagues are calling in sick

and I have been busting my ass for the past six months, working overtime, too

Feels like I’m made out of anger, stress and annoyance lately

I already put in a complain with the manager

I’m tired

I try to tell myself that she will reap what she sows

But it’s not easy when my friends are burning out because we have to pick up her slack

But I don’t want to be angry anymore. I wish I could let go and be unbothered. But as soon as I am at work even the small things upset me

I’ve been clashing with my boss and the coworker lately because I can’t keep the anger fully under control anymore

I tried repel negativity, ego dissolution, anger management, internal alchemical crucible, conceptual realisations

But those feelings won’t go away. It’s slowly poisoning me

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Ego dissolution, internal alchemical crucible, emotional release, emotional mastery protocol and vibration of transcendence


Holy Paladin


Hey @Noel_Hawk, do not resist and fight the feelings you experience. The more you fight & resist, the more energy you feed to those feelings. Make your energy flow into positive things. If you can’t, at least do not resist. Just observe the feeling as they are. Do not focus any energy on that negative thoughts & events. Just observe, acknowledge and let them pass by. Do not react to it.

Energy flows where attention goes. This is why people get stuck, experiencing similar patterns happening in their life.

I would also recommend you add this to your stack Resilience - The Antifragile | Patreon .

If you are interested, go through this thread Resistance in the Path


Thanks for the suggestions

I will try

Resilience the anti fragile
Stress and anxiety by Manhattan
The outlook retainer
Compassionate acceptance and understanding
Non judgemental acceptance
Knight warrior mindset NFt
Silent mind NFt

Detachment for spiritual growth


Good luck, man. If anything, reach out to people here. I’m sure someone will be happy to help :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:




Etheric cord cutter :ok_hand:


How can I forget about this gem!!


One possible reason why you are angry is because you are jealous of the coworker. Like in, you are putting in much more work, but the coworker seems to earn praise much more easily than you do.

So it is really an issue of feeling unappreciated.

Self Love fields and those focussed on gratitude might help.

Releasing the anger emotion and ego diss is just symptom healing. You cannot do this forever…

You need to work on the deep reason WHY you are angry and resentful in the first place.

The jealousy about someone getting results easier than you yourself, is a hidden jealousy about their manifestation skills and about their levels of self love.
So basically, this happens when we are jealous of others where these others have it much easier when it comes to manifesting and the jealousy with regards to their levels of self love and self worth.
We are secretly envious of these levels and wish we would already be too at their level, where we feel so worthy, so that we “get stuff almost for free”.

Maybe this coworker is really good at socializing with the boss?
Maybe the boss is a complete simp?
Maybe they fuck?

Another solution is, instead of being resentful at the coworker and her relationship with the boss, take it as an inspiration of what is possible in terms of manifestation!
Realize that if this soul can manifest this, then so can you!

The “lesson of jealousy” is to convert projected resentment into inspiration of what is possible in terms of manifestation.

For manifestation, working on self worth is the way to go.


I had the thought too
“Maybe I’m jealous of her”

I also think i could be upset because my superiors don’t seem to care that she is lazing around.

I’m envious of her employment. That’s something I’m aware of. I’m currently an Azubi for the next two years and she is a lateral entrant. It upsets me that my opinion is put down as “you’re an Azubi.” while hers as an unlearned person gets heared.

A lot of things she does at work and how she does them is in heavy contrast with how I learn things in my apprenticeship.

I will try to look for positive things, of what I can be grateful for. I want to protect my peace :v:t2:


This here!

There will always be someone who “has it easier” or “is better” at something.

So with that, your peace of mind is definitely more important.
Otherwise we will be triggered for eternity or even become jealous of Angels lol.


Dark Servitor, Justice for All.

Shields that block everything and cut all cords (voodoo detangled too). Servitors to do this continually. Instruct the shields, servitors and otherworldly friends (intercessions) to do this constantly.

Don’t allow them to even think about you (inner shield/armor). Become invisible to them (cloak).

And I think the new servitors who are more “physical” may put them in their place too…

Even use dragon experience (who messes with dragons?) or wolf experience, I dunno. But you need dominance and aura of fear (the shield sigil has this) for sure.

I don’t know how be the healer combined with interconnection of everything/true self of others would work in this case…

Or as a last resort, use love-emanating fields…probably as a first resort. I just get these kind of people often and I’m already angry myself xD

If they actually leave you alone, it is just that they won’t work…use detachment while at work, and good vibes fields to give energy to the rest of your co-workers that have to do extra. Even air revitalizer or hyperbaric compression at some point.

When googling this, I expected any country and language except Germany :P

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Great suggestions.

Time to undust Armor of Light and Glory

Voodoo detangled and Blessed Path Nft could also fit into the stack

I will probably get a servitor once the etherforge opens up again

I own confidence, authority and dominance sigil and it has been growing for two years but I want to use it as a last resort … it’s quite heavy energetically


Holy mf Paladin!

Great suggestion but not a priority on my next to buy list since I already own knight mindset classic version + knight warrior nft + samurai warrior nft

Just have to find the time to fit those into my stacks again…

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