Stack to stop ruminating, obsessive thoughts, etc

Hi everyone,

I’m looking for a stack to curb my obsessive thoughts. I have this terrible habit of replaying past conversations in my head taking it in directions that I wish it had gone and also anticipating new ones. I know everybody probably does this in the shower, but I I keep doing this all the time until I make myself upset for no reason. Like seriously, imagine ruining your day over something that hasn’t even happened.

I’m not proud of this but I’m addicted to reading celebrity gossip. And news. Yup, news (political). I’m constantly refreshing my feed (mostly reddit) to stay on top of current events which mostly ends up being negative anyway and I’m soaking in this negativity all the time. It’s gone beyond just being informed at this point. I quit social media years ago and I have no intention of going back. But I’ve tried to quit these many times and always end up going back.

Also, I went through a breakup earlier this year. I was the one who ended it and have no regrets. But I still keep going over arguments we had, our very last conversation, the unfairness of some of the situations (for example, “How could they say that to me!”).

This is my current stack.

  1. Point of no return (AM and PM)
  2. Etheric Cord Cutter
    Justice for all
    Heart Strenghtening
    Become whole
    Hope & Happiness
    Repel Negativity v2
  3. Chakra audios from Gumroad x3 (All except Crown and 3rd eye one for now)
  4. Empathic Shielding audio x3
  5. Alchemy of Love album
  6. NGF, Enhanced brain hemisphere connectivity, Brain regeneration x 2

Keep in my mind I’ve only been listening to these for the past 2 weeks. Too much? too little? Any feedback would be appreciated. I’m not able to purchase any tags at the moment. Audio suggestions are welcome.

Edit: It goes without saying that I’m a highly sensitive person and I allow everyone to project their emotions on me. I hope the Empathic Shielding audio helps until I can affort the tag.


Missing ADD audio. That’s gonna knock that OCD right out.


Do you mean Attention and Focus?


Also I see a strong energetic part on your case. You need to work on things like these too, start meditating for example. Relax, take a walk. All these things help de stress yourself.

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Yes. That one.


Thanks! Will add that one


Thank you. The Knight/Warrior Mindset looks like it was tailor made for me. I hope to add it to my stack soon as soon as I can afford it. I’ll add Ancient Arts too. I’ve been trying to incorporate mindfulness for years now, I guess I’ll have to put in more effort now.

Interesting. It started after puberty for me too though I could never point at a single event which caused it. I’ve tried Ashwagandha in the past and unfortunately it didn’t help me much. I’ll give potassium and yeast a try. Thanks for the info!


How did you raise your vibrations? I was on SSRIs for depression and anxiety, and benzos for insomnia for a while. It did help with destressing but I felt like wasn’t addressing my root cause. And I’m not anti-medication by any means.


Also remember there are adrenal audios, i will link you to the thread where I asked for them

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How about the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Help field as well?

From the description:

This video is programmed to help for various forms of OCD, Listening to it will work with your subconscious mind to help you release and change thinking patterns and states of being that lead to obsessive and compulsive behaviour.

Edit: Missed @O.O’s post above. :smiley:

I believe they are two different fields.



Thanks! I know Dream has said there is no limit when it comes to mental/spiritual audios, but any chance I’ll be overloading my system with so many audios?


I’ve been seeing discussions about Maitreya on the forum for a few days now. I’ll see how I respond to this one.

Update: It’s been 15 days since I made this post and a lot has changed for me since then. I’ve incorporated many suggestions from this thread and the results have been fantastic.

I no longer get lost in a negative thought spiral inside my own head. I still have negative thoughts sometimes, but my mind automatically catches it right at the beginning before it becomes a full blown rumination session. Earlier it used to be hard work to catch myself having these thoughts and pull myself back. Now it’s like there’s a new stronger positive me reasoning with the weakened negative me automatically and winning every time.

Another thing I’ve noticed is I’ve become more immune to negativity coming from others. And I’m less negative to others in general. Others can’t push my buttons easily, and I don’t push their buttons without good reason either.

This is my new stack if anyone’s interested.

  1. Point of No Return (AM and PM)

  2. Negativity clearing stack

  • Repel Negativity
  • Clear all negative energies and entities
  • Disconnect from Negative Energy in your life
  • Angelic Vibrations
  • Empathic Shielding
  • Etheric Cord Cutter
  • Attract more love into your life
  • Radiate Positivity
  • Hope and Happiness
  1. Self Improvement Stack
  • Extreme Self Confidence
  • Become Whole
  • Anger Management
  • Become a kinder and more patient person
  • Overcome Addiction
  • OCD help
  • Attention and Focus
  1. Alchemy of Love
  2. Ancient Arts

Hey Sputnik, where can I find the point of no return audio?

Thats the tittle of a post on the enlightened states site you might want to read it, in it there are 3 audios suggested i think i remember these 2:


The Point of NO RETURN Playlist. 3 month review

Ah and the Subconscious Limit Removal

But that post is great to read


You can find it here. Since you can tailor it to your needs, this was what I used.

Exorcism v2
Ego Dissolution
Depression the relief
Trauma release and healing
Emotional Release
Forgiveness and release
Love gratitude and appreciation