Starting over

Hello! I am new here. Actually I’m not, I just had not have an account. Never mind, I hope you all having a great day.

I have some problems and I’m ready to change. Everything in my life went wrong in 2020. I had to deal with past traumas, mistakes, regrets, relationships in general etc. I was depressed almost whole year. Because of that I could not study to get in my dream university too.
I feel so much better now mentally. But I’m still struggling with procrastination, laziness, hopelessness, future anxiety etc.

I have some goals and I need your advice about which audios should i listen to.
This goals:

  1. Getting into my dream university.
    In my country there is an exam for that and it needs long time preparing. Normally, students study for 8-10 months for that exam but I just have 4 months. I have to study 10+ hours everyday. And I have concentration problem.

  2. Improving my memory/ intelligence

  3. Getting over my past.

4)Losing weight/ gaining muscle/ being healthy.

Which audios do you recommend for my situation? You can recommend another things too. I don’t know if somebody replies or even reads but thanks for now.

P.S. I’m not native and I’m sorry if I have some grammer mistakes.


Listen to mental health series album for past trauma.

And intelligence enhancement from sapien medicine for study


Thanks :) @Imogen

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That is so true. I know there are lot of things that needs to be dealt. But at least I don’t have suicidal thoughts any more :D And also yes, my thoughts about past or future preventing me from living the moment. I always plan something and don’t do these things. I’m pretty lazy, I know :D my perfectionism pushes me to do nothing.

Thanks for your advice. I will read it, I need it.

I was listening some of them. I have a question. Can I listen all of these audios in a day? And which order?

I know 10+ hour is quite long for a person to concentrate/learn. But I feel like getting accepted into my dream university is my last chance. I don’t have rich parents, I don’t have a talent to transform into a job.

Lastly I’m grateful that you give your valuable time and write all of these. Thank you so much!


I have similar problems, I got too carried away with learning some new things and a certain past feeling and ‘fantasy’ world. Eventually I became insane. I’m at an understanding now but ill. :man_shrugging:. probably maybe because I’ve wasted time and some bits and pieces of unexpressed anger towards thing I’m not sure about myself.

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How do we get rid of this situation :woman_facepalming:t2: @yazan

Good start would be aura repair.


Thank you so much! I will try it. @anon17734191

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Could it be the GMAT?

If your goal is to pursue mental stacks, I can give you some pointers.

Brain Stack


Beginning :

  • Blueprint
  • Plasma
  • Superhuman Genius (x times…)
  • BDNF


  • Brain wave (alpha or gamma)
  • oxygen /alchemical blend /nitric oxide


  • Tdcs
  • Brain growth
  • Conceptual Realizations…?

See above.

I believe you need love. Self-love, to be accurate. check @Vesparda’s response above.

If I were you, I’d be off the brain audios for a first.

Try to focus on working on your aura and emotions.
The new audios Emotional Mastering Protocol and Aura and Energy Body Repair might just be the thing for you.
If you have the possibility, get BluePrint of Life.

Pair them with

And check, again, Versparda above, especially for the Mental Health and Alchemy of Love albums.

Lastly, if you need additional help feel free to PM anytime, but again, If I were you I’d stay off brain audios for the time being.


No actually, my exam is not for postgraduate. But it is similar to GMAT about needing long time preparing. Yes, thank you for that brain stack.

How many days should I work on aura and emotions?

Thank you, I will.

Thank you so much for your kindness, I’m grateful. I guess I will do that. Firstly I will work on my mental health, emotions, traumas etc. But surely I have to start studying too :D


There’s no “how much for these”…honestly.
I know it might sound harsh, but we have a stack for these situations called the Point of no Return playlist.

I suggest you read this :

Given what you wrote, no way in hell you can focus 10h straight… Most people I know have trouble making it out of 2.
Nonetheless, do this:
- Study as you get up
- Study at night time, before bed

Don’t count the hours nor worry about such.
Use the audios for the mind with the recommended usage. Avoid anything hormonal, or which triggers neurotransmitters. You want to think “rehab”, so you come out of it all at once. If your brain isn’t calm enough, there’s no point in stimulating it more.
From your symptoms, it seems you have enough stimulation as it is…you see?

Always take into account how you feel, rather than the number of times or how much at these things. There isn’t a number, especially for emotions.

I believe if you rehabilitate the mind, the study in itself will come. But if you force it now, it might not be the best situation for you… and you will have many, many off days…


So true, I understand.

I’m going to read it. Thankss!

Normally I’m a night owl about everything. I have studied for like 2-3 hours at night every day. That’s better than nothing:D If I can I’ll study when I get up too. By the way my sleep schedule is a mess too. I sleep at 5am and wake up at 12pm.

You’re right. I’ll learn meditation and other things that can help calming my brain. Thank you so much for everything.

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You’ll have many causes, but one root.
Address the root and the causes, cease.

I’ve been in similar shoes, but I won’t share it for the moment (one day when I get back into Brain stacks).
If you need any more advice just drop a pm and welcome to the forum! :hugs:


Love these, I’ll like to add

Perhaps use the loving vibration

Uncondtional you, love.


You’ve already gotten very good advice, I’m thinking about sharing my experiences, but it seems my adhd is a bit more active lately and my thoughts aren’t as fluid. I hope I don’t confuse you, but if I do, it’s on me, and it’s not your fault.

Like you, I also did not have a pleasant experience last year. The material things are easy to replace, I never cared much about it, I made it before, I’ll make some more. I never doubted I can replace them quickly, but I lost things that aren’t replaceable. My favorite dog of 10 years for example, and that’s not even my biggest loss last year. So I get it, I get what you mean and I hope you can find the answers you’re looking for here.

As for fields, aside from the Mental Health Series you’ve been suggested, here’s some of what I use:

Mind settings album
Blessings for the hearth and home
Probability Alteration and luck
Gratitude and Abundance
The Guided Path
Radiate Positivity
and Love, Gratitude and Appreciation.

It’s easy to give advice if you’re not the one in the frying pan, but my take on this is that, it’s okay to think about your past mistakes if it will give you clarity about the issue so that you don’t make the same mistake again. What’s not okay is to think of past mistakes to inflict wounds on yourself today.

I did some silly things, embarassing things, but at some point there’s a boundary where I stop myself from suffering any further. I already paid my dues, how long must I still pay?

Hope this helps, and welcome in the forums. You’re among good people. Cheers :100:


Firstly I’m so sorry for your loss. I don’t know what do you believe but rest in peace for your buddy. My worse experiences in 2020 was about losing two favorite people of mine. I can feel your pain.

There are so many great fields made by sapien medicine and his/her team. I don’t know how can I listen all of theseee :D I’ll try to listen them. I know that I need.

Exactly, I’m trying to learn thinking positive about my mistakes and transform them into life experiences. Also I know that we are just human beings. Not perfect, not faultless. We should make mistakes to be wiser.

It does. Thank you so much! I feel the same about you. Cheers haha:D


Paralysis by analysis. Happens to me all the time when ordering at McDonald’s. I can’t stand the pressure. :no_good_man:

Indeed. What I do is I make a playlist when I’m reading emails or browsing the forums. Another list when I’m working out. Another list when I’m just relaxing and reading a book. It doesn’t need to be loud, as far as I know. Just enough for the music to be audible and that should work.

Excellent. A smart person learns from his/her mistakes, a wise person learns from others. It’s good that you’re asking advice, I think you’re going to be fine. :100:

Hey, I like that. Thank you. Ace that test :muscle:


So true :D

That’s great idea. I’ll create playlists like you.
A) When surfing the net/ free time
B) When taking little a walk/ running
C) When relaxing/ reading/ having a nap/ before sleeping
D) When studying (most part of the day:D)

I am trying to be :D

I will, thank you!

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@Lost Btw if you have trouble focusing, try the adhd and attention video, it is designed to help with focus and help procrastination, also gamma brainwaves will help as well.


Yes, I do. Thank you so much for your advice. Now I’m creating a “fields that I need” list. I will add them too. I don’t know how to listen all of these in a day :D I guess I have to eliminate some of them.

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