Strengthen yourself against Psychic Attacks before or after

…or just wear the shielding tag :upside_down_face:


thank you! That works


It’s powerful, I felt a huge stream of energy.
And I feel good.


Wow your threads (I also follow the Abundance one😜) are elaborate and helpful, thank you for making them👍


My case is as follows, please would you help me out? Ik live in Turkey. Here people believe in the evil eye. I am a down to earth Dutch lady normally not really impressed by these things. My husband and I are public persons, meaning most people know us (running a succesfull business in town for many years already ) and we also are board members / chairmen of different associations. Once we found a curse written on a paper hided somewhere in our businessplace. Written in arabic and once translated we found out it meant they wanted us out of there. At that moment no worries, I even joked that when the right buyer would arrive we would ‘go out’ inmediately :) The other day I was discussing the evil eye with a Turkish friend. Here they say it often when something goes wrong but also when for example you have some fortune. They say that people can get jealous and even those negative energy vibes can harm you. Looking at it that way, I thought maybe I need to take a look at this because I am a sensitive person and for example I can feel a lot of misunderstanding, mistrust and jealousy of our staff members. I am sure there is also a lot of jealousy from other people. Now I see a huge list with all these possible fields which will be able to help with this, protect and relieve… the question is, which ones? After reading this, is there anything that comes up specifically? I am of course willing to try out one by one, but I would not want to give it to much attention either (I kind of believe that there is also energy feeding these things if you have to much attention or fear towards it). Thanks for your help, really appreciate the love in this forum of all those people wanting to help out. Warm greetings.


I don’t have this one partly because I have issues with but this one sounds like it fits your protection goals.

Of course there are other options too but this one popped up first in my mind.



Sorry about your situation.

This is exactly how a Psychic Attack starts… doubting, , weakening our innate power of protection which is not believing anything can harm us

And then you start believing and feeling anxious and nervous, suspicious etc

Next your mind is a wreck that havoc the rest of you

And then it spills out into your world, business, relationships etc

So when we feel there is something… there is something, the seed is already in the subconscious mind.

Thats why first you do a cleansing and releasing of what the mind and aura had absorbed. (Check a couple mention above on that part) not just you but also the house, and business. A full cleanse.

My quick recommendation for that would be the Exorcism rite then booted-bhoots, and black mirrored.

Then choose whatever you resonate for protection.

The hamsa as mentioned is great to buy if you can and just print it and keep it around.

And check the part to keep the vibration high and subconscious mind strong.

You dont have to use them all.

Just chose one of 2 from each option

Angelical Intercession or Vibration are one of my favorites

Also what Maoshan made for Us at comment #12 inthis thread.


Hello! Stack for your case:
1xCloaking Field
1xRepel negativity Version 2 from youtube
2x the grand jelaousy shield
2x positive power waves/and or Luck Audio

adjust when you see what happens.
also k2 Stone and the power of blarney stone (so you can communicate better)

100% Plasma Flower in 24/7 loop where you work and where you live ).

you can use all audios at minimal or lowest volume. esp. Plasma flower. it will not be heard from anyone, you can place a smartphone playing it in a cupboard in your office.


Hello sir,

Do you think if I meditate visualizing the process for someone else would work?

Thank you!!

This is very strong. Thanks for creating it


It does! :slight_smile:

This basically uses Dream’s private field he created for me, so Senor Captain really deserves the credit :smiley:


Yay!!! Awesomeee


I love this.
For whatever reason I felt a tremor in my body and I felt weaker (it happened for days), then I remembered about this and activated it and I feel so much better.

Maybe it’s just me/my own energy having some technical difficulties, but this Amazing Shield is OP.

Thank You Maoshan and Captain and Thank You Godesses and Everyone Who got involved with this Shield. :pray:


Is it OK if I (re)activate it before 24h?

1 Like

Sure thing… Think of it as your own loving Mother protecting you… no rules really…


I swear sometimes when I use this Sekhmet protection I hear a load roar in my head… must be my imagination


A very common sign of the goddess’ presence. Happens to me as well :relaxed:


I always find my way coming back to this post every so often for that extra bit of help.
It is amazing, thank you for sharing Mao :pray:t3:


Lol, I deserve no credit. It is She who does it, I am just a dumb conduit haha


Oh, Well you are far from dumb and far from just being a conduit, lol.
You also showed your kindness for sharing your personal protection for all of us on here to protect ourselves.
I remember it was also around the time of a lot of misfortunate shenanigans going on so it was very well needed at the time.
So thank you to both Goddess Sekhmet and yourself.


Welcome back @Lunamoon22 ! hope i am not forgettin a topic you wrote!
take care…

aah… this with the water also… :slight_smile: