The hamsa is a palm-shaped amulet popular throughout the Maghreb and in the Middle East and commonly used in jewelry and wall hangings. Depicting the open right hand, an image recognized and used as a sign of protection in many times throughout history, the hamsa is believed by Middle Easterners, to provide defense against the evil eye, a malicious stare believed to be able to cause illness, death or just general unluckiness.
The two main styles that the Hamsa comes in are with the hand either up or down.
If the Hamsa Hand faces up, it represents a universal symbol of fighting the evil. It is a powerful sign of protection against negative energies, hatred, insecurities, hatred,greed and other negative inner thoughts. In this position, the fingers are shown to be spread symbolizing the gesture of fighting the evil. So, whether it is worn facing up or down, the hand attracts harmony, success and protection.
The Hamsa feels stronger than some of the other protecting energies for me. In today’s world we can’t have enough protection.
“Fingers pointing downward is the most common way to wear a Hamsa hand. Fingers are fused together to attract good fortune. This version also symbolizes blessing the wearer with fertility and answering all the prayers.”
Thank you. It’s coming back to me. I was told that the fingers pointing down style represented the hand of God reaching down, offering blessings and protection.
@anon77311975 my guess is because most people have issues with the site. Either locked out from accounts or cards not working. I personally really like the site. You get your mint immediately after purchase with the hi res image + when you use it with the app paying for the nft is easy. The only downside is if you decide to try and sell your NfT on there. Venly has a better market for that.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that as well. I still think that’s mainly because so many people can’t use the site though. Also, the market has dropped significantly.
If you remember when the first NFT’s came out they sold for thousands. (13th skull sold for 20K)
Forgot the exact number but there were originally supposed to only be 17? NFT total.
Now, with so many group NFTs every week, people still seem to think they can just throw it on Venly and make 5-10k easy like before (which does still happen occasionally).
We still have an opportunity to collect something rare and it’s nice of Dream to make these for us. I know he enjoys doing it too. I’d focus more on collecting the ones that feel special to you and less about making a profit at this point in time
Someday, when he does stop they will be those specials treasures you’re glad you kept!
Ha. Funny you say that because i actually believe the opposite.
Crypto is a huge corporation and keeps growing and getting recognition very fast worldwide.
I am positive Sapien’s NFTs value on Crypto are going to skyrocket eventually.
I aint selling mine for some bucks now.
Youll remember im saying this.
Besides, if the initial reason people here ia buying NFTs is for fast money grabs then thats the problem.
The NFTs are special because they are special with a lot of little elements to them that you must discover.
And then cool get an extra copy or 2 to exchange or for the future… FUTURE. When the value grows.
But people seem to be buying a bunch of each NFTs not even understanding them, go throw them on Venly to sell and sit and wait.
How do you think the value of them would increase if the owners dont even understand what they are for, they dont invest in working with them, in discovering extra benefits?
Just because? No…
This was meant to be fun, something unique different to enjoy not a fast ticket to retirement. Sorry
@anon77311975 why are you deleting your comments? You did nothing wrong. These are valid things to ask. This will help more people with the same question in the future man