Stress Relief

Stress Relief

The programming in this audio works to remove cortisol from your brain while also stimulating the production of some endorphins.
A safe and effectives means to gain relief from stress.
Use as much as needed.
Hopefully this can help improve the quality of your life.

(There was no thread for this audio yet)


It works, but I cant use it cause it gives me a headache 😮‍💨

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Bumbing this thread and field.

One of the most important health and mental fields.
Completely underrated and totally underused.

If you have a daily job (aka wage slave), you probably also have some stress there and/or because of it. This field has a physical effect in order to reduce the stress.

Too much stress causes an acidic reaction within the body, which over time depletes mineral resources etc. and thus causes faster aging.
Don’t sell your health for a pay check.
But if you cannot do otherwise for the moment, at least listen to this field regularly.

Also an awesome combo with Amygdala Healing field.

Listening to Ego Dissolution at the beginning of the work day helps in not becoming too stressed in the first place (since many of the stress triggers are tied to the ego’s identity / role).

…you can read the rest on YouTube.


Would this help a cortisol belly?

Likely this, Stress and Anxiety, Resilience +, Serotonin, Positive Power Waves, to name a few.


Thank you🙏🏼