Desperately need help with hormones

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Don’t have 200 dollars for and audio.

  1. still in school so no money
  2. afraid I will buy it and it will not work

Just bcs it didn’t do what u expected doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. Patience is key. You are quite young, so may take a while to develop a stronger system.

The key to achieve any results is after all The Self-development Path. Self-work is needed. Try also Ego Dissolution for a longer time.

Maybe try some supplements.

But overall, what matters in your case is commitment and flexibility. Ask yourself if you have what it takes to move forward and overcome seemingly hopeless situation.

Also, patiently search the threads dedicated to issues with “no results” topics, it was already talked about many many times over.


And at least 20 other longer threads like that. Thoroughly.

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Are you listening to fields or subliminals right now? Maybe it’s best to take a break, in my opinion.

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I haven’t read all the comments, but I think you considered using a lot of audios to produce more testosterone but didn’t consider improving or supplement your nutrition or did you?

Take a break from the fields and improve your nutrition, get a multivitamin supplement, especially you need vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and magnesium.

Get tongkat ali (Longjack) or Maca root suplements, They are adaptogens and It will help you with hormone production, energy and mood, do your research. Consume in moderation, Start Small

also ensures that you have a good sleep schedule, if you don’t have it currently after trying what I have suggested you should sleep better.

Without good nutrition, hormone-inducing fields do nothing, it’s like trying to start an engine without gas.


Take a break. Then ground and heal the nervous system, and then use this:

And stem cells, whole body regenerators, cell renewal, whole body healing, etc.

Male Reproductive System Regeneration or Reproductive Rejuvenation.

Give a listen to The Politics of the Body and New Release: Alchemical Jing Charged Blood (this one even use daily). Don’t touch hormone fields in a while, but use endocrine ones.

It’s going to take a while.

Can you list some?

Can only think of:

Besides fields for thyroid and adrenals.

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Is your blood pressure ok?

I used to listen to testosterone fields on YouTube too. I ended up experiencing a hormone crash. I think the reasons could have been because I was not eating enough calories. One’s body needs protein cholesterol and fat to make testosterone. Listening to audios might cause an imbalance maybe. The other reasons could be using too many fields which may overwhelm your energy body like it did mine a few years ago. I recommend not using test audios and maybe continue using hormone balancer audios. For higher testosterone I recommend life style change. Fields might be too risky idk

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You wrote that you have listened to “testosterone fields”, do you mean various different ones from different creators? Or all from Sapien Med?

Various different ones including sapiens fields

I have already said that I used some of endocrine ones. Did not work.

Are you an healthy individual?
What’s your diet like? Do you lack important nutrients/did you take a blood test to verify so?
Do you workout? If so, how is your cardiovascular health?
How is your sleep?
Are you stressed?
Are you dopamine receptors healthy? Do you watch porn?
Is your pelvic floor too tight/weak?

Also, stick to Sapien and drop the other creators.
It’s like having a Ferrari and another mediocre car parked in your garage and choosing to drive the latter.

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I asked all those questions because fields are not magic pills that solve everything in your life without effort.
Yes, they speed up the process immensely, they are life changing, but you have to put the work in anyway

Answered those questions above

Check your vitamines and in parallel with an endocrinolist first (id est also thyroid check).

Damn I answered all of this. Why is everybody saying the same. Pls read before answering