Stuck w/ Business & Money - over it, lost inspiration (woman perspective)

I would love some advice around money and business

I am clear on ultimately what I desire - work/business as an artist, jewellery designer and possibly lingerie, build my investments

But after 8 years in business

  • I feel mehh about business
  • I feel tired and over the game of business
  • I’m tired and over of posting on Social media, marketing etc etc
  • I’m not having fun with any of the business, marketing etc (the painting the artwork is fun)

I’m a woman and I am feeling tired, frustrated, apathetic with the game of business… I just want to paint, design, go get a massage, listen to fields, wear pretty dresses and lingerie, fall in love with a great man and make love lol :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

(In comparison, I have a male friend, who just loves the game of business, loves the hunt, loves the game)

But… I have to make a living, make/receive money to get art supplies, lingerie haha :grin: :wink:

I’ve done lots of energy clearing, around money and business.
Different techniques, looking at my relationship with money (writing letter to money),
All the things.

I have had consistent success with physical fields. My health is easy. My physical shape is easy. Friendship is easy. Attracting men is easy. These areas are all very easy for me.

I’m playing the abundance fields, SLR, Ego Dis, Confidence, Luck, Schumann, radical emotional change, radical action change

I have been playing the Devil reversed, Pillar of Power, grief & loss, and various emotional type tracks

I have not bought any wealth, business ones yet…

I recognise there is emotion and stuff ;) that is underneath that I need to clear but I’m not sure where to start

Would appreciate the help or direction to my blindspots :pray:


Just so I can understand you better, I ask you this in all honesty, “What’s this got to do with it?”

Don’t you like games?

Because you wisely are touching on the difference between you and your friend: He recognizes the game for what it is and you have a different mindset about all of that.

Now, that’s fine that you do, but that is something that you’ll want to smooth out so that you can unkink your hose of abundance.

OR you can find a position where someone else will pay you to paint and design, so that you can do the things that you want without having to play the “game” of business. (I put that word in quotes because you don’t really believe that it is, in fact, a game. So, why don’t we–you and I–be a little real for this moment and call it what you really think it is–“the BURDEN of business”? Can we do that?)


Really? Aren’t you excited about your latest designs, your latest creations, your new babies? Don’t you want the world to see what you’re doing? What you’re creating? What beauty you’re bringing forth into this world?

Here’s a thought for you to ponder: if you can’t get enthusiastic and enlivened by what you’re creating, then doesn’t it make sense that others would feel the same meh you are about what you’re doing?

That’s really the piece that has to change. From your post here, you don’t love what you’re doing, which means that, from that vibration, you can’t attract others who love what you’re doing (either on social media or into lasting relationships in your life). This here is another place for you to start.]

Great! Good for you!

Your words here are showing you that you still have more energy clearing to do on “business,” aren’t they?

So, maybe that’s a good place to start.

Now, I’m not in your head. I don’t know what’s going on in there. But it seems to me that you have this sort of “story” along the lines of “I have to do this burden of business in order to get to do the painting and designing that I want to do.”

I understand why you might have that story but that’s a story that’s getting in your way. So, you’ll want to do some clearing on this story so that you can see other paths that are available to you. For example, Yves St. Laurent figured out a way to attract a way to design (clothing, not so much lingerie), fall in love (and get “married”) with a man in such a way that he could paint, design, get massages, make love, make a fortune…without necessarily getting immersed in the BURDEN of business. His “man” did that for him–much better than Yves himself could have ever done.

How does this square with your asking (earlier in your post) to “fall in love with a great man and make love lol :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:”? Either I’m not understanding something (always possible) or something still needs to be ironed out there.

But you do recognise there is emotion. Start with the emotion that you’re recognizing.


tl;dr: I’m wondering if the issue is what you’re doing (your design business) or if the issue is more that you’re doing your design business in ways that don’t suit you.

And, as a designer and painter, who creates new things and new ways of seeing things and new products, does it make sense that you do things the way the “masses” do? After all, if mass underwear were good enough, there wouldn’t be any interest or need for the lingerie you’re designing? You could just send everyone to “Walmart” because they have good enough.

So, design and create your business in the ways that you’d design and create your art. In fact, do the same thing–design and create your life in the ways you that you’d design and create your art.


Something that came to my mind was, why don’t you take some marketing or business courses, so you can develop different approaches and stuff, different perspectives… you know

maybe some more courses for your painting so you love posting your new way of doing art like @WellBeing said

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I don’t really play games. For example - I don’t play board games, i don’t play video games, I would happily play laser tag or racing car arcade games, but i don’t take myself there.
I go the the basketball court and shoot around for fun, it’s not really a game though.
I used to play a lot of sport, was very competitive. But as I’ve gotten older, that competitive nature has dissipated.

I like games, my personal experience of painting or designing is not a game.

Of course. Yes it feels like a burden.

The work I have been doing for 8 years is not art, design. I was been a physiologist-health consultant, then shifted into energy work via zoom a couple of years ago. This energy work I do “works” but does not fulfill me or bring me joy. (I have cleared the guilt and shame around that).
I have recently returned to art, design.

I do love art and design and creating. I think my pieces are beautiful, uplifting and bring people back to their essence. And I get a lot of great feedback from people.

For clarity, I’m coming from a past where I had a belief/story -
“Nothing I do (in business) works to make money”
“Nothing I offer or create sells”

I have a lot of stories lol haha, that’s why I’m doing my best to unravel and uncover them all, or at least enough that the momentum shifts.

Yes. There is a story there. Well, i do paint already. But there is a story that I have to do business to receive money in a way that’s not a job. And to have the money to shop, travel etc

Which, honestly recently, when I just decree for the thing or decide for the thing or do a little process, often I get GIVEN the THING or you know it manifests a different way

eg. I want X to pay for my flight to Y"… And then the next day I get a message from him offering by my flight

Was it your passion when you started it?
I read or heard somewhere in one of Osho’s speech, that human mind loses interest after 7 or 8 years and starts to shift for something new. He suggests to rekindle the spirit rather than dropping things. ( I would say, drop it if it isn’t your passion) .

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So the thing I did for 8 years was not art, design.
I was doing health/nutrition consulting and then energy work over the last 8 years.
I did art, design a decade ago, but gave up because I did not make momey.

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We all face such difficulties. One gotta love what we do. But , that’s not enough to survive. We gotta make money out of it.
So you lost inspiration since it was not money making?
Ponder over my questions…
If not for money, do you still love your work?
Do you have any other interests , with which you can do business?
Transition times are really hard. I can empathise your situation.

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So, now you’re seeing that, although you’ve done your clearing on the topic of money (good for you!), you still have more to clear.

You asked about fields. From your own description, it seems like you’re a little bit haphazard wrt “fields” on this topic. If that’s the case, then I personally would get more disciplined with your fields and stacks.

I would start with the OG PONR stack (with the Energy Body-Aura Deep Clearing Cleansing at the beginning) and fields to address the emotions that you mentioned that you are feeling. I would add the Guided Path to your stack (because I’m not really hearing the love you have for doing this).

I’d cut back on the probability and luck fields and focus more on the money fields, so that you can design a solid money stack for yourself. If you have the money, I would suggest you look at Capital Governance, which will help you to reprogram your ideas about the rules of money.

Unless I’m mistaken, it seems to me that the only difference between marketing yourself online to me and marketing your creations online is you have limiting beliefs about one versus the other. So, I would focus on clearing those limiting beliefs.

And in before I’m ninja’d:
Wealth Mantra Meditations - No affiliate link

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Besides what has already been mentioned I would also suggest

New Release: Woven Worlds - Contentment

There will seem to be both internal and external “nudges” towards actions and events leading to that life of contentment.


It’s not that I don’t love art and design. I’m just tired and over all working - in any form.

I want to go travel and enjoy luxury accomodation, wander the streets of Italy, swim in ocean in Greek isalnds and have slow days, visit Mexico, gather up inspiration and ideas and have a sabbatical for 5 months. I don’t want to work at all right now.


All the more reason to do the clearing and healing that I’d recommended. And the Guided Path will help you plan what’s on the other side of that journey for you.

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I have some savings, but I don’t have the amount to do 5 months and the standard that feels nourishing to me.
Unless i manifest money (gift/win) or find a way to get clients through that time.

Read what you’re sharing with us (and this isn’t a criticism of you, not at all!). Even if something like the New Release - Jade Maneki-Neko Energy were to magically bring you clients overnight, your current mindset is “I don’t want to do the work that would be needed to service them. I don’t want to work at all.”

And I get that. I have burnt myself out at various points in my life. I understand.

When you get to that point, then it’s even more important to let go of your emotional and energetic baggage. That’s why I recommended the OG PONR stack (with all its bells and whistles, even with some of the newer, free add-ons, too). Because it’s hard to make life giving decisions, when you’ve got a whole bunch of junk pinching yourself off from the force of life itself. (Throw that one into your stack after the PONR stack.)

Start to heal yourself, so that you can start making life-affirming decisions about what you do want, rather than responding to what you don’t want.

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I understand how cpmes across. I know it’s not a criticsim, I am aware of the knotted bundle of beliefs and stories that I have arrived at.

I don’t want to work with clients. I’ve know that for a year. I’m done with this field.
I have witnessed myself “bringing in” clients overnight and them not signing up etc, due to my underlying feelings. I am aware of how this is playing out.

That’s why I started the thread, with I know what i ultimately want.

And find a way to bring in money (selling prints of paintings, sell the paintings that are already completed, have my mum ship them off for me) while I’m travelling, taking a break.

I appreciate the suggestions, I will create a stack with those recommended.

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Excellent! I really mean that.

Because when you release that other baggage from your systems, you’ll be able to “bring in” clients overnight and take care of them in the ways that you want to. That’s really good news.

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Well that’s NOT what I want lol

I did my fine art degree in gold/silversmithing & jewellery, I want to go back to being an artist full time painter, jeweller, designer, poet.

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I’m confused. What do you want?

In terms of doing/external:
No more clients.
Travel/sabbatical for 4-5 months.
Set up in a new country to live in.
Be full time artist, designer.

In terms of feeling:
In love with life again

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