Student stack

Hello to the whole forum, I hope you’re all doing well :blush:

May I ask if any of you has any ideas for a good student stack? I’m stuck with a few exams left to get my University degree but I’m really tired mentally and physically, kinda lacking motivation and mental power.
I need a stack to get me a powerful brain so I can graduate ASAP :joy:



Whilst you’re waiting for your replies, I’m sure our forum search engine has many good ideas. Check it out.


For energy there are jing, chi, shen fields too.
To restore your energy.


Yes! I’ve already seen a few brain stacks so I can take inspo from them, since I’m looking to enhance both my cognitive function and memory. Thank you @WellBeing :+1:t3:

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I was torned between the Willpower one and this one, thanks @Owl for the suggestions I’ll look for these fields :blush:

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I know u were asking for fields but there is an NFT called
*The Scholar which sounds like it would help and its inexpensive.


I can’t recommend the Scholar NFT enough.


Look at u with the Punching power.

I need to work on this

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Eh?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Wdym haha

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It means ur stack has power

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Yeahh I just googled me some boxing definitions haha
Just get the scholar it’s too freaking good
And I’ve literally was in contact with it for perhaps 15 minutes of my total owing time

1 Like i use this stack, pretty effective for me

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I love the Enhanced Visual Processing

what have u seen in genral with the brain stack?

so the effects/changes I have noticed by using the stack are

  1. insane self-control & discipline, not addicted to anything anymore (insta, nsfw stuff were the main ones)
  2. crazy sharp focus, like nothing, distracts me.
  3. before I hated studying, even though I am done with my degree and I was prepping for IELTS, I hated the writing module and never practiced it but now I’d like to say, I’ve mastered it.
  4. better meditation
  5. better information retention, increased memory, increased learning
  6. understanding complex things easily.
  7. was bad at maths, but now I’m okayish lol, I don’t even practice it, hate it
  8. and also I’m able to see little sparks when lighting up match sticks, that is very cool.

thank you for reply.

One thing i read from philp was that if u use brain growth u could replace

Adhd, enchacned connection audios with just the one, ofcourse it comes with its own benfits too.

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brain growth? which audio is that?

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Brain work, its called on the fourm

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I’ll look into it, thanks!

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I have a doubt. Can something like Universal Om help with motivation cause it makes us vibrate higher and therefore we’ll not be distracted by the 3D?
Asking as a fellow university student who sometimes struggles with multitasking and endlessly scrolling on social media like my Gen Z friends