Subconscious Limits Dissolver Through Your Higher Self - Psychic University

I have done the same, but with subliminal instead. Had this playing on another device and played my subliminal for the “active work”. I felt like my higher self was dissolving the specific limitation I was working on with my subliminal. It was majestic like HS telling me “you got it, on my way to remove this” haha.


Haha that would be put me in a salty mode :joy:

All the best to you!

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Thanks for inspiring me :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:


In Audacity Subconscious limits dissolver through your higher self + Higher self financial bloackage remover merge into one audio :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom:

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Don’t underestimate the madala. Works just as powerfully. I use six at a time. I give each one (very clear!) instructions every six hours. Can be heavy on your system… :muscle: :dizzy: :100:


I wish you well on your journey :pray:t3:


It has been almost a month since I stayed consistent with this for the first time rather than playing on and off. I played ego diss first to lower my guard down then let my higher self remove all limiting beliefs. I believe subconscious limitations is one of the reason why we hold back in life, including not getting the manifestation we want.

You see, we always want this or that, but if our subconscious mind is working against us because it is stuck in its negative paradigm then it will be so hard to create the change you want. Anyways let me list the benefits I have received.

• More clear mind

• Hatred and sadness disappearing gradually

• More open minded

• More positive

• Gradually shifting to a non-dualistic mindset

• Seeing the bigger perspective

• Nothing feels impossible

• Fields work better

• Seeing the good in everything

Now based on the benefit I have listed, you probably have seen my benefit “Fields work better” and I know you’ll probably use this more because of that lol but this field gives you more than that. It gives you the freedom to have a more expanded mind. To have a more positive outlook. When you remove all limitations from your subconscious mind, life is yours to rule.

(Plus the music is so beautiful, you can loop it all day)


Perfect new affirmation=life is mine to rule :muscle: thanks.

And I’m happy for you man :ok_hand:.

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Are you using the mandala to?

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It’s so nice to read people doing active work and claiming their own power :mage:

Yes man, and this is why I created the Journey part 4!

From part 4 description:

This is an answer this field tries to give you, while updating your subconscious in a very gentle way to get rid of old programmings and self-imposed beliefs about what you can or cannot do, using what is shown to you about the highest expression of your infinite potential to slowly replace it.

I recommend it as a nice and intuitive upgrade. It’s going down this path but on steroids. You will see it, what you can do, what you can achieve, and there will be no excuses anymore. Your subconscious will be fully aligned and ready. Doing things then will be a matter of choice.


No active work meditation :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you @Psychic_University, this is perfect. Can I just use the part 4 of the journey or would I have to use the prior parts? Thank you.

Yes, you definitely can use it alone.


@Psychic_University , can we interact with the Journey part 4 just like this one to dissolve subconscious beliefs or limitations? Thanks.

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So i bought This Subconscious Limits Dissolver last week and i been using the Mandala and carrying it with all the Mandalas in my pocket. i will definitely say that this makes a big difference as i’m starting to notice the fields integrate into my body more and notice some changes. Phew really powerful stuff


Would this be helpful if fields don’t really work on you? I’m not sure if it’s a subconscious blockage or an issue with my energy body

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this post has your answer.


Hi @daou even though your post is a reply to someone else I feel as if it was meant for me. That I was meant to re-read this screenshot. Thank you for posting it. :smiley:


and funny enough, I felt nudged to check this field and I’m unable to buy it due to card decline issue at gumroad :rofl:

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