Subconscious Limits Dissolver Through Your Higher Self - Psychic University

Could you elaborate a bit how you work with both: this one and Smart Tap Tapper, please? Sounds so interesting and useful to me

From what I understood from the descriptions, PU’s Ultimate Integration Tool applies "Clearing of Subconscious Limitations and Energy Blockages” (and the other effects listed) specifically to those that might be interfering with the integration of fields you’ve used/you’re working with. So, if you want to work with limitations and blockages related to other aspects of your life, Subconscious Limits Dissolver Through Your Higher Self is a more direct approach to that than the Ultimate Integration Tool by itself.


This gave me so much peace its quite good


@Psychic_University Would it be possible to create a text document listing everything we’d like dissolved in the session, and instructing the HS to work on everything in the document (when activating the mandala or playing the audio)?


Yes, this will work.


Is this feel necessary if we have speed up physical changes?

Of course, while speed up focuses mainly on filling your appearances with love, this goes more deeply into eliminating all the limiting beliefs you have in your life with the help of your higher self.


There are 4 PU fields that are helpful here - all do different things

  • The Ultimate Integration Tool
  • Subcon Limits Dissolver through Higher Self
  • Unblocking Results (Patreon)
  • Speed Up Physical Changes

does anyone feel this at the lower back?

i feel it with every cell


Why is that, i always thought it would only work on the brain? Is it because we hosted certain beilfes in our chakras?

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It does work there too lol

Maybe it targets those area more specific that need more work.

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Lol yeah, i meant only brain, i edited my comment but it was too late u aready seen my comment lol.

thank u for reply

@Psychic_University Would this also work for Maximum Human as well?

Yes, if you intend using it this way after the audio starts playing


Sir Which one does the massive healing (Subconscious limits or Subconscious Wounds)

i used this to dissolve sharpness and hate then when emotions or memories raised i release the energy by scribbling technique i learned it from one healer i found in youtube .
its so good ! i found it very helpful to dissolve hate & sharpness it was stored in my head ! it was so ugly feeling and i don’t know what cause it , after listening i remember one man in 2016 was in shock when he saw me and he send very dark energy i was innocent and consider him admiring me, this audio made me remmber him then scribbling made me release the energy it was hate !


I’m currently doing a forgiveness manta.

“I Forgive Everyone Who Has Ever Hurt Me, From The Bottom Of My Heart. Primarily Myself”
108 times a day for 40 days. I’m only on day 4 but I have been saying the Mantra while playing this field. My thoughts were to state at the beginning for the field to remove all subconscious limitations which are holding me back from forgiving myself and others. So I thought while reciting the Mantra while the field is playing, it might be an extra hammer to the wall which needs to be broken down and it has been extremely helpful.
I feel like I am much further along in my “forgiveness to all” journey than I should be after only 4 days because of using this field.

On another note, I’m having quite strong detox symptom since starting this. I presume expelling all of the many years of hatred I’ve had towards the hospital who almost killed me has to come out in some form or another. But anyway.

Really amazing field. Thank you PU :pray:t3:


Splendid. Really shows how powerful active work is and can be.

You’re a true magician, my friend. Forging your path toward what you truly deserve. Stay strong :muscle:

