Subconscious Limits Removal Tag

I wonder what would happen if I keep using subconscious limit removal for full year. That would definitely reshape everything about me in a good way :slightly_smiling_face::relaxed:


It will remove all beliefs that are considered limitations on “what is possible”.

This also means that all you other beliefs that you have will be amplified and manifest faster (since there will be no limiting beliefs slowing them down like before) :wink:

Hence I recommend that you also additionally contiously add new positive beliefs to your subconscious mind portfolio and enhance the existing positive ones on a daily basis. With less limitations you will now have more responsibility with what you feed your mind (that means no more consooming negative social media feeds, YouTube BS, news feeds etc. or information that goes against what you chose to believe :man_judge:).


I see (:

Just moved out and I can finally wear this 24/7 :grin:. My parents didn’t know I had it so kind of had to hide it all the time


I’m so happy for you. Now you can enjoy the free mind without cluttered :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yo when ah person remove alot of subconcious limits/negative belief energy ,those it stay permanent over time ,mean that ,all fields ,all subliminals will get instant result ,sow powerfull that it change the mind set completely creating ah shield for limitations though I’m case to see something or hear negative talk about self ? Like ah unification of subconcious and unconscious

I would say yes because everyday I always chant my incantation and it manifests so fast. But I guess it’s also because reach for the star that may Emplified my intention. Either way subconscious limit removal really remove that negative self talk. And the thoughts. = more open to manifest anything easily


Update, this is working really well for me now. It seems like it finally made its way through some of the major blockages I had and now I find it a lot easier to socialize with people I don’t know, even actively starting conversations with random people. Just went out with a friend not too long ago (I made the suggestion) to get some food and that’s something you would have never seen me in the past do. Just a reminder though that it’s still up to you to make decisions that were previously out of your comfort zone. My new motto has been “choose and use” meaning you still have to make that choice to change, and then use the new skill that you acquired.


:joy: you see. This field really good. Just watch you will smile out of nowhere every so often.

For me. I even dance for no reason. But the more I do it the more I feel so free it’s like my mind trying to release the negativity through dance. And I enjoy doing it. Which is rare for me to do it before.

Even if you see negativity. You will back again with smile in your face faster. Keep wearing it and enjoying the benefits :hugs::clap:


That’s the you just realized you’re capable of anything smile


Hi together, I highly recommend that add you to the SLR tag either this:

or Vibration of Transcence.

Of course all looped several times a day :grin:

Or even better the Ascension tag :v:

This will skyrocket your results further :rocket:


Yeah I use vibration of creation along with this tag. Thank you for the suggestions though


What have u noticed with the Ascension + SLR?

Ok I just checked out the whole deal with VoT and I definitely need that :joy:. Sounds like a crazy combo with VoC and SLR.

Edit: or maybe I should just get ascension :thinking:


How much of a hurry might you be in? (Because you’d have to wait until the Shop re-opens to get the Ascension tag, whereas you could download VoT in the next minute or so.)


Yeah that’s true but I’m not really in a hurry. I’d rather wait so I can get the physical thing and have it on me more often


Excellent! You know the best course of action, for you. You’ve got this!



Removing limiting beliefs and cracking up limited points of view is a process that never stops!

I’ve been wearing the SLR tag now daily for almost a year.

After around 3 months I was no longer really feeling the tag working energetically wise and a thought came up that “maybe it had so far dissolved most of my limiting beliefs?”.

But that was the lazy ego thinking.
A trick to keep me away from progress.

Because looking back from today I can definitely say that the tag has continued to push my belief system in the background non-stop all the time, even though I was no longer feeling the tag or being aware of the process.

When I look at my belief system today (and not whether I can feel the tag working), a ton of things have changed compared to one year ago, six months ago and even one month ago.

A ton!

What I deemed highly unlikely or even impossible to do or be just a short time ago, suddenly feels like the most natural way to actually to do and be this and that :joy:

The tag has continously opened me mind up and by this information, insights, teachers and events have manifested in my life that have showed me new ways of doing things and achieving results.

For me personally, most of my limiting beliefs that where removed from me have to do with the topic of
“what society tells you you need to do to get to a certain result”
“what I can simply manifest independent of what society believes”.

While aiming to do something today I caught myself with a thought:

“I need to do this or that because this is the only way to have this and that.”

But then I realized.
Wait a moment.
This is how I was thinking based on my past beliefs and how I would have done this one month ago.
But today I am aware of other new solutions.

“I don’t need this and that anymore to get there. I can just manifest it in a different way.”

Therefore I will continue to wear my SLR tag daily.
Its job is never done.
Or at least until I literally and totally 100% believe that everything is possible.

Because the difference that I see when people are saying
“I believe that everything is possible”
versus how they actually act, think and feel, makes all the difference.

The ego will always tell you what you need to hear to keep your current belief system fixed.

So when those limiting beliefs are truly gone and one actually acts, thinks and feels accordingly, then everything BECOMES possible. Not just on paper or in the illussions of the ego, but in one’s actual life.

And it also makes total sense logically now as well to continue to wear the SLR tag:

From my still limited point of view that I have today, how can I foresee and predict what solutions and pathways my mind will open up in the future?

I can’t – hence the best thing I can today is to keep the process of my mind opening up further and further by wearing the tag :grin:

Combined with the BPIL tag the Higher Self will always find a way to make the for me seemigly impossible, very much possible. :flying_saucer:


Same I wear it 24hr even when shower. Never take it off. But I feel like it not work strong as I first got it but I think it’s because my energy getting used to it I suppose. So it work in the background without me feeling it but still removing limiting beliefs when it sensed

Things that I didn’t realize how much limiting beliefs that come from my father. I notice how he always do this and that. And somehow it won’t influence me like I used to. I still to these days seeing it but it’s easily swept away

And I can actually see how he trying to put his limiting beliefs to me but something in me just push that limiting beliefs out of me

The next day I just act like it never happened :woman_shrugging:t4:


I believe that the tags work passively i don’t notice effect after weeks but over time since the field keep growing i now when i wear it i feel the effect instanlly i have chakra ,best path in live,brain enhancement ,and abundance tags