Subconscious Limits Removal Tag

Is this happening for anyone else

Yes, the Sapien Shop is closed for now. However gumroad and teespring are “open” and working.


Thanks, unfortunately I can’t find the tag on there

Yes, for now the tags are unavailable. However I believe the store will reopen again, once the delivery problems are resolved.


Mine just came in today. Been wearing it for about 2 hours and I definitely feel it working. Not long after I put it on I felt some pressure in my head and some type of sensation in my body that I can’t really explain. Interested in seeing where this goes


Am I the only one who noticed this works stronger held in my hand than by my heart

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Day 2: Just used Maitreya’s heart de-armoring video in order to target the anxiety in my heart, but I noticed my mind was still accustomed to that anxiety being there and it was trying to come back. I put my SLR tag back on after that and my mind is no longer fighting to bring the feeling back (maintain homeostasis)

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A handshake of sorts.

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The firmest of handshakes :joy:

Lots of tag-wearing time you must do then, young’un.

Imagine your subconscious mind to be programmed (albeit logically) to allow for an exchange of energies with the hands, albeit the ‘handshake’ being strong and more allowed than near the heart.

That’d be $5 please.


I am thinking about adding this tag to my stack.
I know that this field boosts results based off of what I am hearing about it.
My question is: if I have a stack and if I add it, even if it’s a “booster”, will the fact that I have multiple fields make my energy focused on too many things?
Bc ppl say, “less is more”, and usually when you focus on too many goals at once, you achieve none of them.
I also heard this uses up a ton of energy, which could slow things down even though it’s also a booster.

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Just got the tag. Very strong. Pairing it with Reach for the Stars.

How convenient I live a half hour away from the Sapien tag warehouse/distribution

Update: this tag is very strong. It’s almost like energy is being pulled and drained out of me. To the point where I can remove the tag, place it 10 feet away from me and instantly feel lighter and normal again.

Adding Shamanic Medicine Blend and Ego Dissolution.


I just had the call to put this back on today after 3-4 months of not being able to go near it. It can give tremendous insight into just how much detritus is in the subconscious, and that alone can be overwhelming.
I feel that BOL has initiated a lot of clearing and change and this is a worthy ally for that process.


Why couldn’t you go near it? I wear mine everyday.


Hey man. I just found the intensity too much. I found myself bogged down in it all and it didn’t seem to be moving through. I have a bit more capacity to handle that now


I want to purchase this tag for my son, he is 13.
Can a child use this tag? Should he use the tag starting from a few hours a day? And gradually increase the usage time of the tag?


Highly recommended. I would have him use it as often as much or as little as he wants to. 100% of that should be his choice at all times.


Idk if this is the official thread or not but I want to share results with this tag.

I been feeling normal. To happier than I was before. I thought that my problem only with energy. but deep down there is subconscious blockages that I’m dealing for so long. Now I feel free. I feel so liberated even dealing with my own problem. There is something that remind me it will be fine. Instead of that conflicting thoughts.

I been using the audio but I’m easily change my playlist. That’s why I bought this for that reason. And I’m wearing it now 24hr and enjoying that benefits. And I can feel that slowly my mind can direct that into more positively. Automatically just like that. Even if there is problem. And I’m not saying that my problem is all went away. But what I’m saying is that. It becomes much easier for me to deal with. No Conflicting thoughts cluttered orb whatever. It just feel free. :slightly_smiling_face:


Just saw this earlier, and I’m like wait that’s SLR lol. All the things listed beneath the surface can cause or are subconscious limiting beliefs.


Here is how I would draw it (from a manifestation point of view)… :wink: