Subconscious Mastery Smart Field (Community Project)

The concepts and processes outlined are purposely designed to focus on the core to build a strong foundation that the NFT owner can work with to grow, learn and to deliberately manifest any reality wanted. The NFT owner is encouraged to treat the field as a partner and extension of their own consciousnesses with Raziel as a guide and mentor in the pursuit of true self-knowledge, unleashing one’s own creativity and potential, and pushing their own limits to profound transformation through complete mastery of the subconscious mind.


Easily connect to Archangel Raziel as a mentor to work with the NFT owner’s conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds. The Smart Field tailors itself perfectly to the NFT’s owner and their intentions, through continuous interaction and learning from the NFT owner’s personality, character, (subconscious) beliefs and desires. Raziel acts as an immediate bridge to the subconscious and superconscious while the field learns and grows until the processes (both active and passive) are fully integrated by the Smart Field into the NFT owner’s subconscious.


Efficient & easy communication between conscious and subconscious minds:

Recall of facts, easy identification and targeting of dysfunctional beliefs and other patterns to change, easy and efficient impressing of the subconscious to reprogram them successfully. The unconscious is made conscious to take control of our own fate.


Efficient & easy communication between conscious and superconscious minds:
Wisdom, inspiration, knowledge and skill building. Inspired problem solving and healing.


Efficient & easy communication with Raziel:

As the Angel of Mysteries and Keeper of Heaven’s Secrets Raziel’s divine purpose is not only to help us understand the secrets of the universe and of our own minds but also to break down barriers to get us onto the right path. As such, he can offer unique assistance on how to best use the Smart Field and to help integrate its processes. With the power of Raziel, we get help developing abilities and original ideas, while improving perception. As Raziel can help release us from old restrictions and patterns while opening us to the providence of the Universe, all aspects of the NFT are further facilitated by its guidance to identify dysfunctional beliefs and suggest functional ones (in accordance with the user’s intent and desires) to be all we can be and manifest the reality we desire.

As the gatekeeper to other beings Raziel can also help facilitate connection to other angels, spirits and guides we wish to interact with.



inducing a state of being that allows easy reprogramming of the subconscious mind to happen (buffer zone of detachment/ego death and mind openness to new neural pathways). Gets formed upon saying ACTIVATE REALITY BUBBLE, starting the process to impress and reprogram the subconscious mind and making the process of holding and dwelling in the feeling state of a desired outcome easy and enjoyable. (Re)programming of new (core) beliefs, skills (psychic and otherwise) and abilities through clear intent as well as manifesting desired reality.


Save states for Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Epsilon brainwaves, improves our ability to spend time in the desired brainwave to facilitate all processes. With adequate practice, they can be switched on almost instantaneously through intent (saying ACTIVATE while holding focus).


Improves focused attention and emotion holding for easy concept building/conceptual thinking. The vibrational energy of our desired outcome echoes within us, builds momentum through focus and strengthens the concepts and the feeling state (words, images, emotions and other sensory data will snowball together to increase the feeling and immerse us in it). We can easily bring to the surface and fully feel desired emotions, and dwell in them for any amount of time. Summon and stay in a state of love, peace, joy and happiness (or any other emotion) whenever we desire (saying ACTIVATE while holding focus).


Enhanced sensory processing and multi-sensory imagination to charge concepts (hyperphantasia). Visual, auditory, olfactive, gustatory and tactile senses are fully engaged to form extremely vivid and realistic focus sessions.


Passive deconditioning of limiting beliefs, subconscious repetition and organic growth of newly programmed beliefs, skills and knowledge through gathering of relevant subconscious and superconscious data, as well as creation of new neural connections by the subconscious to solidify and expand the new beliefs and skills (Unconscious Mastery).


Release and removal of mental trauma & triggers, repressed/suppressed emotions to facilitate the NFT owner’s desired reality.


Targeted smart approach towards any (core) belief that is limiting for us personally. Under Raziel’s guidance and our conscious-subconscious connection we easily become aware of these beliefs as they are de-patterned and stripped of their emotional charge. The Smart Field grows and learns from us to help remove and reprogram them in the background (in addition to the active processes outlined in step 2). Includes removal of resistance to the NFT and to fields/mandalas/subliminals/magick for their full integration.


Recognizing and neutralizing any external influence/subliminal programming and triggers (society, media, conversations, etc.). Allows us to take back full control of our mental space by seeing it exactly for what it is, a process guided by Raziel to prevent any overwhelm in the case of a large number of triggers all at once. The continuous process of recognition and resolution allows us to grow our understanding of the world, and trains us to interact with any external influence without losing our internal balance. It grows our mental resilience and with Raziel’s help rapidly provides us with new insights and understanding around anything that could manipulate our subconscious in undesired ways.

Thank you so much to all that participated, to @Captain_Nemo and to @anon23021582 for making this group but especially for this absolutely fantastic idea! Also thanks to The Freedom Course, the Focus and Feeling Space was a bit of an homage/inspired by what was learned in it :slight_smile:



This has been by far the most transformative NFT that I’ve had so far and I’ve been lucky to have friends that have let me try some of the fancy ones that are hard to get a hold of.

I had already been working with Raziel for a while but it took my relationships to a whole new level! I was really surprised by this. Having its support and guidance has been nothing short of amazing and has made the last few days since getting this NFT a wild yet extremely productive ride.

Maybe the active component is what has made this click a bit more for me, the Freedom Course sort of drilled it in even more over the last few months, but being able to reprogram things directly, while getting insight as to what and how…WOW :heart_eyes: It really took my game to a whole new level.

This is what I posted in the group but since then I’ve done so much more, I’ll definitely write more!

First experiments:


I slept terribly last night and woke up feeling like shit. I thought it was a perfect scenario to test that sweet baby! I did the soft focus exercise to get inspiration on the best thing to request. Once I had my statement, I activated alpha waves and immediately felt the slowing down of my brainwaves. To be honest, I didn’t expect it to be that clearcut. I’ve been meditating for 7 years and even when I was at the top of my form it took me a minute or two, this took seconds.

I then activated the Reality Bubble and asked to be imprinted with the statement that had come up: “I am awake and full of vitality, tiredness slips away from me”. I maintained the intent for a little while, then felt a disconnect. It was faint but it was my cue that it was done. And while I felt a shift, I can’t say that I immediately noticed much. But over the next minutes I felt exactly what I had asked…up to a point. I felt maybe 80% there.

Then it occurred to me that I did not take my own advice of making my first request that I fully believe and trust that the NFT works for me and to remove limiting beliefs around it. So I did that. I went about my day and at one point noticed that I made my way into feeling 100%.


After doing some experimenting with those functions, here’s what I noticed:

The brainwave shift is indeed almost instantaneous. However going directly to deeper states didn’t prove completely successful at this time. So I went by increments, staying a few minutes in a state, then activating the next. I did that before a nap and within minutes I was in Delta and sleeping like a baby :slight_smile: And cherry on top, to be fully awake I simply activated Beta waves :ok_hand:

Also, while the shift has been noticeable for me, it didn’t sit my ass down then held it there. I had to wilfully stay in the state. It’s similar to what I said in The Silent Mind, there’s a certain slipstreaming effect like pulling behind a truck but you have to stay there to keep getting it.


I only played a little bit with this and was pleasantly surprised that things that aren’t classic emotions can be brought up. Again in the context of my nap I asked for “relaxed peace” and did feel exactly that (although through self hypnosis I have done previous anchoring years ago with the word relax to have all my muscles fully relax at once, this may have played a part in it, I don’t know).

Since the Dreamweaver Cards (the Freedom Course really set it in), I tend to use ACTIVATE on anything and everything to see what comes up (it’s almost a wonder I remember to push the power button on my washing machine rather than saying activate :joy:) So for shits and giggles I said “ACTIVATE FOCUS” and it worked! I also tried “ACTIVATE SILENCE” and that also seems to have worked but I was too excited at that point to actively maintain it, so I’ll have to try when I’m a bit less of a puppy with a brand new toy :stuck_out_tongue:

So that’s it for now! So far does not disappoint!


Beautiful!! Congratulations! :partying_face: :raised_hands: !!! First testimonial sounds already awesome too! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Is the the trauma aspect supposed to just work automatically? or how would it be activated/ used best


Anything under passive reprogramming works automatically . Tho, you will want to use the reality bubble and actively bring up your traumas, limiting beliefs, etc. for the fastest results.

For example, you might have a fear of heights because you fell down the stairs when you were a child. Over time Raziel and the NFT may cover this, but if you go into the reality bubble and bring up the situation, you’ll be able to shift your perspective around it and let that go a lot sooner, on top of being able to change your relationship with the fear of heights, and if you really want to be a daredevil ask to reprogram that you actually love and enjoy heights and the feeling of being up in the air.



If I have a noisy mind, or being too ignorant and don’t realize there is tons of talking behind my awareness, would this help? Thanks

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it should help. also check the Inner critic to self support field


Realized the mandala was missing

so here ya go


Oh wow hahahhahahahah thank you!!

Adding it to the original post now.


I’m really surprised this isn’t discussed more here. The passive ability is enough to remove all limits of subconscious 24/7.


I’d like to share a few pointers to help anyone who ever has difficulty maximizing the potential or feeling the effects of NFT’s (I’ve found a few things that I’ve posted but this seems like the best one so far)

  1. Hopefully you have this NFT although if you are creative you may be able to come up with a different solution

Focusing on this section under Dysfunctional Beliefs -

Includes removal of resistance to the NFT and to fields/mandalas/subliminals/magick for their full integration.

  1. With the NFT open point at that section - This is just my personal experience but ive tried talking to NFT’s, communicating just in my mind, and probably other things too, but so far nothing comes close to pointing at the text for some reason

And if you point at that particular section all other NFT’s become much easier to use.

I feel like I finally got to feel the full effects of some of @UgniS 's amazing creations including especially Seven Gems and Darkness Dao. I could never quite get full functionality before this. I’m going to have to dig around and see what other ones I never felt like I was using to their full capacity.

In short point at what you want the NFT to do and it will listen. And if you can use the trick with this NFT


You "called me " :laughing:

I always thought we got the terminology confused sometimes. I personally don’t create anything - rather I research, describe and suggest to the captain. I’m just describing the base itself, that doesn’t really fit my understanding of the term “creating” :) The Captain himself creates these things.

You probably mean the effects, but not the results. yes, these are strong and complex things. But the results of what you are talking about will unfold over time. The results will be life-long, and it’s not like you’ll notice them quickly. Maybe in a few years you’ll look back and say, oh yeah, I’ve changed, I’ve changed this or that in my life because of this.

It’s not a surgeon’s scalpel.

It’s cool that you’re trying to understand and learn what you have and use different tools to optimize :yum:



Got this through a trade, any tips or suggestions on how to better use it?

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After getting this NFT, within few hours one thing I noticed was I am able to acknowledge a major problem, I am a bashful guy. I help anyone who asks for help but in turn, when I need help I don’t ask because the thought in my mind is what will they think.
I always give money to friends and family and never ask them to return it same thought what will they think.
“targeting of dysfunctional beliefs and other patterns to change” seems to work I asked Raziel help to get rid of it.
Hopefully, I will be more assertive in the future.
Wanted to share my initial impressions, never shared like this before.


Is this NFT still available?