Suggest fields for Endometriosis & overall health

Hello everyone. Hope you all are doing well :hugs:
okay so in my previous posts i talked about health problems i’ve been dealing with from a while now, ONLY TO FIND IT CAN BE ENDOMETRIOSIS
I have a doctor’s appointment in a few days.
I came here to ask for what fields might help me with ENDOMETRIOSIS, because my whole body hurts, it even hurts to pee now and it has been making me anxious. I didn’t even do my college assignments because of pain and fatigue.
I’m only 18 so I don’t want to go through any surgery but i want complete relief from it and completely remove it.
and I also can’t afford fields on patreon rn.
Can PLASMA LIGHT help with it ?
also, fields like Reproductive rejuvenation, fat to stem cells, endocrine rejuvenation, how can they help ? I also found a field for endometriosis by psychic university today and will see how it goes.
or if there are other free fields that can help me. also, I’m interested in healing meditations and chakras work etc, to heal from it completely and permanently.


Plasma Light and Reproductive Rejuvenation are your best shot. May be stick to these two for a while and then add others slowly.


And Torsion field and plasma beach always good



I cured mine with:

-Blue Print of Life
-Female Reproductive System Regeneration
-Reproductive Rejuvenation
-Primal Urges from the Mandelbrot Symphony Album
-Womb Healing
-Endometriosis from Psychic University

In 2 months.

That healed and rejuvenated all around there, physically, energetically, emotionally, parental traumas, sexual harrasments and all in between :smiley:

But if you just want or need to cure Endometriosis then

Blue Print of Life
Endometriosis by PU

Thatd do it.


And if you want to give it a big splash of awesomeness, magnetism, strenght and feminine creativity power then add

Carnelian from The Gems Album
Orange from the Light Spectrum Album



Okay Thank you

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Thankyou so much for your recommendations :pray:

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Thankyou so much :pray:
I hope you’re all well now. And, you gave me hope to heal it naturally. I’m going to heal it completely :muscle:
Do you have any tips to manage anxiety that comes with it & also leg pain ?

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Thankyou :hugs::pray:

We have good options for anxiety, Stress etc



Automated Grounding

Stress Relief

Guided Journey: Luminous Path To Inner Peace

I might add other extra ones you could play but im a bit busy now. Or maybe other friends here would add. Happy healing!

I know you want free but just in case you find the money or save it, you could wait for a next sale to get some discount:

Stress and Anxiety by Manhattan

Oh and if you dont have Blueprint of Life you can always use this one :blush:


Thankyou so much :hugs::heart:

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One more question, if you got time. what about Fat to stem cells field ? Can it help too, I heard stem cells help with inflammation

Well it helps with the Inflammation however endometriosis is bloody tissue that causes the Inflammation.
Endometriosis tissue acts as the lining inside the uterus where it thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle. But it grows in places where it doesn’t belong, and it doesn’t leave the body. When endometriosis involves the ovaries, cysts called endometriomas may form. Surrounding tissue can become irritated and form scar tissue. Bands of fibrous tissue called adhesions also may form. These can cause pelvic tissues and organs to stick to each other.

Stem cells wont dissolve any of that, just help with the inflammation caused by it.

I do agree with Kalackra that Plasma Beach can definitely help dissolve that and also the Senescent Cells one

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Oh okay. Thankyou for explaining so well :pray::hugs::heart:

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Kind of nice when members and creators have you more than covered on an ask for advice thread

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Yes, Very grateful for all of it :pray: