Hi friends hoping all good,
Kindly suggest me for mass muscle growth rapidly.
I will be greatful to All.
Looking forward for your kind suggestion as usual
Hi friends hoping all good,
Kindly suggest me for mass muscle growth rapidly.
I will be greatful to All.
Looking forward for your kind suggestion as usual
This should help (although note that this advanced, encyclopedic stack is suggested by a professional bodybuilder who has built up the stamina to be able to use all these fields):
I just wanted to clarify, I’m not a professional bodybuilder… yet! Haha
Ill have my first amateur show in 2021, and if all goes to planned ill receive my IFBB procard after i win it
@wuMing i see ya typing, gonna hit you up in a bit!
In addition to @Maoshan_Wanderer 's cautionary note, I would add that if you have not finished puberty yet (reached early-mid 20s), I would avoid any suggestion of hormone fields (including Extreme Muscle Growth and HGH), and SARMs. On patreon there is a Myostatin field you can use in place of EMG until you are older (if you are in fact young).
You certainly will! All our best wishes and prayers are with you!!
Thank you Maoshan! I felt motivated reading your response, can’t wait to get back in the gym tomorrow! Whenever i listen to music I’m overwhelmed with energy and i need to blow some steam at the gym, so I’ve been fiending lol it’s been like 4 days and this pendant of magi isn’t helping haha
(Just finished beating a flu or something rather quickly thanks to sapien, today should be its last day!)
Oh wow! That’s awesome brother!
You gonna top bro.
Given the crazy no of fields you use. No doubt
Like wuming said, how old are you? Dreams Sarm audios work similar to the chemical form for me. I’ve tried a few different Sarms and am actually running testolone right now, I’m waiting for him to drop that field actually so i can switch over .