Suicide Prevention, Find Help Here!

“No one takes suicide threats serious, until it’s too late.”

The purpose of this thread is very simple, yet very important:

To help people who have suicide thoughts and who have no one else to speak to, to find this help and support here.

Please feel free to speak out here if you feel like you are your lowest point.
Speak out here and let us, the forum members, help you.

This does not mean that you have to be at the brink of suicide first before you can seek help here, no, it is important that you speak with us here as soon as possible.

This is a thread for those seeking help and who have no one to talk to.

CLICK on PLAY :play_or_pause_button: while reading on:

While I am an expert on the Life After Death topic, I am not a professional psychologist or psychotherapist or qualified professional for helping people who are at the risk of suicide. And while this forum community here can help, it is always of utmost importance that people who have suicide thoughts definitely instantly use the various suicide help telephone lines that are available in their country! Please always, ALWAYS, seek professional help as quickly as possible. This forum thread here can only act as an additional way for you where you can anonymously speak to people and find additional support.

If you feel like you are at your lowest point in life and completely hopeless – I feel you!
I have been there too.
My personal experience with this topic was many many years ago, when I was 16, and I would have killed myself, if not for an invisible force that has forcefully held me back in the last moment. These were my Spirit Guides and their intervention. In the next step they had pushed me to the local library to read books about Near Death Experiences. I had no one to talk to but reading these books gave me a bigger perspective on life and I was able to find a new purpose and faith in life again.

Besides talking to forum members here, there are additional important and helpful resources available in order to regain faith in life again:


Some key understandings about the eternal nature of life and consciousness:


For those interested in practical astral projection experience – aimed at expiriencing the bigger truth by yourself and finding a completely new perspective on life:


Fields to consider that may help quickly (not a complete list, just a few recommendations):

  • Any field that raises your vibration and removes bad influences:
    Raise Your Vibrational State
    Angelic Vibrations 2.0
    Attract More Love Into Your Life
    Voodoo Detangled
    Exorcism Rite 2.0
    Attract & Radiate Quantum Love Album (4 audios)
    Unconditional Love Infusion (The Flow Album)

  • Any field that works against depression and messed up neurochemistry:
    New Perspectives
    The Outlook Retrainer
    Dopamine Redux
    Alpha and Beta Endorphins

  • Any field that puts you brain into a more positive state:
    Litany Against Loneliness
    Positive Power Waves
    Emotional Release
    The Internal Alchemical Crucible
    Forgiveness and Release
    Regain your Innocence
    Inner self Critic to Inner Self Supporter
    Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love

  • Any field that works against existential fears:
    Amygdala Healing
    PTSD Help
    Stress and Anxiety by Manhattan
    Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0

  • Any field that will summon higher Beings to help and love you:
    Angelic Intercession
    Alien Intercession
    Higher Self Connection

  • Any field that will give you a bigger perspective:
    The Wisdom of The Dying
    Grief Loss Loneliness

  • Any field that will help you to accept and love yourself more and heal trauma:
    The Inner Pillar of Power
    The Archetype of Parental Love
    JAAJ’s Daily Self Love Stack


The Forum Members and Angels are here for you.


I remember you said you tried to commit suicide when you were young then your spiritual guides guided you to the library
then you found a book about astral projection and you started your first astral projection

it’s good to see you want to help people who have suicidal thoughts,just like your guides helped your younger self when you were young


It might be Offtopic and maybe it’s not the right thread to say this (or maybe it is), but there is a slower daily suicide, less abrupt, through self destructive patterns of all sorts, I mean, in a way huge swaths of people engage in it, even apathy is a symptom/example (we can say that every bad habit or state of mind is, in a way, a slow suicide).

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When i first saw this thread i liked it, and i thought it was very sweet and supportive.

But how is been developing is kinda triggering and not because ive been there, but i am sensing the stress and PTSD memories it can be causing to those that have been in these situations.

May i suggest to only post positive encouraging things?

Not discussing about it why this how that

People that might find themselves needing support and come check this thread hopping to feel uplited would be triggered and feel worse. 100% i am already feeling it in the collective and then theyll run away and this thread’s purpose would be defeated.

We gotta be really really careful what we say or share here.

It is a very serious topic.

This is not to discuss about suicide and dissect the reasons.

Its to offer support in crisis or recurrent thoughts about it!

And for those that ever need support, you can always comment as an anonymous member.



Yes, this is the main purpose.


What about New Perspectives ?

One of the best fields available imo


Thank you. Have added it at the top too.


Personal suggestions to live through suicidal thoughts:

  • Tuning in to one’s inner child, learning to love it and respect it, can help overcome many self-destructive patterns from my experience. Try to do things you once enjoyed, maybe get in contact with children. In my opinion, fields like Childlike Wonder could be a good addition for this purpose.

  • Grounding and reconnecting to nature might be helpful as well. Spend time outside, feel the sun, feel the wind, feel the rain, interact with pets or animals if you have the opportunity to. Learn to embrace yourself as a part of this bigger world and the fact that as such, you belong here :green_heart:

  • If you have loved ones you can surprise them with kind words or actions. It is always a pleasant thing to spread love and brings a sense of purpose.

  • If you are as desperate as to want to end it this means you may be ready to let go of a lot of concerns that burden you more than they serve you. You don’t have to care what others think. You are free, take advantage of this to bring positive change.

  • A good essay to read if you have existential concerns is The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus, which is available for free on the Internet. Very interesting perspective.

Just my personal opinion based on my own experience though, everyone is different. Listen to yourself.


Very good initiative @JAAJ

Some people don’t realize that they have to come right back to learn the same lesson(s) that they were suppose to learn on this short trip.


yea,it’s not that long actually
average human lifespan is not even 100 years
besides we spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping
+time we spend on eating and showering

  • time flies by faster as we get older

and we have infinite lifespan afterlife